NCAA Football 11 News Post

Check out some of the current NCAA Football 11 online dynasties. One more, right here.

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Game: NCAA Football 11Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iPhone / PS2 / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 83 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 KentuckyJared20 @ 06/29/10 10:01 PM
I wouldn't use the hometowns from some teams to help on the rosters, because I looked at the UK roster on the Dynasty site and compared it to the one on the Kentucky Rivals site. It just so happens that most of the hometowns are wrong.
# 22 shaneralphie1993 @ 06/29/10 10:07 PM
I really hope that this stays up and that they fix the retire button lol
# 23 Football694 @ 06/29/10 10:33 PM
lol they have the rodgers brothers from oregon state from two different cities.
# 24 Watson @ 06/29/10 10:50 PM
# 25 Watson @ 06/29/10 10:51 PM
also guy, BEFORE YOU FREAK OUT....it's set on "Freshman"
# 26 UtahUtes32 @ 06/29/10 11:08 PM
um so whats up with the stats from the games?
# 27 jello1717 @ 06/29/10 11:17 PM
Has anyone been able to find the stats on the site? I'm looking for things like player stats so that you can see who's leading your team/conference/NCAA in rushing yards. I also tried to find the statistics from individual games, but I only seemed to be able to do that through the dynasty hub, and not the schedule section.
# 28 bdarnell @ 06/29/10 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by pimpycraig
um so whats up with the stats from the games?
The stats are really messed up. One game said a team had 152 passing yards, but it says their QB had 329 yards.
# 29 biggilsworth21 @ 06/29/10 11:48 PM
Anybody else notice when you do a search for online dynasty's there is an option for "time saver" i think it's the accelerated clock we are seeing in the demo if that's the case it seems it can be turned off.
# 30 pjmoore 28 @ 06/30/10 12:21 AM
LOL. I joined one of the dynasties and jordan jefferson is 8 for 8. 4 TDS. He must have forgot about the Ole Miss game really quick.
# 31 KentuckyJared20 @ 06/30/10 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by peteykirch
You don't use the hometowns you use the state.

I know when I was naming rosters, I'd fine players who are 6'0/180 and I couldn't be able to tell who is who since they are the same height/weight/class/race/and have no # since they are incoming freshman.

However one would be from MD and one from FL.
I see, since the most roster work I've ever done has been naming UK's roster, I didn't really know the process of making rosters.
# 32 PVarck31 @ 06/30/10 03:36 AM
Originally Posted by gdogs2
jersey still doesn't get dirty
Stay on topic please.
# 33 The U @ 06/30/10 03:49 AM
any pics of the Harvin facemask?
# 34 moylan1234 @ 06/30/10 03:51 AM
sorry I haven't kept up with the main board lately. are coaching contracts and conference invites definitely a no go for online dynasty again?
# 35 BoomerSooner11 @ 06/30/10 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by The U
any pics of the Harvin facemask?
It's in there.
# 36 GhostWriter99 @ 06/30/10 08:13 AM
Originally Posted by gdogs2
jersey still doesn't get dirty

"The lights are still not twinkeling Clark!!!!!"
# 37 kbomb1upc @ 06/30/10 09:00 AM
Has anyone got this to work on their iPhone? They say its suppose to work but it takes ALL DAY to load will I'm at work. Don't see why they could do an app like Madden.
# 38 patsfan188 @ 06/30/10 10:33 AM
i got a question ( I've never got a NCAA game for 360 so i don't know about online dynasty) you can download rosters that have all the exact names of players right? and if you can, can you bring those rosters to your online dynasty or no?
# 39 TarHeelPhenom @ 06/30/10 10:52 AM
Please tell me that EA has UNC-LSU playing Game 1 @ the Georgia Dome and not @ LSU; because according to that recap it said that LSU wins big in their "home contest". If this is true, I'm gonna be real disappointed...unless of course I can change the venue before the game starts.
# 40 mtoo22 @ 06/30/10 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by kbomb1upc
Has anyone got this to work on their iPhone? They say its suppose to work but it takes ALL DAY to load will I'm at work. Don't see why they could do an app like Madden.
It fails to render on blackberry as well. So much for them saying it will load on blackberry/iphone. I agree it needs an app, even if its just for iphone/touch.

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