Gran Turismo 5 News Post

Game: Gran Turismo 5Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes for game: 16 - View All
Gran Turismo 5 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 jms493 @ 09/20/10 11:18 AM
Well the black top is blacker and the trees are greener in GT5........thats about all I see.
# 2 NELL86 @ 09/20/10 11:47 AM
Im go wit gt5
# 3 cmc1296 @ 09/20/10 11:57 AM
ima say GT5 the colors stand out more
# 4 yellowboy91 @ 09/20/10 12:01 PM
gt5 4 the win
# 5 bkfount @ 09/20/10 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by jms493
Well the black top is blacker and the trees are greener in GT5........thats about all I see.
eh, it's also a youtube video.

GT5 will be the better game, in virtually every area, but it should be. It's had like twice the dev time and a larger $60+ million dollar budget.
# 6 Dazraz @ 09/20/10 01:59 PM
The GT5 car looks alot more detailed & defined. As for the track detail the differences are marginal.
# 7 forensicd @ 09/20/10 02:24 PM
Well, to me there are few differences. GTs color looks fake, trees bright green, etc. But the huge difference is the FORZA actually gets released and I have been playing it for a year now! Forza 4 will be here before gt is.
# 8 Whitesox @ 09/20/10 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by forensicd
Well, to me there are few differences. GTs color looks fake, trees bright green, etc. But the huge difference is the FORZA actually gets released and I have been playing it for a year now! Forza 4 will be here before gt is.
Hey look, it's that obligatory comment! Seriously, it was old after the second time someone said it.
# 9 Behindshadows @ 09/20/10 03:32 PM
Yeah that is a weak comparison...only thing I really see is GT5 has super green environment and reflective cars. But they've been working on it for 4 years plus, compared to Forza's year and a half cycle.

Too me this comparison would be fair if they had the same time to design. But even in this video. Looks like he Dulled Forza down, because it doesn't look that bland on my TV.
# 10 forensicd @ 09/20/10 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by Whitesox
Hey look, it's that obligatory comment! Seriously, it was old after the second time someone said it.
But you must admit it is beyond absurd what they have put us through. I went out and bought a g25 wheel for the basis alone of playing GT, and while I have had fun with the other racing ames, and soon f1, GT keeps on getting delayed. I have the ps3 for 2 games, the show and GT, but now all i have is the show as GT Prologues fun lasted a week or so. I cant wait for GT, and the game does look great, but the wait has diminished my anticipation to a degree im no longer counting on the upcoming release. And when he said they have already begun working on GT6 it blew my mind, as we are still a long time from gt 5 coming out. Forza has been every inch as good as GT and with 1/6th the wait time.
# 11 Whitesox @ 09/20/10 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by forensicd
But you must admit it is beyond absurd what they have put us through. I went out and bought a g25 wheel for the basis alone of playing GT, and while I have had fun with the other racing ames, and soon f1, GT keeps on getting delayed. I have the ps3 for 2 games, the show and GT, but now all i have is the show as GT Prologues fun lasted a week or so. I cant wait for GT, and the game does look great, but the wait has diminished my anticipation to a degree im no longer counting on the upcoming release. And when he said they have already begun working on GT6 it blew my mind, as we are still a long time from gt 5 coming out. Forza has been every inch as good as GT and with 1/6th the wait time.
Unless you have an advanced copy, then I can't see how you definitively say that Forza is as good as GT5.
# 12 NINJAK2 @ 09/20/10 04:09 PM
GT certainly looked more colorful but I don't think Forza embarrased itself at all in that comparison.
# 13 VladCanada @ 09/20/10 05:27 PM
This video made me realize I don't have to buy GT5. Forza can provide me with my car racing action until the next Forza comes out or when GT5 comes down in price.
# 14 lnin0 @ 09/20/10 07:15 PM
Forza 3 using adjusted (maybe 90°) cockpit view. Default is much closer to GT5.

Both in-car views are put to shame by NFS Shift, DiRT and GRID.

Forza colors look under saturated while GT5s over saturated.

Forza has a green suggested line; GT5 has a blue one.

Both titles seem to feature very non-bumpy tracks.

Based on how he weaves through traffic GT5 is set to easy/no sim/no damage?

