Hello everyone, it's good to once again contribute another edition of Pucking Ridiculous (The OBG Chronicles). I'm relieved to say that I've recently recovered from the NHL 11 Flu as the long awaited cure, NHL 11, has at last graced the tray of my 360. Even to this dedicated audience of NHL gamers, I'm almost embarrassed to admit I played the game for eight hours on release night and feared that my recently repaired Xbox would not survive the session.
NHL 11, although far from perfect, is a great game. Like many of you, I'm still searching for the right sliders, and I'm glad to say that I think I've come close to finding the right set for me. It's an arduous process, no doubt.
Before I risk losing your attention, let me get to the point.
In the weeks heading up to release, I spent a lot of time on YouTube and the OS forums reading impressions and watching clips from the NHL 11 demo as I was without an Xbox until September. My findings were surprising as I found many non-traditional hockey fans not only playing the game, but making videos for YouTube. I was grateful for their new interest in the sport and astonished to witness a video game have such an impact on those who not only were calling the puck a ball, but also stating that they had no previous NHL knowledge to draw from.
Read More - Pucking Ridiculous: The Gospel of NHL 11