NHL 11 News Post

Stay away from me everyone, I'm sick.

I can't seem to shake this affliction. I've searched my world and the vast expanse of the Internet for a cure. However, the more I try to seek relief, the more the symptoms seem to intensify. My temperature is 104 and the sweating will not relent. Man, does it seem cold in here to anyone else? These shivers are relentless. My fever is accompanied by nausea, and while I have been guzzling Pepto Bismol like it's candy, it does not seem to be helping. In the midst of all of this, my wife is still lovely -- too bad my friends seem to think I have gone mad.

What's that you ask? What is this affliction? Well friends, it is none other than the dreaded NHL 11 flu.

Read More - Pucking Ridiculous: Stay Away, I'm Sick

Game: NHL 11Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 36 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 BaylorBearBryant @ 07/29/10 11:22 AM
I get the same reaction living in Houston.

"Hockey? Are you sure your ok? You did say hockey, correct?"

"YES! NHL11! You just don't know what you're missin'."
# 2 plaidchuck @ 07/29/10 11:29 AM
Indeed they definititely went all out and added a lot of stuff this year, instead of laying back when they could due to no competition on the next-gen consoles. It's good to see them go out there, add new stuff, and take a chance for better or for worse.
# 3 Stroehms @ 07/29/10 12:45 PM
Yes. The blues will win the cup!
# 4 Gagnon39 @ 07/29/10 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by CizzLark
I get the same reaction living in Houston.

"Hockey? Are you sure your ok? You did say hockey, correct?"

"YES! NHL11! You just don't know what you're missin'."
Try living in western Kentucky. I'm one of about 4 hockey fans.
# 5 BaylorBearBryant @ 07/29/10 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by Gagnon39
Try living in western Kentucky. I'm one of about 4 hockey fans.
At least it snows there...
# 6 Winnipeg59 @ 07/29/10 02:16 PM
Wrong colour "Blue". Are you not aware that prior to every NHL season, the Toronto Maple Leafs will ALWAYS win the Stanley Cup! It's a tradition.
...then the season starts.

# 7 stlstudios189 @ 07/29/10 02:28 PM
Hockey is such a hardcore sport. You either love it or hate it man. Hockey has the fewest casual fans ever thus the lack of fever.
# 8 ericromain @ 07/29/10 03:15 PM
I moved to central kentucky for a year after college (grew up in Michigan). I felt like i was a sports pagan. All the guys i worked just kinda knew me as some weird guy that loved hockey. I had to pretend to understand UK basketball, despite my utter apathy toward the sport. My paganism continued as my weekly beer league game in Lexington was my holy sanctuary where i could be around those like me. Being forced to watch the Stanley cup playoffs pushed into a corner of a sportsbar, It was hard on me. Watching my redwings win the stanley cup with nobody to yell with or hug.
# 9 Uncle Stumpy @ 07/29/10 06:25 PM
I can't wait! I'm still majorly dissapointed Gary Thorne is play by play guy. WHEN YOU CAN ONLY PRONOUNCE 70 PERCENT OF THE PLAYERS PROPERLY, THAT'S A BIG PROBLEM!
# 10 PhillsPhan26 @ 07/29/10 10:22 PM
I feel your your pain, NHL is the one game I play year around and is my favorite out of all games I play.
# 11 Vikes1 @ 07/29/10 11:53 PM
I think most of us on the board can relate to the painful wait for 9/7.

And like Plaidchuck mentioned, the guys at EA Canada have certainly added things to the coming game to be excited about.

I've been blessed in a number of ways. And one of those ways is to have been born and raised in "Hockey country"...Northeastern Minnesota.
# 12 milesizdead @ 07/30/10 04:15 AM
Yeah the temperature is rising for sure, fortunately I live in Finland where hockey is the national sport, so I have plenty of people to talk NHL11 with.

We´re counting days to the release, unfortunately we don´t get the game until the 16th or something...
# 13 NYwRiter94 @ 07/30/10 11:29 AM
That's one thing about Jersey--for unimpressive as it really is (especially when it comes to hockey, other than having ONE high school that's arguably top 3 in the country, we're nothing special), everyone's got hockey fever. So many kids are playing, and even the kids that aren't playing tune in occasionally. Believe it or not, people ACTUALLY DO go to Devils games! I was shocked!
# 14 matt8204 @ 07/30/10 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by NYwRiter94
That's one thing about Jersey--for unimpressive as it really is (especially when it comes to hockey, other than having ONE high school that's arguably top 3 in the country, we're nothing special), everyone's got hockey fever. So many kids are playing, and even the kids that aren't playing tune in occasionally. Believe it or not, people ACTUALLY DO go to Devils games! I was shocked!
Yeah, it is fairly popular in this area. And yes, we do have more than 50 fans, lmao!!! I'm happy to live in a part of the country where people don't look at you as if you've got two heads when you say that you're a hockey fan. I know a lot of folks who can relate to my passion for the game.

Loved the original post, BTW. '11 sounds incredible. I'm getting the fever already as well.
# 15 Mikey88 @ 07/30/10 03:45 PM
I live just south of Montreal, and It's great to know that there are people out there from places like Houston and Kentucky that are just as passionate about the game as anyone is up here! Don't forget, the NHL11 Demo should be dropping sometime real soon and that should help tide us over until the retail version hits stores. I believe the NHL 10 Demo came out around the middle of August last year but that was with a September 15 release date in mind. So this year, hopefully the demo will come out at least 1 week before last years if the release date is September 7th.

Oh and up here, people look at you funny if you DONT like hockey lol
# 16 kier2j @ 07/30/10 06:01 PM
Another good column, like I have said, unless another ice age comes to North America , we will always be in the background. But that is fine with me!
# 17 swil @ 07/30/10 06:20 PM
Atlanta here. And regardless of what you might think, there is a sizable, tight-knit hockey community here that eats, breaths, and lives this sport.

I grew up in a tiny redneck town in South GA, 100 miles from an ice rink. I play in a beer league here and and absolutely addicted!

(I feel you, Kentucky)
# 18 onlybygrace @ 07/30/10 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by kier2j
Another good column, like I have said, unless another ice age comes to North America , we will always be in the background. But that is fine with me!
Seems appropriate enough to tell everyone here that this is my best friend from childhood who is solely responsible for me falling in love with hockey.

Welcome him!!!
# 19 sportugy @ 07/31/10 11:32 AM
I live Chicago and can't wait til 9/7....speaking of hockey fans, the reverse is happening here. When the Hawks were terrible for 3 years prior to 08, only the real hockey fans still loved the sport. Now that the Hawks are good, everyone and their mom is hockey crazy even though they have no idea about the sport other than the fact that they think it's the in-thing to talk about and that they think Patrick Kane and Jonathan Toews are cute.
# 20 swil @ 07/31/10 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by sportugy
I live Chicago and can't wait til 9/7....speaking of hockey fans, the reverse is happening here. When the Hawks were terrible for 3 years prior to 08, only the real hockey fans still loved the sport. Now that the Hawks are good, everyone and their mom is hockey crazy even though they have no idea about the sport other than the fact that they think it's the in-thing to talk about and that they think Patrick Kane and Jonathan Toews are cute.
haha - I guess this confirms the ago old maxim: Everybody loves a winner...

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