One works on the 360; one on the PS3.

In the end is there really much difference. Two clinical sim engines trapped in a collect-a-car, hot-lap, arcade-ladder game with AI set to sleep walk. Sure, one may have night and rain and one may have a big MS Paint swap shop but both lack a real race pedigree.
# 15 CarolinaBlue704 @ 09/20/10 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by forensicd
Well, to me there are few differences. GTs color looks fake, trees bright green, etc. But the huge difference is the FORZA actually gets released and I have been playing it for a year now! Forza 4 will be here before gt is.
Originally Posted by forensicd
But you must admit it is beyond absurd what they have put us through. I went out and bought a g25 wheel for the basis alone of playing GT, and while I have had fun with the other racing ames, and soon f1, GT keeps on getting delayed. I have the ps3 for 2 games, the show and GT, but now all i have is the show as GT Prologues fun lasted a week or so. I cant wait for GT, and the game does look great, but the wait has diminished my anticipation to a degree im no longer counting on the upcoming release. And when he said they have already begun working on GT6 it blew my mind, as we are still a long time from gt 5 coming out. Forza has been every inch as good as GT and with 1/6th the wait time.
What are you talking about? GT5 comes out November, 2nd...

As for the people who are talking about the long development time, just look at all the features that will be in GT5. When GT5 comes it will be one of the most feature-rich games on the market. Yeah, it has been frustrating at times waiting on GT5. But come November, 2nd, I'm confident the wait will have been worth it.

Also, you have to realize that Gran Turismo is Sony's highest selling franchise of all-time (over 55 million copies sold). GT5:Prologue sold over 4 million copies alone....And it had 5 tracks & 70 cars. Meaning GT5 is VERY important to Sony. So they want the game done right. GT5 in its current state would not be possible without a long development cycle.

As for the video, I think it's ridiculous. Wait 'til November to make a comparison between the two games.
# 16 DickDalewood @ 09/21/10 12:33 AM
We've all seen the high def pics of what this game will look like when it's on our TVs. I can't believe this is being argued based on a ****ty youtube video, lol.
# 17 forensicd @ 09/21/10 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by CarolinaBlue704
What are you talking about? GT5 comes out November, 2nd...
Kazunori Yamauchi has already stated this is not a definite release date. But thats beside the point. The point of this discussion, and I got off track, was GT vs Forza. Forza has proven its every bit as capable as GT, and the racing mechanics have been better then GT, maybe not driving mechanics, but racing. Car collecting is much better in GT, but most prefer racing vs collecting. All I can compare is GT Prol., which was lifeless, so we can only make comparisons when GT comes out. A youtube video is too hard to tell.
# 18 NINJAK2 @ 09/21/10 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by lnin0
Forza 3 using adjusted (maybe 90°) cockpit view. Default is much closer to GT5.

Both in-car views are put to shame by NFS Shift, DiRT and GRID.

Forza colors look under saturated while GT5s over saturated.

Forza has a green suggested line; GT5 has a blue one.

Both titles seem to feature very non-bumpy tracks.

Based on how he weaves through traffic GT5 is set to easy/no sim/no damage?

One works on the 360; one on the PS3.

In the end is there really much difference. Two clinical sim engines trapped in a collect-a-car, hot-lap, arcade-ladder game with AI set to sleep walk. Sure, one may have night and rain and one may have a big MS Paint swap shop but both lack a real race pedigree.
Got to agree with the bold strongly. I may even put pgr3/4 cockpits ahead of both as well.
# 19 Behindshadows @ 09/27/10 09:47 AM
Okay after today, I realized that none of the videos are being honest with people...

If you have a local Best Buy in your area...go play the demo....that's all I got to say about it.....So disappointed....

Just go play the actual demo...because screenshots and mocked up videos of how this game looks during actual gameplay are just misleading.
# 20 Flawless @ 09/27/10 06:18 PM
So, it doesn't look as good as the super-sampled PR shots or trailers outside of replays and photo mode? While GT has been one of the worst offenders the games still look really great. This isn't exclusive to the series either, you see it a lot, especially this generation with shots sporting AA levels that are well beyond the capabilities of the consoles.

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