Little League World Series Baseball 2010 News Post

I was disappointed, but not entirely surprised, to discover that Little League World Series Baseball 2010 (for 360/PS3) is almost exactly like Little League World Series Baseball 2009 (for Wii). I say "almost" because in a few ways this version is an improvement, despite being essentially a port of the older game.

Rather than rehashing the basics of the game, check out the Wii review here. Again, the basics are exactly the same, including the strange anime look, the functional gameplay, power-ups, mini-games and collectible/baseball card system. However, there are two notable upgrades, and both correct a "minus" listed in the previous review.

First, because of the power of the 360 (or PS3), the graphical slowdown is nonexistent. Additionally, the textures get a needed upgrade, making this game look pretty good for a cel-shaded arcade game. It also animates well so, all-in-all, graphics are not a problem. This is not a visual masterpiece, but what’s here works well enough for this type of game.

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Game: Little League World Series Baseball 2010Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 1 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 Keohane15 @ 08/03/10 03:56 PM
I've had this for a couple of weeks. Its fun but online is needed badly.
# 2 nolesfan3 @ 08/03/10 06:31 PM
With all the problems the dynasty mode for NCAA 11 has, this game has spent more time in my console, than EA's "major" release
# 3 Gleebo @ 08/03/10 09:27 PM
How does this compare to the PS2 MLB Power Pros game?
# 4 Uncle Stumpy @ 08/03/10 10:59 PM
I honestly think online play is seriously over rated. I do play online from time to time, but i find myself going back to playing the computer because they don't glitch to win. I'll probably pick this up, sooner or later
# 5 Keohane15 @ 08/04/10 02:07 PM
I won the world series in this game last night and the Tournament mode in this game is pretty extensive. I got a lot more time out of it than I thought I would. Now I just have to play with an international team to get that achievement.
# 6 CPRoark @ 08/04/10 06:04 PM
Gleebo--it's not quite as realistic as Power Pros (I know that sounds funny, but that game played pretty close to the real thing), and of course it doesn't feature anything from the MLB. The tournament mode is more team focused than the career portion of Power Pros.

If you liked Power Pros, though, I'd say give this game a shot.
# 7 statnut @ 08/04/10 08:56 PM
I picked it up over the weekend and have enjoyed it thus far. Fun game.

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