You would be hard pressed to find someone who knows anything about hockey who would also be willing to argue that we're not in a golden age of EA NHL games. By nearly universal accounts, we are enjoying a series that is technically innovative and superior to the efforts of old. NHL 11, which released last Tuesday, brings to the table a finely tuned physics engine and enough new features to keep the avid puck fan salivating.
To understand and fully appreciate how we got here though, one has to look back on the legacy of the NHL franchise.
My experience with video game hockey goes all the way back to the original Nintendo-era game Hockey. Any gamer worth his/her salt -- and over the age of 25 -- is no doubt fully aware of this game. It was clunky, a little strange, but all in all, surprisingly compelling. But, in the end, its version of virtual hockey was lacking as a whole.
Read More - Out of Bounds: NHL 95/96 and the Trappings of Old