NHL 2K11 News Post

NHL 2K11 is available now, post your impressions here.

Game: NHL 2K11Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iPhone / WiiVotes for game: 8 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 addybojangles @ 08/24/10 11:36 AM
The iPhone game is...serviceable. I mean, don't expect a revolutionary experience, but it works. It is nearly identical to a different hockey game from last year (I apologize, name escapes me). Three buttons on the right that change whether you have the puck or don't, on-screen joystick on the left.

Kind of no frills, although replays of goals are nice.

For $2? I will probably grab the full version (they do have a lite version offering one period of play in the App Store).
# 2 murph17 @ 08/24/10 11:48 AM
Downloaded the Lite version. Not bad. Controls MUCH better than the other full 6 on 6 hockey game (Hockey Nations) which was terrible. Graphics are pretty decent - only supports iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4. Does NOT support Retina Display yet.

Needs a separate faceoff button. Everytime I win one, I immediately shoot and ice the puck

For $2 - I will probably support 2K and pick this up.

More impressions here
# 3 Fiddy @ 08/24/10 12:02 PM
from the iphone thread..
so far..

+ 41 or 82 game season.
+ 2, 5, 10, and 20 min periods.
+ real time last min option.
+ camera options. this had me worried, but not no more.
+ sim season games.
+ everything in the menus is very responsive
+ phone call or text, load game back up picks up where you left off.
+ HUGE plus right here, you can make the CPU play the CPU. Very nice!!

- No center ice team logos booooo. Probably bc of the arena being the same.
- 3 or 4 guys on the bench looks funny lol.
- End of period they walk into the crowd lol.
- no create a player.
- can't edit the players names.
- no FA pool from what I have seen.

honestly, solid game esp for the iphone. maybe we get an update or two to add some stuff? lol.. i doubt it, but would be nice.
# 4 Money99 @ 08/24/10 12:54 PM
Not from me, but a member at 2ksports.com:


So, after roughly one hour of play here our my first impressions.

(a) Wii MotionPlus
First, for me, it took me a while to get used to all of the controls and, to be honest, I still don't understand all of them. I've been playing 2k hockey on the 360 and xbox for so long that I have a feeling it's going to take me a while to feel completely comfortable with the wand and nunchuck. The tutorial was extremely helpful for a novice like me. I spent a good five minutes doing the juggling the puck thing and trying out all sorts of crazy moves.
The on area I did find a little troublesome was in taking a quick wrister/snap shot. You have to hold the "B" button and swing left, but when I did this almost every time my guy would do a little stutter before taking his shot. My son pointed out to me that I was ever so slightly bringing the wand to the right then swinging it to left and sure enough, when I just swung left it worked beautifully. It's just a natural reaction for me to bring the stick back just a hair before shooting.
Slapshots were a breeze to do. To say these were very responsive would be an understatement. The skater completely mimicked my movement.
Dekeing, both in open-ice and in shooting, is something I'm going to have to work on. The few attempts I was able to succesfully pull off looked awesome. But, more times than not, I just ended up losing control of the puck.

(b) Pro Classic Controller
Now this is a little more my style. I should pick up on these controls much faster than I will the Wii MotionPlus controls. These are also very responsive. I'm still fumbling through which button does what (I'm using Pro Stick 2.0) but the ones I have figured out are very cool.

II. Gameplay
(a) Just a few observations
1. Players feel great. They have momentum and weight behind them. Plus, there doesn't appear to be any more sliding waaaay out of position. They look and feel much better than the NHL 11 demo, that's how good it is.
2. Presentation appears to be EXACTLY the same as last year. No noticeable changes in commentary at all. 2k10.1.1
3. Players and surroundings look fantastic (just like last year). I was very impressed for a Wii game.
4. Speed burst needs to be brought back. THis halfway with the stick thing isn't getting it done. I'm always pressing all the ways up on the stick.
5. A.I. players still don't understand how to clear the zone on an offside. They continue to forecheck on a delayed offside. I was hoping this would have been fixed, but apparently not.
6. I played a couple of Classic games (Fenway is gorgeous!) and they put Thomas in net. I'm hoping that;s just for the Classic as he was the starter and that Thomas is not listed as Boston's starter overall. I have to go in and check the team rosters to see who is where.

Anyways, all in all, this looks and plays like the best sports title I've played on the Wii to date.
I got mine from Amazon so I'm hoping it'll be in by tomorrow or Thursday.
# 5 Money99 @ 08/24/10 12:57 PM
# 6 MiNiDiTkA @ 08/24/10 01:33 PM
I'll have some gameplay vids up in a bit.
# 7 hort22 @ 08/24/10 02:03 PM
hey does this run in 480p?

my older lcd doesnt do a very good job anyway but 480p would be better then 480i.
# 8 Fiddy @ 08/24/10 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by MiNiDiTkA
I'll have some gameplay vids up in a bit.
sweet. looking forward to it.

