Before I begin a journey into the collective hearts and minds of my readers, I must first acknowledge the many supporters and e-friends I have accumulated in my countless hours surfing the OS forums over the last two years. To everyone in the dynasty section on the boards, I thank you all for the support and kind words you shared that often inspired me at times when I needed a push. I would not have this opportunity if it were not for all of the encouragement, so one more time I thank all of you.
Now, in this opening edition of Pucking Ridiculous (The OBG Chronicles), I would like to touch on a subject that unfortunately goes unmentioned far too often. In this case, I am speaking about the lack of gratitude and respect that is given to developers who take time out of their days to log on to the OS forums to seek our advice and input in regards to what we would like to see in an upcoming game.
Read More - Pucking Ridiculous (The OBG Chronicles): Developer Dialogue
Now, in this opening edition of Pucking Ridiculous (The OBG Chronicles), I would like to touch on a subject that unfortunately goes unmentioned far too often. In this case, I am speaking about the lack of gratitude and respect that is given to developers who take time out of their days to log on to the OS forums to seek our advice and input in regards to what we would like to see in an upcoming game.
Read More - Pucking Ridiculous (The OBG Chronicles): Developer Dialogue