EA Sports MMA News Post
EA Sports MMA Videos
Member Comments
I am excited. Does not look the most realistic, but boy it looks fun to play.
It will be nice to play the demo and get a feel for some things. It looks like there is a stun state like FN4 did. I'm not too crazy about that if the person doing the stunning isn't able to pursue. Man, just thinking of how that was in FN4 frustrates me. You should be able to pounce someone if they are truly stunned.
The most glaring issue I see without playing the game is the footwork. There is a lot of sliding and instances where movement looks awkward. If you look at that first big punch, the fighter literally slides into it and he moves forward too quickly from the position he is in.
The most glaring issue I see without playing the game is the footwork. There is a lot of sliding and instances where movement looks awkward. If you look at that first big punch, the fighter literally slides into it and he moves forward too quickly from the position he is in.
I am going into EA MMA with a much looser "want" out of it. I am not going to nit pick all the realism factors of it as much. To some degree I still will if it is far out of the realm of realism or if it effects gameplay negatively. Outside of that, I am going into EA MMA just looking to have a blast fighting people in a chess like game. I hope it lives up to the chess like approach, because judging by what the Devs have been saying. This is a big goal of theirs. Even mentioning we won't see super CAF like in UFC 10.
I just want to have fun playing EA MMA is all

# 5
Mossfan8480 @ 09/17/10 04:30 PM
However, other videos of EA MMA have shown many instances where a "stun" state is triggered via a hard punch/kick, and the attacking fighter is able to pounce on the "stunned" fighter and inflict more damage in attempt to stop the fight and win via TKO.
As for the footwork, it is a side effect of EA MMA using the Fight Night Round 4 engine as a foundation for the game. If you watch any videos of Fight Night Round 4, you'll see a similar sliding of the feet.
Another thing I think attributes tot he sliding feel is the camera zooming and shifting. That tends to give a slide feel when no sliding is occurring.
# 7
23bluesman @ 09/18/10 12:59 AM
Loving the effects of those leg kicks! You can see Sapp's leg start to limp.
Hopefully fighters will be less successful in attempting/defending takedowns when their leg is badly damaged.
Hopefully fighters will be less successful in attempting/defending takedowns when their leg is badly damaged.
KO by the back of the head punch... LOL! And man, the announcer was not excited at all..... end sarcasm. Great atmosphere in this game. Awesome looking so far.
I think EA have gone for a more relaxed attitude to MMA as opposed to ultra realism. For me it will come down to how the ground game works. I hate the ground game on UFC. The controls are awkward. Looking forward to the demo.
Hmm. Didn't like the footage here. I've liked some of the past footage but, eh, demo on the 28th. I hope that HUD can be POOF POOWWWED. Bothers me and I will gladly remove it in the options.
# 11
Blak_Baki_Hanma @ 09/18/10 06:48 AM
Looked cheap from what I saw on the vid... very rock em sock em robotic.
I would to to see the acrobatics of the lower weight classes before passing judgment.
I would to to see the acrobatics of the lower weight classes before passing judgment.

I really can't wait for you guys to get your hands on the game.. Especially if you are a fan of the actual sport. There are no gimmicks in this game, it's about knowing what to do in a real fight, knowing the real risk/reward of every move or angle. What is the right strike at the right time, right defense at the right time, right position in the ring, when strike when to takedown when to pass when to submit. It's not about complicated control schemes and rock paper scissor gimmicks or random dice rolls, it's about YOU doing the right thing (which we don't stop you from doing with poor response or complicated memorization of controls).
I have never been more excited about a game I worked on than I am about this one.
(edit: The flash KO was because Sylvia was caught with a huge overhand right while in the process of winding up a huge opposite hand strike and was hit at almost exactly the most vulnerable moment
also, the Framerate of this video capture/playback is no where near 60, which is what the game runs at, it looks WAY smoother than this
and yes, you can do whatever you want to the HUD, full/dynamic/gone).
# 14
Anaxamander @ 09/18/10 11:49 AM
Anim8or, is there a replay saving system implemented in EA MMA? Will we be able to upload to EA Sports World like most other EA titles? That's one aspect that UFC has completely ignored in their games.
# 15
aholbert32 @ 09/18/10 12:40 PM
I just dont get what everybody is so excited about. The striking looks awkward and almost like they are jumping into their punches. In every video I've seen, there have been constant reversals on the ground which isnt the least bit realistic. Sylvia and Sapp shouldnt be trading reversals like that. I really like the submission system but thats about it.
I really can't stand that punching animation at 49 seconds in. Something about it really annoys the crap out of me. I did like the video for the most part, enjoyed the leg kicks. Foot work is a little better. I'm just hoping this gets decent support from EA and by that I mean that if there are major issues and with EA games lets not kid ourselves even their major sports releases have had some nasty issues. That they'll fix anything reasonable that needs it with a patch. DLC would be nice but I mean with facebuilder we should be able to put anyone in the game we want.
Anim8or can you tell me if you can edit ratings of people already in the game?
Anim8or can you tell me if you can edit ratings of people already in the game?
# 17
Gotmadskillzson @ 09/18/10 01:15 PM
Loving the leg kicks. Now if the ground game is good too, I will be playing this game all the time.
# 18
Mossfan8480 @ 09/18/10 01:24 PM
There was no trading of reversals in the above video, only Sylvia's one sweep from full guard to half guard at the 1:30 mark. Maybe the reversal fest that was the Overeem vs. Lashley video has conditioned you to see it so?
By the way, in case you missed it, EAMMA Animation Director, Simon Sherr, had this to say regarding reversals:
# 19
The Yurpman @ 09/18/10 03:10 PM
Meh, it looked alright. As long as the online aspect is better then UFC's online (which shouldn't be hard to do, especially since EA is usually good with online) I'll probably buy this.
As another poster said, it looks very much like rock-em sock-em robot type of fighting. Not very "fluid" at all. The commentary is absolutely garbage as well compared to UFC.
We'll just have to see how this one turns out.
As another poster said, it looks very much like rock-em sock-em robot type of fighting. Not very "fluid" at all. The commentary is absolutely garbage as well compared to UFC.
We'll just have to see how this one turns out.
# 20
shadthedad @ 09/19/10 01:28 PM
It looks good enough to buy. I will wait for it to go on sale for 39.99 during the Thanksgiving week.
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