After a few weeks of playing in the EASHL, I must say that I am very happy with EA.
It seems like most of the cheesy goals from NHL 09 and NHL 10 have been fixed. No more is my team being pummeled by wraparounds and curve shots. Now, poor souls that go for toe drags are ending up on their butts. The loop glitch that was rampant in the spring months has not been noticeable in NHL 11. Self boarding while carrying the puck into the offensive zone (my personal cause of annoyance in NHL 10) is not beneficial anymore since checking someone who is boarding himself results in the check being changed into a boarding animation.
The only cheese that has been reported by the ever vigilant EASHL players is the difficulty in dealing with excessive dangling. A player equipped with nimble thumbs can easily deke and dangle his way from his own end to the slot and score -- checks and poke checks are generally rendered useless with a quick use of protect puck feature.
Read More - Dump N' Cheese: Pass the Cheese (or Not)