NHL 11 News Post

After a few weeks of playing in the EASHL, I must say that I am very happy with EA.

It seems like most of the cheesy goals from NHL 09 and NHL 10 have been fixed. No more is my team being pummeled by wraparounds and curve shots. Now, poor souls that go for toe drags are ending up on their butts. The loop glitch that was rampant in the spring months has not been noticeable in NHL 11. Self boarding while carrying the puck into the offensive zone (my personal cause of annoyance in NHL 10) is not beneficial anymore since checking someone who is boarding himself results in the check being changed into a boarding animation.

The only cheese that has been reported by the ever vigilant EASHL players is the difficulty in dealing with excessive dangling. A player equipped with nimble thumbs can easily deke and dangle his way from his own end to the slot and score -- checks and poke checks are generally rendered useless with a quick use of protect puck feature.

Read More - Dump N' Cheese: Pass the Cheese (or Not)

Game: NHL 11Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 36 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 addybojangles @ 09/30/10 12:35 PM
Yep, I am very happy with the attention that EA Sports is giving NHL this year.
# 2 murph17 @ 09/30/10 12:49 PM
I'm playing Halo and Dead Rising until the patch. With a little bit of HUT to get my hockey fix.
# 3 notoriouzwun @ 09/30/10 02:06 PM
I would agree most the blatant cheese is gone, toe drags are still there, just closer to the goalie normally coming from behind the goalie and across. I think the AI defenders are still a little useless to stop this so mostly on power plays is where we get caught. Short side non break aways with a little left-right stick deke action can catch the computer goalie for a short side goal almost every time. Had a guy literally do this 3 times...overall though happy to see the fixes. I think my only complaints are the defensive AI seems to play themselves out of position A LOT and the EASHL playoffs are waaaaay too long.
# 4 FBeaule04 @ 09/30/10 04:10 PM
Tuner 1.03 was scary, but 1.04 makes it back to normal as far as the glitching goes.

I'm pretty happy with the way NHL Dev. Team handled the issues that were causing a problem online last season.

While it's not perfect, things are getting better and that's a good thing.

I wouldn't go back to NHL 10 unless I was forced to.
# 5 kerosene31 @ 09/30/10 04:34 PM
It definitely is a huge improvement from NHL10. Those toe drag shots always got me so angry.
# 6 JaFFiTh @ 09/30/10 07:03 PM
Ehh.. no cheese goals? I strongly doubt it. There is one in the game as i went to practice and did the shot from the same area.. I would say 95% of the time it's a goal.. not too impressed.
# 7 LuGer33 @ 09/30/10 09:03 PM
pulling off a goal in practice mode on pro/normal over and over has nothing to do w/ online OTP
# 8 sinbin74 @ 09/30/10 11:28 PM
The boost glitch is pretty much all I'm unhappy about. HUGE improvement over 10.
# 9 milesizdead @ 10/01/10 05:28 AM
Yup, before release I was highly sceptical about HUT considering what a glitchfest versus games were in NHL10, now with highly reduced amount of cheese online HUT is a blast!!!
# 10 FBeaule04 @ 10/01/10 09:16 AM
I was pretty satisfied, like I said in my previous spot, until I got loop glitch twice last night.

Won't say EA is in fault, but there's people pretty serious about cheating in that game, and they find a new way.

When you have 2 hours to spend in hobbies in a night and you waist it because of cheaters, that's freaking annoying!
# 11 Redshirt_EA @ 10/01/10 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by FBeaule04
I was pretty satisfied, like I said in my previous spot, until I got loop glitch twice last night.

Won't say EA is in fault, but there's people pretty serious about cheating in that game, and they find a new way.

When you have 2 hours to spend in hobbies in a night and you waist it because of cheaters, that's freaking annoying!
If you remember the details of what happened please PM them to me.
# 12 FBeaule04 @ 10/01/10 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by Redshirt_EA
If you remember the details of what happened please PM them to me.
Message sent. I hope it was just bad luck last night, but I'm not believing in Santa anymore.

My impression is that someone find a way to make it work again this year because the process last night was really almost the same than in NHL 10.

Still, that game is rock solid. It's people playing online that make it a bad experience at times.
# 13 canucksss @ 10/01/10 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by FBeaule04

My impression is that someone find a way to make it work again this year because the process last night was really almost the same than in NHL 10.

Still, that game is rock solid. It's people playing online that make it a bad experience at times.
i agree in what u said 110%!

i dont know if EA could do something about it because they are doing a fantastic job to have all these glitches removed. but we will just boil down to individuals who, for whatever reason, would do EVERYTHING to cheat and win a VIDEO GAME. its just pathetic that people do this.
# 14 chrismckone @ 10/01/10 02:36 PM
awesome...AWESOME job EA! I also totally agree with the responses. People who have to cheat to just win a VIDEO GAME are complete morons. Especially when the games are 60-85 bucks a piece. You want replay value for these games and thats why sports gaming is so awesome.

