NBA Live 10 News Post

As most expected, EA Sports will be offering roster updates for NBA Live 10. Yaw Obiri-Yeboah AKA blackflash83 has confirmed via his Twitter feed.

"No date for the first roster update for LIVE 10. I'm guessing it's the beginning of the season but don't hold me to that.

LIVE 10 will have updated rosters to reflect the upcoming season.

Right now LIVE 10 will be providing updates for the upcoming season for free."

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Member Comments
# 41 RayRay34 @ 09/29/10 12:08 PM
I got a message today from rEA ,he's not involved in the Live stuff , but he doesn't see any patches coming, that he knows of.
# 42 uponablackstar @ 09/29/10 03:10 PM
I don't think they are going to do anything to necessarily breathe new life into Live 10, as if it's an all new game. However, for the small amount of Live fans, I'm glad to hear that they'll at least get roster updates and DNA until we get more news about Elite. That alone has me interested in buying the game (used and very cheap though) again, just to have something to compliment 2k11.
# 43 Playmakers @ 09/29/10 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by BiggD
oooooooooh man, i could do some nice things with 200 cap space
Yeah they don't even have to release a roster update....

A patch with 200 Cap space would be awesome....then i said with 2K11 coming this game IMO would be awesome if we had the ability to just turn it into a Retro Live.

The schedules won't change and I don't think they'll have the new rookies included so why not make it Retro style
# 44 Hova57 @ 10/01/10 02:35 PM
just picked it back up so hopefully in a week or two we will get all the goods on the updates
# 45 23 @ 10/01/10 03:04 PM
EA is not going to pay for another patch for this game

I dont see a reason to pick it back up myself with a better alternative out there. The patch killed this game, DNA updates dont matter like they should and the AI is cheap
# 46 choy @ 10/01/10 06:10 PM
So no 2010-2011 calendar? That would probably be a dealbreaker for me. While I have a copy of the game and would love not having to spend $60 on a new game for the next season, I'm afraid the lack of an actual offering from EA would mean less online players on EA servers. I also haven't been playing a lot of off-line full-season games in the past but planned to this year. If I do end up picking up 2K11, I probably won't be playing Live 10 nor will I be anticipating Elite 11, no matter how good they get it to be by March.
# 47 daniverson1973 @ 10/02/10 11:24 AM
i am so perplexed

i LOVED Live10, best VG bb game ever IMO
i literally couldnt get enuf of it and it surpassed my liking for madden, but now i just DONT know what direction to take

i borrowed 2K10 from a friend and have been playing a lot, getting used to the controls, but its just not the same, the Live10 in-game graphics, and gameplay are superior to 2K10 IMO
of course, 2K presentation and commentary are very nice, and their in-game cut seens and end of game overview is sweet, but that gets old quick
its the gameplay that matters

to stay on point-----
i think this is a great idea, and coming from EA's prez, i'd imagine they'll follow through, just wish they could give a release date on the roster update for the 2010-2011 season
# 48 Earl1963 @ 10/02/10 12:57 PM
Just played my brother in Live10 and it's still as fun as it was on release day. I finally beat him after a 15 game losing streak against him. I will be buying 2k but Live has that a Live feeling that 2k is yet to capture. The crowd was going crazy in our game.

Can't wait for the new EA rosters.
# 49 daniverson1973 @ 10/02/10 03:19 PM
here we are 4 hours later, and I have Live10 in hand, just got from walfart for $29.96

Live10 was/is the best VG bball game ever, and i cannot wait for the 2010-2011 roster update!!!!!!!!
# 50 nron @ 10/02/10 04:51 PM
has anything been said, or even hinted about this yet?
# 51 Earl1963 @ 10/02/10 07:08 PM
From what I understand the rosters will be out at the beginning of the season. Hopefully we get new rosters in time for preseason.
# 52 Evolved @ 10/02/10 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by Earl1963
From what I understand the rosters will be out at the beginning of the season. Hopefully we get new rosters in time for preseason.
The rosters should be released when the game(elite) was scheduled to be released but it looks like that's not going to happen.

