Madden NFL 11 News Post

Thanks MadScientist06 for the heads up!

Game: Madden NFL 11Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 96 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 PantherBeast_OS @ 06/27/10 08:09 PM
The chances of me doing 3vs3 online is very slim. Mainly because I think it will way to laggy to play it. If one person out of all 6 players has a crappy connection. Then pretty much the whole group will lag. Lag is going to be the main concern with this 3vs3 online thing.
# 2 PantherBeast_OS @ 06/27/10 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by hungryandrew
Not only that but, even 1 out of the 6 plays in the usual cheesy way that most online players do, it can ruin the whole experience, right or wrong?
That's pretty true aswell bro. That's why I'm looking farward to madden 12 when offline franchise mode is totally redone and back and better then never. Because I don't really play online that much because to many people love play so unreal all the time.
# 3 BlackRome @ 06/27/10 08:29 PM
I can see it now. Three players cheesing the same three plays all game. No thanks. I have enough trouble dealing with one cheeser using three plays all game than 3 players doing it.
# 4 Bash @ 06/27/10 11:22 PM
Who ever pays for those scouting reports epically fails.
# 5 ttmatt @ 06/28/10 01:05 PM
I am really exited about OTP. I have been waiting for this for years. Playing against one really good user FS is tough now, I can only imagine going against two good user safetys and a good MLB. A squad like that could pretty much lock down all coverage. Two user DEs could get serious pressure. This is going to make for some intense games. Its going to be fun coordinating with my friends during the game. Like telling guys to pinch, crash, show blitz, bump, etc. My friends and I are already trying to figure out how we are going to do things(who can play what position, what type of defense we're gonna run, etc.)

I don't understand how some people arent exited about this. It would be frustrating trying to play with randoms that don't communicate well if everyone is not on the same page. I guess if you don't have any friends to play with, it might not be fun. Its just like playing most shooters. I play a lot of team games online, so this is right up my alley. Its really fun to get together as a group and come up with a game plan and beat another good group, improvising along the way. I just like playing with/against humans more than A.I. Humans think, scheme, and conive, which makes things more unpredictable and more fun!

I don't get how so many people are crying about cheese. OTP is the anti-cheese. Cheese is exploiting dumb/crippled A.I. You now have less A.I. to depend on by default. How can 1 out of 6 guys cheese? The key here is that you have THREE USERS on your team. If one reciever keeps burning you, then cover the guy. If they are running all over you, you have 3 guys to fill gaps and tackle the guy. If the QB is completing every throw, then get on the d-line and put some pressure on him. The options are unlimited with this thing.
# 6 The GIGGAS @ 06/28/10 01:07 PM
I misunderstood the thread title. I thought I was going to be seeing this guy talkin' about Madden.

As for on topic, OTP sounds like it could be fun.

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