NHL 11 News Post

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Game: NHL 11Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 36 - View All
NHL 11 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 BlueNGold @ 06/29/10 02:16 AM
Damn...that left leg got messed up.
# 2 Vikes1 @ 06/29/10 03:32 AM
Yeah I think that hit looked pretty realistic. And wasn't over the top or anything like that.

Just the thought that the players size and weight is supposed to really matter for '11', is enough for me to really look forward to this years game.
# 3 LuGer33 @ 06/29/10 06:04 AM
Looks great.
# 4 DaveDQ @ 06/29/10 07:51 AM
# 5 Money99 @ 06/29/10 08:33 AM
Looks great!
# 6 Qb @ 06/29/10 08:37 AM
Originally Posted by Scottdau
Probably should be a broken foot or leg, if that was real.
It would be awesome if injuries are tied to physics that closely. Not sure how it will play out, as I didn't see many injuries. I can remember one after I absolutely crushed someone with Brooks Orpik. Guy left holding his head after getting plastered into the boards... it could've been physics-related (ie, his head whipped violently on the hit) or maybe it wasn't. Hard to tell without a lot of gameplay and a lot of injuries.

As for the video in general... believe me, there is much to be excited about with the new physics system. I started a playoff mode with the Pens the other night (series tied 1-1 w/OTT), but it just doesn't feel right after playing 11...
# 7 Bruce Wayne Jr @ 06/29/10 08:44 AM
looks good but hopefully like backbreaker we'll never see the same thing twice
# 8 Aggies7 @ 06/29/10 09:04 AM
Wow that video looks great. Makes the game come to life.
# 9 actionhank @ 06/29/10 09:30 AM
I can definitely enjoy hits like that!
# 10 Goffs @ 06/29/10 10:13 AM
sweet...why cant madden do this?
# 11 Qb @ 06/29/10 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by jemens
Something maybe Qb can answer : when a big team play physical, one of the effect is to drain energy from players being constantly hit. Example; small size players from Montreal first and second line were exhausted from being hit by huge Flyers defencemen. So my question ( finally ;-) do you think they modelled the fact being hit consume energy ?
That's something they started to bring into the game with intimidation last year. I almost positive Redshirt told me he wants to implement -- and I believe he was/is working on it -- something very similar to what you describe in the fatigue system. But fatigue was wonky on the build we played, most likely because it was a work in progress.
# 12 TreyIM2 @ 06/29/10 11:59 AM
That looked pretty good. I wish he would have included more instances of RTP in effect. This will be my first NHL game in a looong time!
# 13 Simple Mathematics @ 06/29/10 12:17 PM
Just watched the video again, it looks so freaking awesome
# 14 Lightbringer719 @ 06/29/10 12:30 PM
Good hit there, I'm sick of seeing players doing random spins after getting hit.
# 15 tswiatkowski @ 06/29/10 01:58 PM
this would be so sick on NCAA or Madden
# 16 backbreakersteel @ 06/29/10 02:21 PM
Sopel kinda morphed out of the way after the hit and snapped back into skating position

EDIT: Neermind it looked alot better watching it a second time
# 17 hobbes2d @ 06/29/10 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by mrnoobie
sweet...why cant madden do this?
Because EA Canada doesn't make Madden. They do however make Fifa, and NHL series.
# 18 Vikes1 @ 06/29/10 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by Qb

As for the video in general... believe me, there is much to be excited about with the new physics system. I started a playoff mode with the Pens the other night (series tied 1-1 w/OTT), but it just doesn't feel right after playing 11...
To me Qb..this is one of the best things you could say about the coming game.

I'm trying like heck to finish my third season of GM mode before the demo comes out. Because of this very thing. Normally it's kinda tough to keep playing last years game, once you've tasted the demo of the new game.

I don't want to wish my summer away...but dang, I can't hardly wait till 9/7.
# 19 statum71 @ 06/29/10 08:44 PM
Looks good. Very natural.
# 20 tyler289 @ 06/29/10 09:46 PM
This video was awesome and made me so excited to lay out some huge hits this year.

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