And that means 2k will have a month head start.
# 53 Mbalmer @ 10/03/10 10:34 PM
I wish the sim stats could be fixed. I would still buy the other game, but I would play this one alot too. I just can't play any more "play now" games with it because that is all I did for the last year.

Ability to play a shorter season would be awesome, but I know that isn't going to happen.
# 54 Hova57 @ 10/04/10 08:29 AM
does anyone know how the dna gonna work are they gonna release it without password or are you sol
# 55 tez326 @ 10/04/10 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by Hova57
does anyone know how the dna gonna work are they gonna release it without password or are you sol
ya its gonna be free
# 56 choy @ 10/04/10 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by Evolved
The rosters should be released when the game(elite) was scheduled to be released but it looks like that's not going to happen.

And that means 2k will have a month head start.
This is a bad move. They should have started up****** last week after the announcement. If they did, Live10 players like me would have started playing and possibly not pick up 2K11. This means there's still a possibility we'd buy Elite 11 if and when it comes out.

But with this delay and 2K11 coming out tomorrow? Its the death of the EA franchise. Most of have been clinging for some hope from EA this season would have not resisted the urge to switch to 2K in the coming days/weeks. And many of those who make the switch may not buy Elite 11. Maybe not another EA NBA title.
# 57 Earl1963 @ 10/04/10 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by choy
This is a bad move. They should have started up****** last week after the announcement. If they did, Live10 players like me would have started playing and possibly not pick up 2K11. This means there's still a possibility we'd buy Elite 11 if and when it comes out.

But with this delay and 2K11 coming out tomorrow? Its the death of the EA franchise. Most of have been clinging for some hope from EA this season would have not resisted the urge to switch to 2K in the coming days/weeks. And many of those who make the switch may not buy Elite 11. Maybe not another EA NBA title.
That makes me sad, the possibility of no more Live hoop.
# 58 daniverson1973 @ 10/05/10 01:51 PM
I love NBA Live and i hope they get the roster out ASAP
i got 2K11 at midnight this morning, and its not a bad consolation with the elite delay/cancellation
i just hope the patches & roster refresh for the 2010-11 season is solid, cuz this 2k game isnt half bad man (no disrepect to live guys and this thread)
i only bought the game cuz i was so hyped about elite and had the money set aside for it, but now i have both 2k11 and live10 so i guess im good now
# 59 louie dogs @ 10/18/10 05:31 PM
Everyone has been asking what exactly can we expect to see with the NBA LIVE 10 update that was announced? This blog is here to give you all the info that you wanted. NBA LIVE 10 is here for the 2010-2011 season and the game will provide for free updates throughout the entire NBA season. Here’s a list of everything that you can expect to see with the roster update that will be going out on the morning of Wednesday October 20th:

- All rosters have been updated to reflect the 2010-2011 NBA season

- The 2010-2011 rookie class has been included in the update

- There will be DNA Updates throughout the NBA Regular season. Expect the first update to arrive two to three weeks after the NBA regular season begins

- All the player ratings have been updated

There are a few important notes that you should all be aware of regarding the NBA LIVE 10 Update:

- The new rookie class will not have cyber faces included in the update

- Rosters may not be 100% accurate with the first update due to NBA teams not having their rosters locked to 15 players. The rosters will be updated again to reflect the final selections made before the regular season begins.

- Jerseys will not be updated to reflect the 2010-2011 NBA season

- Stadiums will not be updated

- Player shoes have not been updated and there will be no shoe updates coming with NBA LIVE 10 this year.

- There are no scheduled gameplay updates included with the roster update

- Dynamic Season will not be updated

- NBA ELITE commentary will not be incorporated into the update.
ps. i don't have the dna code i can downloand roster?
# 60 phazed @ 10/19/10 09:08 PM
at least you live fans have something to look foreward to lol

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