NHL 11 News Post

Check out the new NHL 11 blog, featuring EASHL improvements for the game.

"The EA SPORTS Hockey League has been one of the most popular features in the NHL series since 09. In NHL 11 I feel that we’ve really raised the bar on the mode with a mix of features that the hardcore guys have been asking for, as well as making it more accessible to those who love NHL but haven’t played before.

This year in the EASHL you start off as a Free Agent, and are free to play Drop-In Games to get a feel for the game, as well as start to grow your player. You can edit your Pro right from the mode, as well as see the Free Agent leaderboards. Check out the ‘Around the League’ menu to see who the best clubs are in the EASHL. You can get scouted and invited to a club, start your own club, or go look for a club to request to join.

Once on a club, you can see right away one of the big additions: the divisions; the EASHL is divided up into the Elite, Pro, and Amateur divisions. Right on your Club Hub screen you can always see your current division for the season, and an indicator arrow for where your club currently sits within it. The EASHL regular season is all about driving to earn your place in the best division you can in order to qualify for the other huge addition: the playoffs. Finishing the regular season in a division earns you a spot in the playoffs."

Game: NHL 11Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 36 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Ktulu @ 08/27/10 08:57 PM
Some nice improvements, hopefully there will be a large selection of logos to choose from.

That said pretty dissapointing that there are no custom player builds for different positions. It sucks playing forward with a player with ratings setup for a defenseman and vice versa.
# 2 milesizdead @ 08/28/10 05:47 AM
Originally Posted by Ktulu
That said pretty dissapointing that there are no custom player builds for different positions. It sucks playing forward with a player with ratings setup for a defenseman and vice versa.
Disappointing yes, but now you pick your position before finding a match so it won´t be as bad as it used to.

At least that´s how I understood the process
# 3 aepoc @ 08/30/10 01:11 PM
EA NHL needs to take a page from the Forza book and let us design our own logos for our EASHL teams. A step in the right direction with the custom jerseys and colors, but it needs to go further.
# 4 TheLifeOfSteve @ 08/30/10 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by aepoc
EA NHL needs to take a page from the Forza book and let us design our own logos for our EASHL teams. A step in the right direction with the custom jerseys and colors, but it needs to go further.
They need to introduce TeamBuilder into the game, much like the NCAA series has. That would this game unbelievable!
# 5 Pezell04x @ 08/30/10 03:17 PM
As a guy who regularly plays EASHL and definitely plays it more than the offline modes, the customization piece sounds amazing.

I'm very happy that UFA/RFA are in the game as well. It's something I've wanted for a long, long time.
# 6 voodoo_magic @ 08/30/10 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by GreenReign86
I have a question. Can you edit your players ratings at any time this year, without having to change his position to do so? I find if kind of a drag, whenever I'm trying to find the perfect rating combo to have to change his position whenever I want to reorganize his ratings.
Yes and no, one of the developers was talking about player attributes on eashlforum and said you can do everything on one screen now and it's much faster.
Sounds like you still have to change player type to release all the points back for use but you don't have to wait 2 min for the other screen to load to change your player.
# 7 superferg. @ 08/31/10 02:07 AM
I can't wait for this game. However, I bet we are going to see a ton of really ugly jerseys in the EASHL
# 8 sroz39 @ 08/31/10 02:22 AM
The custom jerseys are scaring the heck out of me. I just pray that the servers aren't bogged down even more than they already are, having to process teams' custom jerseys now on top of everything else. My fingers are crossed but something tells me this is going to make things even laggier, especially during prime playing hours.
# 9 aepoc @ 08/31/10 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by sroz39
The custom jerseys are scaring the heck out of me. I just pray that the servers aren't bogged down even more than they already are, having to process teams' custom jerseys now on top of everything else. My fingers are crossed but something tells me this is going to make things even laggier, especially during prime playing hours.
Maybe EA will have some slick way of having this done. When you race people in Forza with custom paint jobs on their car, the lag is no more noticeable than regular cars; it's a non-issue. I'm thinking it'll be the same here. Maybe it'll be incorporated into the load time when starting, so it doesn't have to read from their servers all the time throughout the game.
# 10 aepoc @ 09/01/10 07:04 AM
Originally Posted by udungoofed
Yep, custom jerseys won't have any issues with lag as they are likely stored server side and all the jersey customization logos, etc, is locally on everyone's NHL disc anyway.
It's only a matter of time (I think) before they allow us to create our own logos. It would be really nice to have that ability now.
# 11 Qb @ 09/01/10 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by GreenReign86
Can you edit your players ratings at any time this year, without having to change his position to do so?
Originally Posted by voodoo_magic
Yes and no, one of the developers was talking about player attributes on eashlforum and said you can do everything on one screen now and it's much faster.
Sounds like you still have to change player type to release all the points back for use but you don't have to wait 2 min for the other screen to load to change your player.

Voodoo_Magic is correct. If you go to "Edit Attributes", there is an option to press X (on 360) to change player type which also resets attributes to default.

PS - I'm back from moving hell and will do my best to get my GM mode feature up today.
# 12 06woz @ 09/01/10 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by Qb
Voodoo_Magic is correct. If you go to "Edit Attributes", there is an option to press X (on 360) to change player type which also resets attributes to default.

PS - I'm back from moving hell and will do my best to get my GM mode feature up today.
# 13 ezio @ 09/01/10 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by RealmK
Git er done QB!
I agree Hopefully it will be up today.

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