Can anyone though, please send me a message with sliders that will make the game more realistic? Love playing atleast one season..but Im finding Im killing the AI. I also tweaked it to favor more the AI....but it on ALL-STAR, Im losing BIG TIME.
Just need a way to make the game more realistic! Ex: Shot mimic real NHL shots...teams that suck, really do suck...etc etc
Any help would be great! Thanks peeps
# 15 LanzeraND @ 10/02/10 12:39 PM
I do agree with the original post as well as all the others comments! EA has done a good job trying to solve some of the problems of years past. I have been on the failing end of EA's servers going down like last week on Monday around 11:00ish EST and receiving bad grades as well as a DISC club loss. I was on the verge of me legend card and it set me back another 10+ games. Gotta Love that!

Anyway, The short side shot glitch killed us in the playoffs, when we decided to take that away the team we were playing just beat the goalie going right to left and shoved it home. We have yet to find a good goalie, and to get us all on at the same time is difficult since we all work. It really sucks to have a team score 4 in the 1st and then you shut them out the rest of the game, they were still trying to do the same shots, but were being blocked and hit.

PLEASE EA keep working hard to make this game better. I love the game and the fixes will continue to keep me as well as others entertained for the coming months.
# 16 Juiceman612 @ 10/05/10 02:29 PM
Played a bunch of EASHL games last night and it's clear that MANY people are using the boost pack glitch. We played probably 5-6 games and it's drastically different this week than a couple weeks ago. Maybe bad luck on what team we drew, but when danglers are all over again and can check anyone they want without getting nudged when you check them...it's clear the boost pack glitch is in effect. Just my assumption.

I love NHL 11, but EASHL is really tiresome when 98% of teams are danglers who wear fluorescent pink, purple, or green jerseys and have black guys with blond dreads and use the slide celebration after their cheese goal. Our team isn't bad, we can stick with these cheesers, but we do lose more often because we can't contain the cheese all game and frankly who wants to? That's a boring brand of hockey. Fix the dangling already. It's very much still a part of the game.
# 17 shaunpatrick @ 10/05/10 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by Juiceman612
Played a bunch of EASHL games last night and it's clear that MANY people are using the boost pack glitch. We played probably 5-6 games and it's drastically different this week than a couple weeks ago. Maybe bad luck on what team we drew, but when danglers are all over again and can check anyone they want without getting nudged when you check them...it's clear the boost pack glitch is in effect. Just my assumption.

I love NHL 11, but EASHL is really tiresome when 98% of teams are danglers who wear fluorescent pink, purple, or green jerseys and have black guys with blond dreads and use the slide celebration after their cheese goal. Our team isn't bad, we can stick with these cheesers, but we do lose more often because we can't contain the cheese all game and frankly who wants to? That's a boring brand of hockey. Fix the dangling already. It's very much still a part of the game.
1. Dangler isn't a player type anymore
2. What does a team wearing pink, purple or green jerseys and a bunch of black guys with blonde dreads have to do with anything?

Other than that, I understand what you're talking about, and it's the reason I don't go online. I've seen too many people one man show from end to end and it's not really possible to stop them every single time, but the truth is, if this was real hockey, they'd be stopped nearly EVERY time.
# 18 Juiceman612 @ 10/05/10 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by shaunpatrick
1. Dangler isn't a player type anymore
2. What does a team wearing pink, purple or green jerseys and a bunch of black guys with blonde dreads have to do with anything?

Other than that, I understand what you're talking about, and it's the reason I don't go online. I've seen too many people one man show from end to end and it's not really possible to stop them every single time, but the truth is, if this was real hockey, they'd be stopped nearly EVERY time.
If you don't play online I'm not sure why you're even responding to my post. But I'll take the bait. Just because "Dangler" isn't a player type anymore does not mean people don't or can't sit and dangle the whole time. It happens just as much as it always has happened. The glitch goals are improved, but if those were still there I guarantee we'd all be seeing more threads on the annoyance of danglers. The fact that they have to actually get open to score now is why we don't hear quite as much, albeit we still hear plenty just not as much. To answer point 2: it has to do with annoying unrealistic hockey. On this forum more than any other people talk about realism and shoelace color, etc. I'm not that picky. However, that's what it has to do with "anything". It's not realistic at all. It's annoying and the fluorescent is actually hard on the eyes and takes getting used to - that's annoying. I don't care if that's fixed to be honest. It's more of a minor gripe and I was stereotyping the common cheese player.

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