Tiger Woods 11 News Post

Game: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 11Hype Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: iPhone / PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 9 - View All
Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 11 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 OnlookerDelay @ 06/18/10 05:09 PM
This is the second and third videos I've seen of TW 11 with the Move at E3, and none of them has shown True View in action yet. I'm starting to think that we might not see True View in Tiger Woods 11 on the PS3 after all. The motion controller should be a significant improvement over a gamepad, but I've been spoiled by seeing how much more complete this experience can be with the Wii version's brilliant execution of the more dynamic True View.
# 2 JkA3 @ 06/21/10 08:56 PM
looks cool so far.
# 3 steelpirate @ 06/23/10 01:59 AM
Originally Posted by OnlookerDelay
This is the second and third videos I've seen of TW 11 with the Move at E3, and none of them has shown True View in action yet. I'm starting to think that we might not see True View in Tiger Woods 11 on the PS3 after all. The motion controller should be a significant improvement over a gamepad, but I've been spoiled by seeing how much more complete this experience can be with the Wii version's brilliant execution of the more dynamic True View.
True View is on PS3.
# 4 DivotMaker @ 06/23/10 07:05 AM
Originally Posted by steelpirate
True View is on PS3.
Where? All I see is TrueAim....
# 5 OnlookerDelay @ 06/23/10 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by DivotMaker
Where? All I see is TrueAim....
And the assist goes to DivotMaker I've about given up on my mission to educate the world that True View and True Aim cameras are two entirely separate entities... it's like trying to convince the internet population that "then" does not mean the same thing as "than"
# 6 OnlookerDelay @ 06/23/10 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by Seymour Scagnetti
Trust me guys, trueview is not that big a deal. I played the Wii version and you are looking down at the ball on your carpet when you swing so it really doesn't matter what's on screen except lining up your clubhead but even then you still have to readjust when you look down on the carpet at your ball. Like I mentioned before as well I didn't like the putting aspect of it. If it's not included I wouldn't lose sleep over it. True aim is a much better option to have.
I can't speak from experience from the Wii's True View implementation, but I do know the one thing that intrigued me the most about Tiger Woods Online on the PC was its True View execution. It looks a lot like the PS3/360 version for the first 80-95% of its travel, then it switches to a downrange camera view, showing the ball reaching its destination. I say 80 to 95% because it does vary depending on the shot type.

I'm sure that a lot of True Aim purists will say that it spoils the first person perspective and the mystery of the shot's finish, and I can understand that. I feel like it's too much of mystery because of the limited field of vision the fixed perspective is capable of delivering, especially since it presumes that your golfer is frozen in his tracks from start to finish.

The point I'm trying to make is that it appears to me that EA Sports missed an opportunity to add an option for the Wii's True View and the PC's TWO True View. I know for a fact that I'd be using the PC's True View, versus the 360's True Aim camera, were I given that option. From what I've seen, the PC's True View wouldn't give the gamer an advantage over the True Aim player. I just love being given a since of completion by seeing the finish of the shot, after it's left my golfer's field of view.
# 7 BleacherCreature @ 06/23/10 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by OnlookerDelay
it's like trying to convince the internet population that "then" does not mean the same thing as "than"
Throw "you're" and "your" in there for good measure.
# 8 OnlookerDelay @ 06/24/10 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by BleacherCreature
Throw "you're" and "your" in there for good measure.
Oh yeah, right along with "alot", instead of "a lot"
# 9 ryan4889 @ 06/29/10 09:31 PM
along with whence and hence...and poop and snoop

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