Stay away from me everyone, I'm sick.
I can't seem to shake this affliction. I've searched my world and the vast expanse of the Internet for a cure. However, the more I try to seek relief, the more the symptoms seem to intensify. My temperature is 104 and the sweating will not relent. Man, does it seem cold in here to anyone else? These shivers are relentless. My fever is accompanied by nausea, and while I have been guzzling Pepto Bismol like it's candy, it does not seem to be helping. In the midst of all of this, my wife is still lovely -- too bad my friends seem to think I have gone mad.
What's that you ask? What is this affliction? Well friends, it is none other than the dreaded NHL 11 flu.
Read More - Pucking Ridiculous: Stay Away, I'm Sick