Madden NFL 11 News Post

OS recently had the chance to speak with Madden NFL 11’s creative director Ian Cummings during a conference call. Check out the interview below.

Operation Sports: How does the "shoulders squared locomotion" feature function? Can you comment on the philosophy behind it? It would appear that players naturally want to turn it up field -- when was this idea brought to the table?

Ian Cummings: The locomotion system for us was about really getting back to the core of the game, you know? We just had so many problems that we couldn’t really solve with the old system, and so one of the big facets of locomotion is actually layered animation. And, typically a run cycle is a small clip of animation, but what we have been able to do with layers (we implemented a little bit of it in Madden NFL 10 with quarterbacks being able to throw out of sacks early) is really the ability to separate the parts of upper body from the lower body.

Read More - Madden NFL 11: Ian Cummings Interview

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# 61 PVarck31 @ 02/18/11 10:15 PM
Not gonna happen. Closed.

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