Gran Turismo 5 News Post

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pointless unless it comes out of their mouth... everything else is Placeholder
# 3
King10Sooted @ 10/18/10 10:30 PM
I dont think anyone is going to believe any release date that anyone announces until we actually see a cashier selling someone the game lol.
# 4
mrjamierocks @ 10/19/10 12:39 AM
I don't know what eb games are like in other countries but in Australia if you preorder a game and it's late you get 30 bucks off, considering preorders for gran truism 5 would be enormous,putting the latest day you could would save them from losing a lot of money,although the current form of the release date,I'd be nervous putting Jan 1st 2011
# 5
EnigmaNemesis @ 10/19/10 01:26 AM
As others have said, placeholder.
No biggie though, so many games coming out anyhow. Not like it wont stop spinning on the PS3, of course in between sessions of The Show
No biggie though, so many games coming out anyhow. Not like it wont stop spinning on the PS3, of course in between sessions of The Show

i'd be shocked if they miss the holiday market (release prior to christmas). that being said, they have delayed this thing time and again, so...
# 8
King10Sooted @ 10/19/10 04:09 PM
Crap, I was hoping for this to be a Christmas gift considering LBP2 was already delayed till next year.
You can't even play 2 players offline! thats ********. all that work into the game and they don't even put offline muitiplayer into the game?? wtf?
According to Amazon:
Arcade Mode - Allows for single race functionality and 2-player battle.
Just like the past games, unless you have proof of a developer stating against this.
# 14
King10Sooted @ 10/20/10 06:25 PM
Question is, can you play two players online?
(Online) - 2-16 players
and I freaked out. Yeah, I think ur right. At least I hope so. Cuz i definitely would not buy the game if it didnt have offline multiplayer/ splitscreen.
Oh here it is...
From Gamestop.com:
# 20
CaptainZombie @ 10/29/10 09:05 AM
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