According to IGN, NBA 2K11 supports the Playstation Move and 3D.
"No news on the exact motions that will be tapped to bring basketball to life as you wave your controllers at the screen, but we've been told that it will support shooting, passing, blocking shots, stealing and dunking."
I usually play games with a friend in my apartment and during close games, having to actually get up and stand next to you friend trying to shoot "real" freethrows with him heckling you is gonna be a blast!
Doing it in online play or by yourself, not so cool I guess...
"KyotoCarl @ 08/24/10 08:16 PM
I usually play games with a friend in my apartment and during close games, having to actually get up and stand next to you friend trying to shoot "real" freethrows with him heckling you is gonna be a blast!
Doing it in online play or by yourself, not so cool I guess... "
Or after I smoke one. That's the last thing I want to do is wave a stick around.