FIFA 11 News Post

GamingShogun has posted their hands-on preview of FIFA Soccer 11.

"Long gone are the days of players only looking like their real world counterparts only to not be close to in performance. Take a player like Sol Campbell for example. While he is a decent defender in the current version of FIFA you can probably make some pretty outstanding offensive moves with him. In FIFA 11 he will be much better and defense and fall flat if he tries to focus too much on offense. As a player what this shows me is that the balance of the game will finally be right. Teams will realistically have their positive and negative sides instead of everyone being a powerhouse. Personality + is game changing to the world of football games.

The second feature he wanted to focus on was the new passing system. In FIFA 10 you are able to ping pong passes back and forth with a perfect stroke. No matter the player selected you could pull off some amazing passes. In FIFA 11 you are actually able to over hit the ball and the passing will be just like it is in the real game. This can tie in with 'Personality +' skill levels to help with the balance issues. The end of our quick presentation was here and David promised all of us that more information would be announced in July on their press tours. He welcomed us to give the demo stations a try."

Game: FIFA Soccer 11Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: NDS / PC / PS2 / PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 16 - View All
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