NHL 11 News Post

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# 1
Flamesfan102 @ 08/27/10 07:59 PM
- Banner raising in Be a GM mode (division, president's trophy, stanley cup)
- Around the league score ticker in Be a GM hud
- Revamped trade engine/logic
- Pre-Season: follows the same rules as NHL, you can try out all your prospects from ahl/chl, and if they make it past the pre season, they have 9 games to try out if you want to keep them on the team or send them back to the junior leagues.
- Around the league score ticker in Be a GM hud
- Revamped trade engine/logic
- Pre-Season: follows the same rules as NHL, you can try out all your prospects from ahl/chl, and if they make it past the pre season, they have 9 games to try out if you want to keep them on the team or send them back to the junior leagues.
# 2
crobert0247 @ 08/27/10 08:52 PM
I hope the cpu trade logic is up to par regarding the 5 player deals. Overall, it looks good.


# 5
RoyalBoyle78 @ 08/27/10 10:11 PM
just what I wanted, I will be in Hockey heaven this year. This maybe the only game I play the rest of the year, well this and NBA2k
Malkin for Zherdev, Lupul, Wisniewski, Fowler and Marchant? I really hope that trade would never be pulled off in the game...there need to be guys that are considered 'untouchable' by the AI GM (just like a real GM). Then again, there might be some situations where that trade would make sense (ie. in the last year of Geno's contract, if you were unable to negotiate a new contract with him).
All I'm saying in a roundabout way...I'm curious to see if they've improved the CPU logic. I'm certainly pumped to see how well they've implemented RFA's.
All I'm saying in a roundabout way...I'm curious to see if they've improved the CPU logic. I'm certainly pumped to see how well they've implemented RFA's.
Good Lord man, the wait for this damn game is getting nearly unbearable.
I can't wait for my son and I to have our now...yearly extravaganza, playing the new game for several hours. And having Ma keep yelling to us how cold dinner is getting. Man I love that!
Then later the night of the 7th, when things have quieted down...I'll have a freaking blast setting up my Wild GM mode. Gotta have plenty of coke [soda] and Marlboro's on hand. Best 60 bucks I'll spend this year.
As Realmk said, one of the big things is not seeing star players sitting in FA for long stretches.
I can't wait for my son and I to have our now...yearly extravaganza, playing the new game for several hours. And having Ma keep yelling to us how cold dinner is getting. Man I love that!

Then later the night of the 7th, when things have quieted down...I'll have a freaking blast setting up my Wild GM mode. Gotta have plenty of coke [soda] and Marlboro's on hand. Best 60 bucks I'll spend this year.
As Realmk said, one of the big things is not seeing star players sitting in FA for long stretches.
# 8
onlybygrace @ 08/28/10 02:19 PM
Vikes...funny that you clarified that it was soda that you were speaking of. Not the...other stuff. Ha.
# 10
fullmetal2405 @ 08/28/10 06:01 PM
1. Going to GameStop as soon as they open.
2. Averaging 60-70 mph on residential streets to get home.
3. Playing NHL 11. Non stop.
4. Going to the Yankees game.
5. Back to non stop NHL, throwing back a six pack.
Best. Day. Ever.
Interesting.. Evgeny Artyukhin is a 81 overall, John Scott is a 79 and Hjalmarsson is only a 78.
Now, I'm hoping that Artyukhin and Scott are so high because they are good enforcers. Not because EA thinks they're potential NHL AllStars.
Now, I'm hoping that Artyukhin and Scott are so high because they are good enforcers. Not because EA thinks they're potential NHL AllStars.
My dad and I always play a franchise together, so EA's not really an option for us since they continue to refuse this option.
And ya...it would be very cool for my son and I to get into franchise mode together. Maybe someday.

Oh ya, I can get lost in the inner working of GM mode for hours. I get a kick outta checking out who's gone where outta FA, and the AI trades that have happened. And of course I'm always checking out possible moves I may want to make.
So yep, hopefully the logic will be improved for '11'. That'll make GM mode all the better.
# 16
ChitownFan526 @ 08/29/10 10:14 AM
I was standing in line at the local GS to pre-order NHL 11, and I about fell over when I saw the "midnight launch" sign. I'm in NW Indiana, and A LOT of people have pre-ordered. All I know is that I have Sept 7th off and I will not sleep the night of the 6th. I'll be a month into my Hawks franchise by Tuesday night

# 17
patsfan188 @ 08/31/10 05:36 PM
Qb when are you putting up this Be a GM Mode thing!? U said today!
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