FIFA 11 News Post

Game: FIFA Soccer 11Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: NDS / PC / PS2 / PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 16 - View All
FIFA Soccer 11 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 scatman @ 08/26/10 01:04 PM
never played a fifa game, but that looks really good. I wonder how speed and acceleration couple with stamina and fatigue are really going to separate guys. Also, what about in clutch moments when guys have to dig deep within them to make a play, I guess thats more basketball than soccer but how is that incorporated? when the does the willingness to win supersede fatigue and stamina?
# 2 Ermolli @ 08/26/10 01:07 PM
Good video. I good to know that player differenciation is very important in this game.
# 3 bhurst99 @ 08/26/10 01:15 PM
I'd like to see a slider that would allow the user to adjust it. In the video the effects of stamina and fatigure only really became pronounced when the runners went from one end of the field and crossed half . Of course, in a real game players are never going to run that far at once. Instead, they'll go for small runs, they'll stop and their bars will fill up again and they'll be able to run off to the races again. That's why in my opinion the fatigue seems to have little effect on defenders.
# 4 goalie @ 08/26/10 01:30 PM
one of the best things about OS is the ability of the site to give us inside looks at stuff like this...
# 5 Tha_Kid @ 08/26/10 03:44 PM
It is unfortunate the PC version won't see many of the little improvements going into FIFA 11 on the consoles.
# 6 DGMikeBarker @ 08/26/10 05:41 PM
An important quality to the game. Looks great
# 7 CeltBhoy33 @ 08/26/10 07:15 PM
That is great to know fatigue actually sets in on 11. Can't wait!
# 8 Kobalt @ 08/26/10 07:43 PM
Looks good.

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