NHL 11 News Post

EA Sports just posted another NHL 11 blog. This one has Redshirt talking about hustle.

"The total effect of the changes makes the management of energy more important and more realistic without making any drastic changes to how the game plays. If you played NHL 10 a lot you’ll be able to grab the controller and play NHL 11 without any difficulty and begin learning how to make use of the new controls to take your game to the next level."

Game: NHL 11Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 36 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Lordofthething @ 08/09/10 06:30 PM
I think this is a great addition that is going to add even more realism to the game...as anyone who plays/watches hockey knows, you are not going full out all of time.
# 2 The Visualizer @ 08/09/10 06:37 PM
Hustle button is another good addition to the game, good that everything was clarified, I was worried it would be able to be used outside of it's intended purpose when I heard about the 3 click system.

Redshirt and/or EA devs, how about for the next blog you explain and show how the jump deke will not be abused, then I can return to DEFCON 5
# 3 Vikes1 @ 08/09/10 06:44 PM
I think this will be a good addition.

And I do like the idea of using L3 for this feature. Seems well placed. Looking forward to giving this a try with the coming demo.
# 4 TreyIM2 @ 08/09/10 06:56 PM
Great idea. Adds even more strategy to the gameplay. Reminds me a bit of the turbo usage in NBA2K10.
# 5 Redshirt_EA @ 08/09/10 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by The Visualizer
Hustle button is another good addition to the game, good that everything was clarified, I was worried it would be able to be used outside of it's intended purpose when I heard about the 3 click system.

Redshirt and/or EA devs, how about for the next blog you explain and show how the jump deke will not be abused, then I can return to DEFCON 5
When you jump you lose the puck and have to catch up to it. It is similar to push puck in that way, but push puck is more effective in the general case. The only time when jumping should be more effective is when someone is lying in your path.
# 6 Randiesel75 @ 08/09/10 07:50 PM
Definitely an awesome feature of NHL 11. Looking forward to this release!
# 7 patsfan188 @ 08/09/10 09:48 PM
I just want news on Be a Gm Mode
# 8 The Visualizer @ 08/09/10 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by Redshirt_EA
When you jump you lose the puck and have to catch up to it. It is similar to push puck in that way, but push puck is more effective in the general case. The only time when jumping should be more effective is when someone is lying in your path.
thank you sir, I will now be standing down to DEFCON 5, the nuclear weapon keys are back in the safe, all is well in the world, potential NHL11 glitch tactic has been debunked...
# 9 MizzouRah @ 08/09/10 11:43 PM
Nice to read about the feature, I think I will like it afterall.
# 10 tabulaRasa @ 08/10/10 03:33 AM
Why does it remind me off the 2K sprint and speedburst buttons.
# 11 bonannogiovanni @ 08/10/10 04:30 AM
Redshirt, if I understand correctly, on a breakaway I will start with three quick clicks to reach full speed, then to maintain that speed I'm gonna need to click the LS with a cadence of one click per second, as long as my energy won't get depleted. Is this the correct interpretation of the hustle mechanics? Thanks.
# 12 boritter @ 08/10/10 05:37 AM
I love the sound of this. It should increase the realism.
# 13 Redshirt_EA @ 08/10/10 05:47 AM
Originally Posted by bonannogiovanni
Redshirt, if I understand correctly, on a breakaway I will start with three quick clicks to reach full speed, then to maintain that speed I'm gonna need to click the LS with a cadence of one click per second, as long as my energy won't get depleted. Is this the correct interpretation of the hustle mechanics? Thanks.
Yes. In practice it seems most people just keep hammering on it for good measure though (myself included). If you have lots of room in front of you before reaching the net then push puck is the way to go to get maximum separation from the pursuit.
# 14 Redshirt_EA @ 08/10/10 05:51 AM
Originally Posted by GreenReign86
How will fatigue be implemented in EASHL? If it never weare's down, to beginwith. Still don't see how the endurance rating will matter this year. Some clearety would be appreciated.
You will fatigue in EASHL, the recovery rate while on the ice is just a lot higher than in a game where line changes exist. Putting attribute points into Endurance makes a big difference now.
# 15 milesizdead @ 08/10/10 06:54 AM
Originally Posted by Redshirt_EA
You will fatigue in EASHL, the recovery rate while on the ice is just a lot higher than in a game where line changes exist. Putting attribute points into Endurance makes a big difference now.
Excellent stuff

Can you tell if the amount of xp has changed then for online Bap as there´s more stats and all of them have an effect now?
# 16 BigH2k6 @ 08/10/10 08:35 AM
Originally Posted by tabulaRasa
Why does it remind me off the 2K sprint and speedburst buttons.
That ^^

The only problem was 2K should have gotten rid of the speed burst and kept sprint. They got rid of the speed burst in 2k11 according to info released but I don't they kept sprint, which they should have.

Anyway, great addition EA. It will make the game much more realistic and representative of the real sport.
# 17 patsfan188 @ 08/10/10 09:35 AM
I just want to here about Be a GM Mode
# 18 Randiesel75 @ 08/10/10 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by patsfan188
I just want to here about Be a GM Mode
That's twice now.

Patience is a virtue my good man. I'm sure in time you will have all the info you desire.
# 19 Qb @ 08/10/10 09:55 AM
I like what we heard regarding hustle and it clears up a few things I was unsure of even after using it at the event (we all seemed a bit confused by it). But I think this is my favorite tidbit:

Another change to skating control is that your player will glide a lot further when you release the left stick, so coasting around is a lot easier and when you are doing that you do not fatigue.
I know I was more than a touch redundant in calling for more momentum in skating at the community event. Hopefully this is a step in the right direction and not only will players glide more, but also require more effort to move against their momentum.

Jason, was this in effect in the build I played? I thought skating felt a little "heavier", but I couldn't put my finger on why...
# 20 bonannogiovanni @ 08/10/10 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by Qb
I like what we heard regarding hustle and it clears up a few things I was unsure of even after using it at the event (we all seemed a bit confused by it). But I think this is my favorite tidbit:

I know I was more than a touch redundant in calling for more momentum in skating at the community event. Hopefully this is a step in the right direction and not only will players glide more, but also require more effort to move against their momentum.

Jason, was this in effect in the build I played? I thought skating felt a little "heavier", but I couldn't put my finger on why...
IMO the biggest problem the series has had up till now is the lack of weight in the players, so that they look like floating on the ice rather than skating. Did you really notice an improvement in this area?

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