NBA Elite 11 News Post

NBA Elite 11 Videos
Member Comments
# 1
MarvellousOne @ 09/03/10 10:34 AM
See I really like there become legendary mode it seems to be really solid. I am going to have to give the demo a try
# 2
COACH WEBB @ 09/03/10 10:40 AM
Man, I can't view the video at work. If someone puts it on YOUTUBE, please post the link in this thread.
# 3
MarvellousOne @ 09/03/10 10:48 AM
here you go man
The first gameplay clip in this at about :40 - the jumpshot arch and net animations are waaaaay better than the Knicks/Bucks and Pistons/Thunder videos. Visuals looked better too thanks to the higher quality of the video..
And I couldn't understand a word Gerald Wallace said.
And I couldn't understand a word Gerald Wallace said.

Become Legendary looks pretty good. I'd like it if you could bring that player online in the EASBA instead of two separate players.
lol @ the ref strafing the sideline on the fastbreak.
And yeah, Wallace struggled to get his point out lol.
lol @ the ref strafing the sideline on the fastbreak.
And yeah, Wallace struggled to get his point out lol.
# 6
MarvellousOne @ 09/03/10 10:53 AM

# 7
Behindshadows @ 09/03/10 10:54 AM
Graphics are still not that great, but I love the jumpshot animation in that video..
# 9
HoosierDaddy @ 09/03/10 11:06 AM
watch the video at 1:35-1:45.. doesn't it seem like the colors "pop" a lot more and resembles more of Live 10. Totally different than what the 2 gameplay videos show. Interesting.
^ Yeah mos def, HD. Those clips look a lot more like Live 10 than the two gameplay vids.
When will you guys finally lower Kobe's dunking? He does not dunk like that anymore. He should be around 70-75 dunking.
1 positive..... EA sports makes a really really good menu hub.
1 negative.... how is a guy who is rated 70 overall suppose to outperform someone like Kevin Durant? Thats like telling Mickael Pietrius to outplay Dwyane Wade. I think that should be more realistic. This is sounding like it's a game mode all about getting great individual numbers more than it is about teamplay. How does "Your Legend" uproot B. Roy from the starting rotation???
On the other hand the menu system is really nice.....
1 negative.... how is a guy who is rated 70 overall suppose to outperform someone like Kevin Durant? Thats like telling Mickael Pietrius to outplay Dwyane Wade. I think that should be more realistic. This is sounding like it's a game mode all about getting great individual numbers more than it is about teamplay. How does "Your Legend" uproot B. Roy from the starting rotation???
On the other hand the menu system is really nice.....
# 13
turftickler @ 09/03/10 12:38 PM
# 18
HoosierDaddy @ 09/03/10 02:31 PM
Jumpshots are inconsistent and it's because of the signature shots. The Wilson Chandler jumpshot looked good in the gameplay video, Durant and Villanueva's look decent. Most of the others just look odd.
And you are thinking about numbers. Out performing another player does not necessarily mean who scored the most points. Some games in the playoff when nate robinson came off the bench he out performerd rondo but did not have more points then him.
I mean jordan had to out perfom magic and everyone else as a rookie to be the best didnt he.
To say they work day in and day out means that they should let you practice then huh? Then you would get bored with that
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