Gran Turismo 5 News Post

According to Joystiq, Gran Turismo 5 has an optional 10GB install.

"Yesterday, while answering Gran Turismo 5 fans' questions via his Twitter feed, series creator Kazunori Yamauchi made a fairly startling announcement. Though the game will only require a 256MB pseudo-install on the PS3 hard drive in order to be playable, Yamauchi suggests players reserve 10GB of HDD space for the smoothest possible gameplay experience."

Game: Gran Turismo 5Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes for game: 16 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 ChubbyBanana @ 08/29/10 07:41 PM
Finally I'll have a use for the remaining 100GB on my HD.

Don't see this as a bad thing, unless of course you're running outta space on a 40gb.
# 2 Section_25 @ 08/29/10 10:25 PM
I upgraded my PS3 to a 640GB about a year ago. I think I have around 500GB left. I don't think I'll have a problem installing it.
# 3 mikenoob @ 08/29/10 10:53 PM
Oh great, I'm on a 60GB with 12 GB left. Of course, I'm also getting other games before GT5 comes out.
# 4 bcruise @ 08/30/10 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by mikenoob
Oh great, I'm on a 60GB with 12 GB left. Of course, I'm also getting other games before GT5 comes out.
Yeah, it's going to crunch my 60 GB too. Probably have to delete the installs from some older games to make it fit.

I want to see if it's playable with the minimum install though first.
# 5 LingeringRegime @ 08/30/10 09:58 AM
I was afraid something like this would happen.
# 6 DickDalewood @ 08/30/10 10:29 AM
Fine with me, I've got like 90GB available.
# 7 RajonMoneyRondo @ 08/30/10 10:31 AM
mannnnnnnnn , ive got the 40gb with play tv ...... no room for nothing
# 8 TheLifeOfSteve @ 08/30/10 10:31 AM
Im all for it, if it makes this game run smooth as butter! Wow I can't wait for this game to FINALLY come out.
# 9 seeuatthemovies @ 08/30/10 05:42 PM
Given Gran Turismo's history, this has to be worth it, but I agree, it's a huge chunk for any hard drive less than 100GB. Time to tidy up the ol' 60GB, I guess.
# 10 Bellsprout @ 08/30/10 05:45 PM
Suddenly thrilled I upgraded to the 120 Slim a few months back. Thank God. This might've been pushing it with my 40, but I'll have plenty of room now.
# 11 woody2goody @ 08/30/10 06:15 PM
Mine's 80 so shouldn't be too bad, however I might end up tight on space after GT5. I think I've got 20ish left but not checked for a while.
# 12 ferriscj24 @ 08/30/10 06:34 PM
Fine by me! I installed a 640GB HDD a few months back for my 40GB. Best $80 I've spent in gaming!
# 13 bcruise @ 08/30/10 06:57 PM
Haha...just checking this and seeing how much space I have on my 60 GB just showed me the Madden '10 Game data (not the save files) is taking up two gigs by itself! Probably the AFL/Ultimate Team stuff causing it to get so big. Seeing as I sold it a few months ago I don't see much harm in getting rid of that one!

This won't be as big a problem as I thought....I can just delete the game installs (again, not save files) to free up space without losing saved games. Star Ocean, Valkyria Chronicles, Metal Gear Sold 4 and MLB '10 the Show all have big installs.

No way I'm deleting that last one even for a short time, though!
# 14 CarryTheWeight @ 08/30/10 07:41 PM
At this point, I'm definitely choosing the 10GB option, even if it means eventually upgrading my 120GB HDD to a 500GB one down the road. Something tells me that all the space put aside will be well worth it, although I may just have to wait for a thread or forum post detailing the benefits. If the benefits are negligible, for example, I'm probably just going to stick with the smaller install option.
# 15 King10Sooted @ 08/30/10 07:47 PM
I love my 500 GB HDD. Atleast I will love it till we start having 50GB installs next year lol.
# 16 Dazraz @ 08/31/10 03:59 AM
Forza 3 required a HD install so I was thinking this would be inevitable with GT5. I always try to keep my HD as free as possible by deleting old/unnecessary files.
# 17 Earl1963 @ 09/04/10 07:54 PM
Isn't installing games on consoles better for the console? No need for a spinning disc which is hard on the machine.
# 18 King10Sooted @ 09/04/10 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by Earl1963
Isn't installing games on consoles better for the console? No need for a spinning disc which is hard on the machine.
Depends on if you have a PS3 or a 360.
# 19 DickDalewood @ 09/06/10 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by Earl1963
Isn't installing games on consoles better for the console? No need for a spinning disc which is hard on the machine.
This is simply installing data, not the game. Only the 360 can "install" games to its hard drive.
# 20 crabcola @ 09/07/10 10:38 PM
Yeah, as hinted at by a few posters above, I HIGHLY recommend going to newegg.com or another parts wholesaler for hard drive upgrades. All you have to do is look at laptop hard drives, as the 2.5 inch drives will fit your ps3. It as an EXTREMELY easy switch. Don't forget to use the data transfer wizard that is included on your system before popping out the old drive. You'll need an external hard drive as well. You can get 750 GB 7200 rpm drives for under $100. Well worth it...

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