To be completely honest, I don’t follow hockey as much as I used to. I was a big Flyers fan during the Legion of Doom era, and I have to admit that The Mighty Ducks movies are a big time guilty pleasure. But following the lockout of 2005, my waning interest finally disappeared.
I only mention this because, despite my strenuous relationship with the NHL, my interest in hockey games never faded. From middle-school marathons of NHLPA '93 to NHL Hitz 2000-03 to the revamp of the NHL franchise, ice hockey games have been a consistent source of enjoyment for me.
Which leads me to the review of NHL 11, which is ultimately a refined production of NHL 10. This is by no means a bad thing, as NHL 10 was a great game, and NHL 11 is even better. It’s just that the changes made can seem slight, especially if you, like me, are not an intense hockey fan. Does this mean NHL 11 doesn’t warrant a purchase? Not really...
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