Quick Hit Football News Post

IGN has posted their preview of Quick Hit Football.

"As far as real in-game changes go, players will have the ability to play a set of NFL challenges that are pulled directly from the history books. While they may not have the exact players that you remember, the scenarios will certainly be there. You'll also be able to play through either a full NFL season or just the playoffs.

While playing those games you'll soon notice an achievement point system that tracks single game accomplishments as well as performances over your entire career. These achievements could potentially work their way into the score ticker; a new feature designed to keep you connected with your friends around Quick Hit. While its initial use is designed to update you on their game outcomes, there's no reason why achievements couldn't be worked into a later update.

On top of all of those in-game additions, the developers at Quick Hit are also updating the presentation ante. They're adding both new commentary from the likes of Bill Cowher and an entirely updated look for the in-game visuals. Everything looks smoother, without the noticeable pixels that were present in the last version. When you factor in the finer graphical quality with having every NFL team's logo and uniforms in the game, Quick Hit is getting very close to providing the free to play football experience that pigskin diehards are really after."

Game: Quick Hit Football Hype Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PCVotes for game: 9 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 jmik58 @ 06/23/10 12:27 AM
I downloaded QH football when it first came out and was pleasantly surprised at how much fun it was. It definitely takes a lot of time (and computer power) to develop your team; and it wasn't really something I was interested in considering it wasn't on a console.

Still, it's worth trying out and hits a few nostalgic chords in my soul.
# 2 mvb34 @ 06/23/10 01:52 PM
Does this game have a single player mode?
# 3 CreatineKasey @ 06/23/10 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by mvb34
Does this game have a single player mode?
Right now, there's 2 modes: Play the CPU or play a person. It's pretty simple still. There's challenges to complete and plays to acquire/players to train, but there's no in game tournament or league function yet. Leaderboards still only segregate by wins alone. This stuff will eventually be added.
# 4 mvb34 @ 06/23/10 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by CreatineKasey
Right now, there's 2 modes: Play the CPU or play a person. It's pretty simple still. There's challenges to complete and plays to acquire/players to train, but there's no in game tournament or league function yet. Leaderboards still only segregate by wins alone. This stuff will eventually be added.


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