NHL 11 News Post

Hello everyone, it's good to once again contribute another edition of Pucking Ridiculous (The OBG Chronicles). I'm relieved to say that I've recently recovered from the NHL 11 Flu as the long awaited cure, NHL 11, has at last graced the tray of my 360. Even to this dedicated audience of NHL gamers, I'm almost embarrassed to admit I played the game for eight hours on release night and feared that my recently repaired Xbox would not survive the session.

NHL 11, although far from perfect, is a great game. Like many of you, I'm still searching for the right sliders, and I'm glad to say that I think I've come close to finding the right set for me. It's an arduous process, no doubt.

Before I risk losing your attention, let me get to the point.

In the weeks heading up to release, I spent a lot of time on YouTube and the OS forums reading impressions and watching clips from the NHL 11 demo as I was without an Xbox until September. My findings were surprising as I found many non-traditional hockey fans not only playing the game, but making videos for YouTube. I was grateful for their new interest in the sport and astonished to witness a video game have such an impact on those who not only were calling the puck a ball, but also stating that they had no previous NHL knowledge to draw from.

Read More - Pucking Ridiculous: The Gospel of NHL 11

Game: NHL 11Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 36 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 PhillsPhan26 @ 09/17/10 02:52 PM
You gonna post you sliders?
# 2 onlybygrace @ 09/17/10 04:16 PM
# 3 Mikey88 @ 09/17/10 04:23 PM
good stuff! i've been tweaking here and there for 1 week now and still cant seem to find a good balance. You on all-star?
# 4 onlybygrace @ 09/17/10 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by Mikey88
good stuff! i've been tweaking here and there for 1 week now and still cant seem to find a good balance. You on all-star?

Yup...I'll post them tonight in the slider section.
# 5 sroz39 @ 09/17/10 04:48 PM
Great to hear from some of the newer hockey fans on these forums. Welcome, guys. I have my own little confession to make, which may surprise some of you based on my (usually overly-lengthy and minutely detailed) posts: I'm somewhere between a casual and hardcore follower of the sport! I don't really watch much hockey other than Saturday night Leaf games (sometimes the game that follows, if Calgary is playing) and the odd playoff game. In fact, I much prefer watching football, basketball, baseball and even golf before I watch hockey. However, this (and The Show) is the best sports video game out there, year in year out. Its fantastic and it gets better every year.

I do consider myself a pretty knowledgable hockey fan though, especially since 20 of the first 30 minutes of any sports highlight show here in Toronto is hockey highlights and analysis. It can get a bit much, but it is Canada after all. Its a great sport that really translates well in video game form and its great to see some new fans enjoy it, some simply because they tried an NHL game.
# 6 Vikes1 @ 09/17/10 06:20 PM
I'm a fairly big hockey fan, with being born and raised in northern Minnesota. You couldn't escape the sport up here if ya wanted to.

But the last hockey video game I bought was Blades of steel. Fun game by the way. But anyway...that was until my son bought me NHL '08'. And I've been hooked ever since!

Like the article says...hockey translates well in video games...and I agree. It's nearly non stop action, and a blast, and a very rewarding game to play, imo. Other sports games I've gotten bored me within a matter of a few weeks. Whereas with NHL...I'll play it from release to release.
# 7 PhillsPhan26 @ 09/17/10 07:01 PM
Cool, thanks.
# 8 PhillsPhan26 @ 09/17/10 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by Vikes1
I'm a fairly big hockey fan, with being born and raised in northern Minnesota. You couldn't escape the sport up here if ya wanted to.

But the last hockey video game I bought was Blades of steel. Fun game by the way. But anyway...that was until my son bought me NHL '08'. And I've been hooked ever since!

Like the article says...hockey translates well in video games...and I agree. It's nearly non stop action, and a blast, and a very rewarding game to play, imo. Other sports games I've gotten bored me within a matter of a few weeks. Whereas with NHL...I'll play it from release to release.
I agree with everything you said here. I have a love affair with hockey (the sport and video game) that alot of my friends dont understand.
# 9 Dazraz @ 09/18/10 02:45 AM
I'm still playing around with the sliders. What I have settled so far is to put all penalty sliders to maximum & aggressiveness to maximum for both the player & AI. This way you get a reasonably realistic number of penalties called per game. I've put the injuries slider to max also but so far it seems it only affects the injury frequency in played games & not simmed games.
# 10 cepwin @ 09/18/10 09:14 AM
I enjoyed the article! I followed hockey in High School as we went to a number of Islanders games (this was so long ago that the one negative of going to the games was your clothes had to go strait into the wash afterwards because they still allowed smoking in Nassau Coliseum..ick!!) I didn't follow much afterwards until I tried NHL 10 and bought the game. Followed the league and played a little last year but with NHL 11 and the fact I'm not playing in a time consuming Madden league I suspect I'll play NHL 11 a lot more (and following hockey more too.) Personally I played my first two on-line matches last night and while I lost both I never felt I was being blown away as my attempts at on-line Madden. Two other things I loved was the fact I felt I was always in the thick of battling for the puck and that the games are fast...30 minutes or less.

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