EA Sports MMA News Post
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# 3
ManiacMatt1782 @ 09/27/10 07:31 PM
well they know they don't have the advantage they do in football by having the top most well known league/organization. So they better 1 put out a damn good product and 2, market the hell out of it so people know about it. they cant mail it in like another development team at ea does or else they would fail and fail hard without having an exclusive to fall back on.
Quote of the month
"Be sure to take it easy on the sticks though, there's no need to give your controller a shine"
"Be sure to take it easy on the sticks though, there's no need to give your controller a shine"

# 6
sportznut02 @ 09/27/10 09:52 PM
I can't wait to give this a go tomorrow, hopefully this game will fill the void that Undisputed 2010 left.
# 10
yellowboy91 @ 09/28/10 12:47 AM
# 12
Greene_Flash03 @ 09/28/10 04:57 AM
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