Originally Posted by hort22
hey does this run in 480p?

my older lcd doesnt do a very good job anyway but 480p would be better then 480i.
honestly, before i sold my wii, the games looked better in 480i IMO. i have a 32' sharp 1080p lcd. i dont know why, but they just did. i called the old lady in one day and asked her to judge the quality. she picked the 480i over 480p.. i thought i was crazy, but she was right lol.
# 9 Shadow71 @ 08/24/10 02:35 PM
As mentioned elsewhere, be sure to nab the day one roster update.

Features --> 2K Share --> Download

It should be accurate to about the end of last week, and has some notable changes over the shipped roster.
# 10 hort22 @ 08/24/10 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by Fiddy
sweet. looking forward to it.

honestly, before i sold my wii, the games looked better in 480i IMO. i have a 32' sharp 1080p lcd. i dont know why, but they just did. i called the old lady in one day and asked her to judge the quality. she picked the 480i over 480p.. i thought i was crazy, but she was right lol.
how about a full 16:9 widescreen? last wii game i bought from 2k was power pros 2008 and it had black bars on the sides of my lcd.
# 11 We Want The Cup @ 08/24/10 03:18 PM
Peter_OS, why do you own a Wii if you are going to dismiss a game based on its graphics and having motion controls? If you are so against motion controls then at least try the game with the classic controller. It looks like you were negative about the game before you even tried it.
# 12 We Want The Cup @ 08/24/10 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by Peter_OS
First of all, I don't have a classic controller. I just forked you guys $50, and you want me to go out and buy a classic controller to fix my issues with the controls?? You got to be kidding me!

Yes I will dismiss a game if it looks soooo last gen, and the controls are horrible. That's just me!

I wasn't negative about the game before i tried it. Trust me if I was, I wouldn't be buying this game in the first place. Reading some early impressions of the game from others who got the chance to demo the game, I went in with an open mind. I thought I would give it a try. Boy was that a mistake!
Not saying you should have to buy a classic controller. But you are playing a Wii, and it seems you are seemingly appalled that you may have to use some motions to play the game -- so I am a bit confused by that. Your "issues" with controls are the plain fact that there are motion controls, so I suggested you get a classic controller since you can play the game with its non-motion controls. So you can have a better experience for YOUR needs.

If motion controls aren't for you, that is totally understandable. It isn't everyone's cup of tea. But I'd suggest selling your Wii if that is your stance. Or getting a Classic Controller. Your complaints are more about the Wii Remote and Nunchuk than NHL 2K11. Not having enough buttons, having to use the d-pad? That's not a fault of NHL 2K11. And if you are buying a Wii for spectacular graphics....
# 13 Fiddy @ 08/24/10 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by hort22
how about a full 16:9 widescreen? last wii game i bought from 2k was power pros 2008 and it had black bars on the sides of my lcd.
power pros gave me bars as well. when i was on 480i, it took the whole screen up though.

Originally Posted by Peter_OS
I have never been so dissapointed in a sports game in my entire life! I have been gaming for 25+ years, and this has got to rank as one of the worst sports games I have ever played. That is from a graphics and control/gameplay perspective. What have they done to our beloved NHL 2K series??

I should start with the graphics first. This game looks horrible on my Samsung 50" LCD screen with 480P enabled with component hookup. Jaggies cover the entire game. Arenas, players, gameplay menus, fonts. etc.. This looks like a PS One game. Player faces, and models look average at best. It's that bad folks!

Controls. I have never been so frustrated with a sports game, or should I say a game at that. The control layout in this game is overwhelming and frustrating to perform. To shoot you have to move the Wii controller up, or hold the B button and move the controller up to do a slap shot. Body checks are performed by swinging the numchuk and wii control. (This part of the game was very furstrating for me.) Other defensive controls are mapped on the numchuck digital pad. IMO there's too many controls to have in a hockey game. I didn't see an option to customize the controls in the game. So you're stuck with the default motion controls. I can only imagine a "young one", trying to play and learn this game. It's going to drive them and their parents insane! lol.

The cpu is too aggressive imo. Just don't have enough time to perform any of the controls and dekes in the game. How many times did I see the CPU body check me, and I ended up losing control of the puck which ended up in a breakaway.

On the positive, I like some of the player deke and goalie animations. The cpu plays a good game of hockey.

