Folks, I will be completely frank with you. I have gotten myself into a battle, no, a war, that I am going to need every bit of support I can muster. My mouth has overstepped its bounds yet again, and this time the fight is being taken straight to Vancouver.
Sean "Rammer" Ramjagsingh. We all know him. Developer of EA Sports' NHL franchise. He is feared in his office for the stick skills that he possesses. Well, I for one, do not back down from any challenge!
So Tuesday, August 31st at 2 PM, live on UStream and right here at Operation Sports, will be the EA Sports Rookie Challenge. And during the challenge, I will be facing off with Rammer, one on one. I am so confident of my ability, that I am enlisting you, the users of Operation Sports, to choose the team I will represent OS with.
So vote in the poll. Comment on why. But most importantly, watch me destroy Rammer Tuesday!
Post your vote here!