Erick Boenisch, Producer, talks about the latest chapter of the top selling basketball game which features an all-new easier control scheme, detailed arena maps and signature moves from your favorite players.
So they had an interview to say everything that has already been written word for word.. I guess it's for the people who dont really follow video games that much. ehh
Meh. Show us some gameplay.... and yes, yout game does look fantastic - however, the GAMEPLAY had better be up to snuff in order to really shine this year fella's.
Don't you guys get tired of complaining about lack of info from 2k in June, here is the fact we wont get anything until late August at the earliest, Live I mean Elite will hype up there game now and 2k will when it matters when the game is going to be released.
Meh. Show us some gameplay.... and yes, yout game does look fantastic - however, the GAMEPLAY had better be up to snuff in order to really shine this year fella's.
The gameplay issue has been a strong issue of mine. THIS is what I want 2K to, uhh, get on the ball with. The cosmetics have ALWAYS been their best point with the game and it's nothing new for them to continue with that. They lost my dough, last year, because I got tired of the same gameplay. Some of us aren't into icing as much as we are the cake...and if a person doesn't follow suit with the others going ga-ga over the icing, then something is wrong with that person, right? Smh. I want to see if 2K can improve that cake batter enough to get me to give them my money, again.
Don't you guys get tired of complaining about lack of info from 2k in June, here is the fact we wont get anything until late August at the earliest, Live I mean Elite will hype up there game now and 2k will when it matters when the game is going to be released.
It's almost as if the world would end if they stopped complaining.
2k doesn't put out video, forum guys complain, video is released, forum guys complain, game is released, forum guys complain and demand a patch....
It's almost as if the world would end if they stopped complaining.
2k doesn't put out video, forum guys complain, video is released, forum guys complain, game is released, forum guys complain and demand a patch....
Wash, rinse, repeat.
You act like asking for video is a bad thing. Over the years it's been:
2K doesn't put out a video, forum guys complain, 2K doesn't release a video, forum guys complain, 2K releases video, forum guys praise, 2K releases game, forum complains about glitches and faults in the game.
But yet the other guys release videos and people find problems and then the creators answer back and fixes problems people have issues with. I mean we can't just sit and say "They'll do a good job, I trust them" because they haven't. What NBA 2K game have we played since 06 that we said "THAT WAS A GOOD GAME! That was worth the wait."? We need imput so we can give feedback. If we are loyal paying customers, we need to atleast know what the product looks like before we buy it. All we ask if for a little video just to see if they even took a step in the right direction. We're gonna complain ANYWAY. What's the difference between seeing video and not seeing video? Because when I comes down to it, not seeing video isn't helping anything.
You act like asking for video is a bad thing. Over the years it's been:
2K doesn't put out a video, forum guys complain, 2K doesn't release a video, forum guys complain, 2K releases video, forum guys praise, 2K releases game, forum complains about glitches and faults in the game.
LOL Not even close. Everyone gets their microscopes out, freeze frames the video and saves pictures. They dissect and complain.
This has been the case since I joined way back in '03.
LOL Not even close. Everyone gets their microscopes out, freeze frames the video and saves pictures. They dissect and complain.
This has been the case since I joined way back in '03.
LOL not really. I seen people praise that video of last year with Kobe Bryant giving that interview the Japanese news station and everybody was like "OHHH WOW IT'S LOOKS GOOD I CAN'T WAIT TO GET IT" and I was the like one of the only ones that was like "you don't see that sliding going on"? LOL. But even though they have to dissect it, they atleast can get a idea of how bad the game might be that way 2K knows what to fix. EA's over on the other side doing that right now as we speak.
It wouldn't be OS if somebody on here didn't complain about something. People could have 10 videos a day on here and I guarantee somebody on here will complain and say well where is the demo ? I want the demo.
Then demo comes out, why the demo only 5 minutes ? Why only 2 teams on the demo ? Heck even on the NCAA 11 football demo, they had several teams on there and you had people complaining that their favorite school wasn't playable.
It wouldn't be OS if somebody on here didn't complain about something. People could have 10 videos a day on here and I guarantee somebody on here will complain and say well where is the demo ? I want the demo.
Then demo comes out, why the demo only 5 minutes ? Why only 2 teams on the demo ? Heck even on the NCAA 11 football demo, they had several teams on there and you had people complaining that their favorite school wasn't playable.