NHL 11 News Post

For someone who plays video games, there's nothing out there that compares to finally getting the game you have been anticipating for months. It's like Christmas morning, but maybe even better because there's no chance of getting coal or tube socks.

It was Christmas last week for us Europeans, and yes, I must confess that I was outside the gaming store before it opened, anxiously awaiting the exact moment the store would open. No more than 30 minutes later, I was already home installing the game and having breakfast -- well, gulping down some leftovers. As I was told in the army: "Eating is not a culinary pleasure, it is a bodily function." This is even more true when you have more important things to do.

Before I could even say heartburn, I was tinkering with my Be a Pro (BaP) character, trying to choose the right player type for my D-man and pondering whether or not I should buy some boosts or unlock them by playing. Looking through the requirements for the boosts, I decided on playing. Last year you had to spend a lot of time playing offline if you were not ready to spend a little extra money on your character, but this year boosts are easier to unlock while playing online.

Read More - Dump N' Cheese: EASHL 11 Impressions from Abroad

Game: NHL 11Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 36 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 addybojangles @ 09/22/10 01:16 PM
I can't stand how lightning-fast EASHL is. I went from playing offline Ultimate Team to playing EASHL with some mates and it's like turbo arcade hockey. No bueno!

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