NHL 11 News Post

I've seen a lot of people say that I am the underdog at the NHL 11 USTREAM Party. After all, Rammer works on the game, right?

Wrong. I don't see it that way. And in this video, I will tell you why.

Sean - Will you fire back? I doubt it, go practice, get your finger exercises in, you're going to need it. You are going down.

Hey OS'ers, don't forget to vote on the team I beat him with, right here.

Game: NHL 11Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 36 - View All
NHL 11 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 CS10029 @ 08/28/10 10:15 PM

That was hilarious. I truly do hope you win this thing too.
# 2 sharks @ 08/28/10 10:17 PM
This will be amazing. I'll be watching this war.
# 3 akula @ 08/28/10 10:50 PM
lol nice one
# 4 The Visualizer @ 08/28/10 10:51 PM
good job Millennium, way to represent for OS, make us proud, I heard Rammer is a cheeser anyway and he's the reason they keep some of the glitch goals in there each year...

p.s. the video was great, but... you didn't go old school enough man, true hockey heads know that NHL94 is the true classic or even NHLPA 93, but we will forgive you this time
# 5 Steve_OS @ 08/28/10 10:52 PM
Is there any doubt who will win this? Millennium probably gets a shutout. :P
# 6 Millennium @ 08/28/10 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by The Visualizer
good job Millennium, way to represent for OS, make us proud, I heard Rammer is a cheeser anyway and he's the reason they keep some of the glitch goals in there each year...

p.s. the video was great, but... you didn't go old school enough man, true hockey heads know that NHL94 is the true classic or even NHLPA 93, but we will forgive you this time
I have NHL 94 sitting next to me, and NHLPA sitting in a storage bin. I went with 95, the first year of the full season.
# 7 bronco92 @ 08/28/10 11:53 PM
Back when I was at EA, I sat next to Rammer while I was working on Euro PS2 and he was working on NBA PS2. Rammer was good then (we'd play NHL 08 daily) , and now that he line produces the game, I think Mill will have his work cut out. Mill, Rammer will play a very sim style game, from what I can recall... just a heads up... good luck!
# 8 sraczk2011 @ 08/29/10 12:40 AM
Nice vid Mill, but isn't it against court orders for you to be that close to that playground?
# 9 PantherBeast_OS @ 08/29/10 01:50 AM
Haha good video Mill. I'm pulling for you all the way. Can't wait to hear the results. Keep the trash talking going bro.
# 10 Vikes1 @ 08/29/10 02:20 AM
Hey Mill just curious...do you have any idea what team Rammer will chose?
# 11 onlybygrace @ 08/29/10 02:38 AM
Wow...this is serious.
# 12 CS10029 @ 08/29/10 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by Vikes1
Hey Mill just curious...do you have any idea what team Rammer will chose?
Video said Facebook is picking his team.
# 13 BlueNGold @ 08/29/10 02:43 AM
Someone needs to send this video to Vince McMahon. That was a WWE-style promo of e*** proportions.
# 14 Fiddy @ 08/29/10 11:25 AM
great stuff.. what a promo!!

Team OS!!
# 15 Millennium @ 08/29/10 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by tomzenns
Not a fan of the mockery of him being poor.
Sounded like an over privileged rich kid thinking money and crime is a joke because he was handed everything his whole life and never had to deal with it.
Downplaying it because to him, and his lifestyle, it doesn't really exist.
People really do live in crime and impoverished areas, and trust me, that is nothing to joke about.
No disrespect to Millennium, I just didn't think it was funny.
I do respect that, but trust me, it was done completely light-heartedly. I am well aware of some of the hardships that have to be endured when growing up without being given everything. My tongue in cheek towards it meant nothing disrespectful.
# 16 ManUtd @ 08/29/10 02:55 PM
Perhaps it's because I'm new....and grew up playing hockey....But any TRUE challenge would have to be settled on the ice...Literally.

The video is great though - nice work....But if it were me? Strap'em on, 1 v 1, no composite sticks (I still have an old RED Titan in my basement), a couple nets, only the width of the ice to play on and lets get'er done!!

THAT would be awesome.

Nice work though - good luck to you both!

(I have a close friend that works at EA in Burnaby so I'll be pulling for Rammer!)
# 17 onlybygrace @ 08/29/10 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by tomzenns
Not a fan of the mockery of him being poor.
Sounded like an over privileged rich kid thinking money and crime is a joke because he was handed everything his whole life and never had to deal with it.
Downplaying it because to him, and his lifestyle, it doesn't really exist.
People really do live in crime and impoverished areas, and trust me, that is nothing to joke about.
No disrespect to Millennium, I just didn't think it was funny.
You just have to know Millennium to understand...

at least that's what I would say if I actually knew him.

Chill out.
# 18 BlueNGold @ 08/29/10 04:56 PM
It was a joke. I'm surprised there's people that are getting sensitive over it. It really wasn't that big of a deal, was it?
# 19 onlybygrace @ 08/29/10 05:03 PM
deleted post.
# 20 Sakuraba19 @ 08/29/10 05:06 PM
Was not funny at all. Millenium looked like a little brat and nothing more.

I hope Rammer beat him or I would beat him if he dare to play me once.

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