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# 1
Gotmadskillzson @ 09/30/10 11:41 AM
LOL I learned how to throw spinning back kicks and scissor leg takedowns and single leg takedowns last night.
# 3
23bluesman @ 09/30/10 12:08 PM
How is he able to deny a takedown attempt by just pushing off, and not always sprawling? I've never been able to do that in the demo..
# 4
Gotmadskillzson @ 09/30/10 12:28 PM
I've done it a few times, not with everybody though. So I think it might be tied into your discipline and ratings.
Press the deny extremely early and they do the knee to face push off.
Push it a tad bit later ends with you pushing them off
A little later than that ends with you in sprawl over them. but both on ground
# 6
Gotmadskillzson @ 09/30/10 12:56 PM
I even did a deny wizard spin toss with Mayhem last night. It was the craziest throw I ever seen. It was kind of like how on Undisputed 2010 you could under hook and toss people that shot in.
Only difference was Mayhem whole body did a 180 while he had Shields in the under hook and literally slammed him down.
Another time Shields had me in a body clinch and was trying to throw me, I countered him and judo tossed him. I must say I am having a blast playing with Mayhem, his darce choke from sprawl is SICK.
It actually looks like a darce choke, unlike what it looked like in Undisputed 2010, I don't know what the hell that was.
Only difference was Mayhem whole body did a 180 while he had Shields in the under hook and literally slammed him down.
Another time Shields had me in a body clinch and was trying to throw me, I countered him and judo tossed him. I must say I am having a blast playing with Mayhem, his darce choke from sprawl is SICK.
It actually looks like a darce choke, unlike what it looked like in Undisputed 2010, I don't know what the hell that was.
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