WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2011 News Post

IGN has posted their WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2011 preview.

"With the noobs satisfied, let's get to brass tacks and geek out over what THQ is adding this time around. The biggest change -- at least in my eyes – is WWE Universe. Basically, this shoves everything you do in exhibition, all of the championships, all of the stables and rivalries system, and whatever else into one mode that's always active. When WWE Universe is on, it's going to give you an event – Raw, Superstars, SmackDown or a pay-per-view – and an event card. This isn't generated at random. This is a card based on the feuds and friendships that exist on your system as well as rankings. Now, if you don't like the matches, you're free to change them however you like – different people, different stipulations, etc. – and the game will react, remember, and craft the story around it.

It's career mode without having a career mode. It's a constant WWE at your fingertips where you can pull the strings (you still get to choose who are champs as well as who are friends and who are rivals if you want). If you don't like the look of a particular card, you can change it or sim past it to the next show, which leads into the next event, which leads into the PPV, and so on. When this is happening, the folks in the federation are building friendships and creating enemies. The game notices this and modifies the WWE relationships, and this then leads to one of 100 random cutscenes before, during and after your matches. This is stuff like your foe attacking you during your entrance, a match changing on the fly, and so on.

All of this actually matters, as well. There's a ranking system in WWE Universe that shows where certain Superstars stand in the federation. As you play – and keep in mind, you can play as whomever you want or as many people as you want – your character or characters start to move in the rankings and vie for number one contender spots and championships. You need to earn your ticket to the top… or at least jump in and edit it so that you're the champ."

Game: WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2011Reader Score: 5.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 10 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 UNC_Pete @ 08/19/10 05:47 PM
I haven't played a wrestling game in years but I've kinda gotten back into it. Although I enjoy TNA a bit more (even with the bad booking) it looks like this game is sick! All those breakable objects are nice. And the WWE Universe is awesome. Maybe I'll have to create some TNA edits and do a TNA invasion in the WWE Universe..
# 42 Misfit @ 08/21/10 03:18 PM
The WWE Universe mode sounds pretty awesome, hopefully it turns out that way. The "me" of 10 years ago would have killed for a mode like that in a wrestling game. I just hope it doesn't come at the expense of the Create-A-Scenario mode from last year's game.
# 43 lgxjames @ 08/22/10 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by Misfit
The WWE Universe mode sounds pretty awesome, hopefully it turns out that way. The "me" of 10 years ago would have killed for a mode like that in a wrestling game. I just hope it doesn't come at the expense of the Create-A-Scenario mode from last year's game.
10yrs ago I was writing this stuff in my notebook with my cousin, I tried to do it a few yrs ago and just felt really...........lame...so I'm glad I won't have to do that anymore (from my impressions)
# 44 PVarck31 @ 08/22/10 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by Dislimb
First day purchase for me no matter what.

I am so pumped to finally be able to play as Sheamus, Drew McIntyre and Luke Gallows. It would also be beyond awesome if the Nexus and (especially) Daniel Bryan were in the game.
Finally coming around to Sheamus I see.

I am pumped to play with those you mentioned and of course "Dashing" Cody Rhodes, and Dolph Ziggler.
# 45 PantherBeast_OS @ 08/22/10 04:08 AM
Originally Posted by Streets
I thought They've had DLC for the past few years? Why is this big news?

If they do it where you can DL FREE roster updates like Madden and 2K, I'd be hyped. With wrestlers being much more elaborately detailed than any guy in a sports game, they don't have to do huge look/attire changes every week. However, consistent roster updates that reflect attribute changes as wrestles get pushed, who are in stables/alliances, who's face/heel, champions, and some small attire changes, could be a step in the right direction.

I know we can do it ourselves this year, but I always feel like I'm cheating editing everything myself as I'm biased. It'd be cool to see THQ release roster updates with the Miz getting more and more points as he gets better and creeps into the main event, where someone like MVP may be knocked down a few points as he is de-pushed.
Yukes/THQ did DLC only one time it was svr 09 I believe and they added hand full of wrestlers in that DLC. But that DLC also wasn't that good because of glitches it had. Yukes/THQ has never been a company known to do DLC but one time. But this will be second time they have ever done DLC. It will be interesting to see what they will do for DLC. But as far as the roster part is concerned. It on avg takes them about 2 weeks to make one wrestler and make him/her look just right. So it would be very hard for them to do roster updates if new people came into WWE. I wish they would do Roster Updates. But I don't see it happening.
# 46 DTX3 @ 08/24/10 04:39 PM
I haven't been so hyped for a wrestling game in a long time. I hope we're able to edit current superstar attire like in the old N64 games. I was also hoping that create a storyline would come back this year, never played '10 so I was really looking forward to that this time around.
# 47 jvalverde88 @ 08/24/10 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by DTX3
I haven't been so hyped for a wrestling game in a long time. I hope we're able to edit current superstar attire like in the old N64 games. I was also hoping that create a storyline would come back this year, never played '10 so I was really looking forward to that this time around.
I believe editing a wrestler's attire was in last year, but all you could do was change the color.
# 48 DTX3 @ 08/24/10 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by jvalverde88
I believe editing a wrestler's attire was in last year, but all you could do was change the color.
Oh really? That's good enough for me. Looks like Cena will be sporting his fruity purple if its the same as last year.

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