Skate 3 News Post

So you want to be a skateboard legend and revel in the comparisons to the likes of Tony Hawk and Rob Dyrdek? Well, then prepare your body and mind to fearlessly smash the tricks out the local skate parks and establish your name in the game.

EA Black Box’s Skate 3 has buried some heavy soles into wet cement to ensure that its legacy will not soon be forgotten. The game carries legitimacy and weight without a slip or a stumble. Simply put, I have never played a title that has the same depth of controls as the Skate series.

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Game: Skate 3Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 6 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 1WEiRDguy @ 06/22/10 12:38 PM
a lil generous with the score...i say its more along the lines of a 6...to me, they fixed some of the issues that were wrong in Skate 2, but not completely...this should have been more of a DLC imo. It should have not been offered as a standalone game
# 2 Blzer @ 06/22/10 01:33 PM
I just think that Skate 2 should not have been made. Skate 2 should be what Skate 3 is, which is why I passed on the previous iteration and will get this one in the fall when I find a nice price drop.
# 3 Hova57 @ 06/22/10 04:01 PM
Blzer did you play skate 2 it was a great game . i only passed on it because i didn't want to buy it new i 'll get it this fall or christmas time its def fun. i didn't think the learning curve was that hard either. understanding the game with out reading what i was suppose to do , but once i got into the game i had a ball.
# 4 SBartlett @ 06/22/10 04:06 PM
skate 3 is mad fun guys.
# 5 Blzer @ 06/22/10 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by Hova57
Blzer did you play skate 2 it was a great game . i only passed on it because i didn't want to buy it new i 'll get it this fall or christmas time its def fun. i didn't think the learning curve was that hard either. understanding the game with out reading what i was suppose to do , but once i got into the game i had a ball.
Sure man, I played Skate 2 plenty (just didn't buy it). All that I'm saying is 16 months between releases is just too short in my honest opinion, plus Skate 3 went to a new city as well which is good.
# 6 1WEiRDguy @ 06/22/10 04:44 PM
i cant not understand for the life of my why is that you cant use the photo face feature for a created skater?? This is another example of EA not sharing resources/technology
# 7 The Yurpman @ 06/22/10 06:14 PM
Skate > Skate 2 > Skate 3

Skate 3 gets the lowest score of all three simply for leaving out the LOCAL multiplayer option. Why couldn't Skate 3 have the option to play with a friend sitting next to you when the first two games did? I bought the game assuming it would have local multiplayer (what game has it then gets rid of it?) and I was a little aggravated when I found out it didn't. I love the online aspects of games nowadays, but developers are forgetting some people still have real life friends.
# 8 Blzer @ 06/22/10 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by The Yurpman
Skate 3 gets the lowest score of all three simply for leaving out the LOCAL multiplayer option. Why couldn't Skate 3 have the option to play with a friend sitting next to you when the first two games did?
Skate and Skate 2 have a splitscreen option? If so, point it out. I hadn't ever heard of that. If it does and Skate 3 doesn't, I'll go out and buy Skate 2 right now.

If you're referring to some sort of "alternate turns" mode or a LAN play option or something, then I guess I'm less concerned about something like that. But a free skate splitscreen mode is everything for me... and I don't believe that Skate (1) had it.
# 9 HiTEqMETHOD @ 06/22/10 07:42 PM
Very generous overall score. This game is a 7 at most. The franchise started off pretty strong and has just gotten weaker as more games have come out. I would much prefer the formula of the first game where it pretty much replicated the first Tony Hawk Underground with building up your skater through sponsors. Keep that general formula and add the other aspects that have been introduced as the games have gone on.
This series started off trying to focus on the realism rather than the crazy airs and ridiculous lines that you could pull off in the Tony Hawk games yet now it seems like that's exactly what Skate is becoming. They need to better incorporate the team building feature and fix the skater creator, the skater faces are pretty terrible and their lack of quality is made even more obvious when you see how good the actual pros in the game look. I had more fun playing Skate 1 than this game. I'd have to agree with whoever said Skate1 > Skate 2 > Skate 3.
While the game is fun, it leaves you with a sense of unfulfilled potential. They need to get rid of those gimmicky story line openings that they use to put your skater back at square one at the start of every game.I'm not talking about the intro videos (those are funny to watch), I'm talking about your skater always almost killing himself then having to rebuild your career. It's like an excuse to make you play the game rather than just progressing your skater in one continuous experience from Skate 1, 2 and 3.
# 10 HiTEqMETHOD @ 06/22/10 07:43 PM
I organized my post in paragraphs with indents, why is it all jumbled together?
# 11 JkA3 @ 06/22/10 08:29 PM
i feel this score. this game is good, and I'm not even a skater.
# 12 inkcil @ 07/19/10 02:13 AM
I have never really been into skating games...think I played the skate or skate 2 demo a while ago and liked it. Took a huge chance in my mind and bought this over the weekend and I am really surprised how much FUN the game is. Since I didn't play the first 2 in the series I'm able to have a lot of fun without thinking about the game in relation to its predecessors.
# 13 Chef Matt @ 08/01/10 05:57 PM
I'm thinking I might pick this up tomorrow. They have it for 39.99 at GS new. Is there any incentive to buy it new or should I go used?
# 14 Bellsprout @ 08/01/10 06:01 PM
I think you're good to buy it used. It came out before that Online Pass business, so I think you can just save yourself a couple bucks.
# 15 Chef Matt @ 08/01/10 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by Dayman
I think you're good to buy it used. It came out before that Online Pass business, so I think you can just save yourself a couple bucks.
Thanks Witn..er D-man I'll check it out used then. I loved skate 1 and 2 with a fever! Lookin forward to this one now.
# 16 LingeringRegime @ 08/19/10 03:52 AM
I'd have to agree with whoever said Skate1 > Skate 2 > Skate 3.
This is truly a shame.

But, after buying Skate 2 over the weekend for 20 bucks, and having to deal with the god awful frame rate issues for the PS3 version (seems worse than the first skate) it seems that equation is truth.

This series has so much potential. I don't see why they can't makes this run in a smooth fashion. No excuse for it.
# 17 Blzer @ 08/20/10 01:34 PM
Skate 3 retail isn't smooth either?

The first Skate has a constant framerate, but at 30 FPS I don't know if I am satisfied with the sacrifice that's made for it.
# 18 LingeringRegime @ 08/20/10 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
Skate 3 retail isn't smooth either?

The first Skate has a constant framerate, but at 30 FPS I don't know if I am satisfied with the sacrifice that's made for it.
Gamespot said there were F.R.I. in Skate 3. So sad. I would rather have 20 FPS than the issues that are in Skate 2.
# 19 spit_bubble @ 11/03/10 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by SBartlett
skate 3 is mad fun guys.
Gotta agree with this. I wasn't too keen on it when it first came out, but have gotten back into playing it and think it's a near masterpiece.

I'm playing it on the 360 and don't see any frame rate issues. I've also looked into the park creator a bit more and now realize just how cool of a feature it is, something I didn't see before because I didn't spend much time with it.

I think mainly it's just the bitterness I had towards Skate 2 is finally gone, because I can now say Skate 3 is a flat out great game.
# 20 Blzer @ 11/04/10 01:27 AM
The only real framerate issues I get are in skate parks (it gets hit badly), but that's on PS3.

Skate 3 is awesome, and I finally have some free time to play it.

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