This game is going on Ebay later today. If anyone with a Paypal account wants my copy of the game I can offer it at a discounted price. Just shoot me a PM.

Originally Posted by taco
And there you have it. Guess I'll be passing on 2K hockey like I do every year! 2 more weeks until the real hockey game is released!
this is not needed here. if you are passing on the game, cool. no need to throw jabs about other games etc.

i enjoy all hockey games. as of late, past few years both games are just going to the ****** fans. both pretty much arcade games out of the box. at least you can adjust both games via sliders to your liking.
# 14 onlybygrace @ 08/24/10 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by Fiddy
power pros gave me bars as well. when i was on 480i, it took the whole screen up though.


this is not needed here. if you are passing on the game, cool. no need to throw jabs about other games etc.

i enjoy all hockey games. as of late, past few years both games are just going to the ****** fans. both pretty much arcade games out of the box. at least you can adjust both games via sliders to your liking.
EA is going for ****** fans or has EA made a game that both ****** and hardcore fans can play and enjoy (with proper sliders, of course)???

However, either way, I agree that the game should probably be tried with a regular controller before being written off. I do, on the other hand, understand not wanting to buy a new controller for just one game.
# 15 ddhex27 @ 08/24/10 04:17 PM
The oddest thing is that the two "best" ways to play it are with optional devices that don't even come with the game (classic controller/wii motion plus).
# 16 stocksy @ 08/24/10 04:32 PM
Most new Wii games play better with motion plus.. so silly comment.

Why people judge games so quickly i will never know. In my experience sports games that are easy to pick up and play are usually very shallow and get old quick.. Wii control sport games should be tough to pick up else its way too simple to last.

I havent played this game as I am in the UK and it unfortunately is getting a release but people are way too quick to jump all over a game before even getting the hang of it.
# 17 Money99 @ 08/24/10 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by stocksy
Most new Wii games play better with motion plus.. so silly comment.

Why people judge games so quickly i will never know. In my experience sports games that are easy to pick up and play are usually very shallow and get old quick.. Wii control sport games should be tough to pick up else its way too simple to last.

I havent played this game as I am in the UK and it unfortunately is getting a release but people are way too quick to jump all over a game before even getting the hang of it.
I get what you're saying but at the same time that's what message boards are for. Peter_OS didn't like the game and voiced his opinion. He's not wrong for having those thoughts about 2k11.

And who knows? Maybe he'll play a bit more, get used to the controls or tweak the sliders and eventually come to a different conclusion?
This thread was asking for impressions and we have to accept the bad ones with the good ones.

I should have my copy shortly and I will be buying a Classic Controller for it. I'm hoping my experience with a regular controller will be a good one.
# 18 stocksy @ 08/24/10 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by Money99
I get what you're saying but at the same time that's what message boards are for. Peter_OS didn't like the game and voiced his opinion. He's not wrong for having those thoughts about 2k11.

And who knows? Maybe he'll play a bit more, get used to the controls or tweak the sliders and eventually come to a different conclusion?
This thread was asking for impressions and we have to accept the bad ones with the good ones.

I should have my copy shortly and I will be buying a Classic Controller for it. I'm hoping my experience with a regular controller will be a good one.

I know what you are saying, but he wasnt giving an early impression the conclusion was its the worst sports game he has ever played. On release day with what maximum of a few hours play?

In my opinion that isnt giving a 50 dollar investment a fair go.

Like you say with getting used to it and sliders and trying different control schemes then you can declare something is the worst ever either its just saying it for impact.
# 19 JimmyDeicide @ 08/24/10 06:03 PM
As far as the graphics go some of the vids out there make it look really good for a Wii game so lets cover all the options on that before labeling the worst ever.

Maybe someone from 2k can explain what their set up was on the bus if the tv's had filters, progressive scan anything because it is really hard these days to play a game with bad graphics.

I thought 2k10 for ps2 was an awesome game of hockey but i just couldnt play it as much as it was just horrible to look at.

So someone do some tweaking before they blast it please.
# 20 Drizzlies @ 08/24/10 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by Shadow71
As mentioned elsewhere, be sure to nab the day one roster update.

Features --> 2K Share --> Download

It should be accurate to about the end of last week, and has some notable changes over the shipped roster, including the new NHL schedule for franchise etc.
I downloaded the updated roster and started a new franchise. The updated roster was indeed there, but the schedule was still the 2009-10 schedule. Is there something special that needs to be done in order to get the schedule updated along with the roster?

Also, the franchise salary cap shows as 56.8 million, the cap from 2009-10. The actual 10-11 cap is 59.4 million. Are there any plans to correct this, or is there even a way to update this?

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