Madden NFL 11 News Post
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# 1 arsenal123gunners @ 07/13/10 08:30 PM
It seems too well set up to not be official. To get other teams, copy the link to your URL bar, don't hit enter. Change the team name, then press enter.
# 2 proud2bawesome @ 07/13/10 09:23 PM
It is, in fact official. I pulled the link from the official page:


I copied the link and on a whim typed in "seahawksratings" and it pulled up so I kept trying. All the ones posted on ESPN are already on there.
# 3 DCEBB2001 @ 07/13/10 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by proud2bawesome
It is, in fact official. I pulled the link from the official page:


I copied the link and on a whim typed in "seahawksratings" and it pulled up so I kept trying. All the ones posted on ESPN are already on there.
Typing in Buccaneers doesn't work...you have to type in "Bucs" and their ratings will show. Otherwise the only ones I cannot get are the Redskins and Vikings and that's it.
# 4 Jono078 @ 07/13/10 11:26 PM
Trust the Vikings one not to be working lol
# 5 Steve_OS @ 07/14/10 12:04 AM
Updated original post. Can't find Vikings. When someone does, will update.
# 6 DubTrey1 @ 07/14/10 12:16 PM
Thanks -

Side note: looking at the Texans and Matt Turk has AWR of 97? Not complaining, but just found it odd is all. What exactly is he so aware of? LOL!
# 7 arsenal123gunners @ 07/14/10 12:48 PM
Has anyone created a master spreadsheet for every player?
# 8 NoSubs @ 07/14/10 02:21 PM

No word on free agents yet?
# 9 TalenT @ 07/14/10 04:15 PM
My Dolphins will be sick these year. Thanks!
# 10 Bull_Dozer @ 07/15/10 09:52 AM
Damn, I need the Vikings ratings spreadsheet!

Updating my Tecmo Superbowl rom based off madden ratings, LOL
# 11 kd25 @ 07/16/10 01:25 PM
Saints TE Jimmy Graham - 6'6, 85 SPEED, 92 JUMP

watch out
# 12 HuRRiiCaNe22 @ 07/16/10 09:45 PM
Guess how excited I was when I clicked on this link. My mouse covered up a little disclaimer in the title, one concerning the only team I am currently concerned with in Madden. And the waiting continues!
# 13 Dog @ 07/17/10 03:58 PM
LOL @ the ratings thread that has every single team except the vikings has a picture of the vikings
# 14 Candyman5 @ 07/18/10 01:12 AM

Theres where I go to see them and Vikings and Packers are not there.
# 15 jyoung @ 07/18/10 09:57 AM
Man, the Titans are terrible aside from Chris Johnson, but looks like he is going to be the reincarnation of Tecmo Bo in this game.

Already felt cheap using him last year but it looks like they just took him to a whole new level of cheap with that 99 overall rating.
# 16 Faizon @ 07/18/10 02:50 PM
Does anyone have a compiled list of the rosters in a single spreadsheet that they could upload? Would save me 20 minutes
# 17 The_Balm @ 07/18/10 09:50 PM
# 18 thee1CHOSEN1 @ 07/19/10 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by kd25
Saints TE Jimmy Graham - 6'6, 85 SPEED, 92 JUMP

watch out
Packers TE Jermichael Finley - 6'6, 85 SPEED, 95 JUMP

watch out
# 19 angels eclipse7 @ 07/20/10 12:13 AM
Vikings come out tomorrow, so its all good.
# 20 Jono078 @ 07/20/10 04:34 AM
Vikings out now

Look a few posts above for the link.

I reckon Berrian is underated. The rest I am content with.

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