NBA Live 10 News Post

The NBA Live 10 roster update is available now for the 2010-2011 NBA season. Please post your impressions here.

Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
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# 61 Behindshadows @ 10/23/10 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by louie dogs
nobody help me? i buy an used copy of this game e the dna code already used i can't download the update roster without a dna code?
same question every year...same answer every year...buy the game new or buy a code off of PSN or XBL...

Used copies can not get DNA Updates...it was free to people who bought the game new. EA pays for Synergy updates, and makes no money on used games sold. Buy new, get free stuff, buy used and pay the piper.
# 62 DirtyJerz32 @ 10/23/10 03:29 PM
So what's the general impressions of the update? This could be a fun pick and play game with my cousin who's not that good on the sticks. He said the other game was great but, to complicated ... Anyway, what do you guys think?
# 63 RayRay34 @ 10/23/10 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by DirtyJerz32
So what's the general impressions of the update? This could be a fun pick and play game with my cousin who's not that good on the sticks. He said the other game was great but, to complicated ... Anyway, what do you guys think?
For a fun game I play NBA Live 10, I like the controls better in Live, easier to execute dribble moves.
When i want my "sim" fix I play that other ga......Ahhh hell with it! I play 2k11, enough of this "other game" code crap! I'm not talking about 2K's game in here I'm just saying my opinions!
# 64 dickey1331 @ 10/23/10 06:12 PM
Thanks EA. Glad this came out as this will be my NBA fix for this year.
# 65 Evolved @ 10/24/10 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by Behindshadows
same question every year...same answer every year...buy the game new or buy a code off of PSN or XBL...

Used copies can not get DNA Updates...it was free to people who bought the game new. EA pays for Synergy updates, and makes no money on used games sold. Buy new, get free stuff, buy used and pay the piper.
You can get a new copy from Kmart for $20.
# 66 Jumpman232 @ 10/24/10 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by Behindshadows
same question every year...same answer every year...buy the game new or buy a code off of PSN or XBL...

Used copies can not get DNA Updates...it was free to people who bought the game new. EA pays for Synergy updates, and makes no money on used games sold. Buy new, get free stuff, buy used and pay the piper.
If you buy a used copy you can still get the new update without buying DNA
# 67 DirtyJerz32 @ 10/24/10 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by Jumpman232
If you buy a used copy you can still get the new update without buying DNA
Seriously? He just gave you the answer.
# 68 Tyrant8RDFL @ 10/24/10 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by RayRay34
For a fun game I play NBA Live 10, I like the controls better in Live, easier to execute dribble moves.
When i want my "sim" fix I play that other ga......Ahhh hell with it! I play 2k11, enough of this "other game" code crap! I'm not talking about 2K's game in here I'm just saying my opinions!
Im with you as far as executing dribbling moves so much easier on Live. 2k is solid but man there is so much you have to remember when it comes to dribbling the rock.
# 69 HoosierDaddy @ 10/25/10 08:34 PM
The March 31st place holder date, wasn't an official release date. Nothing has been announced regarding Elite's release.
# 70 sroz39 @ 10/27/10 07:43 AM
Just picked this up again after trading it in near the end of last year. Bought it new for pretty cheap ($30) so I didn't have to pay extra for the DNA. Sigh, this is a bittersweet update. Loved the gameplay last year and still do now, but it just kinda kicks me in the you-know-where's when I think about what Live 11 with Mike Wang at the helm would've been. I know others have mentioned this numerous times so it's kind of like beating a dead horse but it's such a strong, valid point it is worth repeating over and over. They had the foundation for a very special basketball game in Live 10.

Wish the following convo:

EA: Well, Mr. Wang, we only sold a little over a million copies with your game. We're going to change direction and have Dave Littman be the lead designer and change the name to Elite and have it play like the NHL series. We would love for you to stay on and work tedious code on the game though.

Mike: That's a terrible idea!

EA: We believe in Mr. Littman's idea and are going full speed ahead.

Mike: Peace!!!

....to look something more like this:

EA: Well, Mr. Wang, we only sold a little over a million copies with your game. We're going to change direction and have Dave Littman be the lead designer and change the name to Elite and have it play like the NHL series. We would love for you to stay on and work tedious code on the game though.

Mike: That's a terrible idea!

EA: You're right. Carry on as you were.

Sigh, one can dream, can't he? Anyways, great job on the update, EA. Appreciate it.
# 71 Wiffyjustus @ 10/27/10 08:27 AM
I wish Bogut never got injured too. Hope he gets back to his best, but when you bust up your shooting arm in one hundred different places like he did...

Same way I feel about Live/Elite at the moment. Hope they come back, but I have my doubts.

I'll be very happy to be proven wrong in both cases.
# 72 daniverson1973 @ 10/29/10 04:26 PM
anybody know/hear of when a player DNA update is coming out?
# 73 DirtyJerz32 @ 10/29/10 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by daniverson1973
anybody know/hear of when a player DNA update is coming out?

Is this what you're looking for?
# 74 dufflebagboi @ 10/30/10 10:07 AM
Are the Correct Coaches with the teams like Thibs with the Bulls and Vinny Del Negro with the Clippers?
# 75 daniverson1973 @ 10/30/10 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by DirtyJerz32

NA, im looking for an update of the update

i believe that thread is for live10 guys that dont have the dynamic dna code

im looking forward to the current dynamic online rosters being updated, there have been a lot player transactions since the first & only 2010-11 season update for live10
# 76 DirtyJerz32 @ 10/30/10 11:44 AM
Oh ok. My bad. I'm not sure when that will be. They did say sometime around the beginning of the season. I was thinking about picking this up as a second bball game. Still not sure, I may just wait til NBA Jam comes out though.

What are your thoughts on the updated rosters.
# 77 daniverson1973 @ 10/30/10 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by DirtyJerz32
Oh ok. My bad. I'm not sure when that will be. They did say sometime around the beginning of the season. I was thinking about picking this up as a second bball game. Still not sure, I may just wait til NBA Jam comes out though.

What are your thoughts on the updated rosters.
they are good, ea did a good job in a short amount of time
i dont enjoy live offine as much as online
and lately i have a hard time finding enough people online to play against
but i like the rosters, the rookies are decent, its definitely worth picking back up, you can get it preowned from GS for like 20-25$ now
# 78 Evolved @ 11/01/10 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by daniverson1973
they are good, ea did a good job in a short amount of time
i dont enjoy live offine as much as online
and lately i have a hard time finding enough people online to play against
but i like the rosters, the rookies are decent, its definitely worth picking back up, you can get it preowned from GS for like 20-25$ now
You can get it new at kmart for $20.
# 79 NotoriousReignz @ 11/01/10 01:48 PM
Wow I'm even more excited about this now, I had a lot of fun with Live 10 last year, can't wait to go home and download the update.
# 80 Mintsa @ 11/08/10 12:51 PM
For those with Live 10. Are people actually still online playing this game with the new rosters ?? If you go online is it hard to find a game (PS3) ??

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