EA Sports MMA News Post
EA Sports MMA Videos
Member Comments
WOW its starting to look really polished. I am impressed, can't wait to get my hands on this.

Some of the animations look really well done, especially with blocks and transitions.
# 4
Stumbleweed @ 08/09/10 01:24 PM
Well, this is looking better and better every time I see something new... the movement seems tightened up since the last video that was released. Granted, most of these were very short clips of exciting moments, but still... Very excited for this, especially the possibility of Vale Tudo and the other rule changes.
# 8
LingeringRegime @ 08/09/10 06:23 PM
I really love how they have different locations from all around the world, and differing rules as well. This is looking surprisingly good.
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