NHL 11 News Post

Game: NHL 11Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 36 - View All
NHL 11 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 myownsun @ 06/18/10 08:15 AM
Great find, watching now!
# 2 patsfan188 @ 06/18/10 09:45 AM
I wanna see that jumping over the player feature.
# 3 Lightbringer719 @ 06/18/10 10:54 AM
I'm still kinda bummed that after the whistle, folks are still just standing around and doing nothing, while the goalie is in his looped animation. (Though, I'm interested how the new physics figures in during the scrums)

I too, want to see the jump deke in action.
# 4 TreyIM2 @ 06/18/10 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by Bama83
So glad they said that the hits were amped up - because that shoulder to shoulder hit defied *ALL* known physics.
I wasn't going to lead in with that but, yea, that one was hard to miss. That made me cringe a bit and like jemens, I hope they can tune the physics engine so we don't see unrealistic physics like that in the game.

With that out of the way, the good:

1. The manual between the legs move - Good stuff.
2. Manual jumping over players - Good stuff.
3. Puck flying up off stick on the ice during a shot - Good stuff.
# 5 plaidchuck @ 06/18/10 11:12 AM
Too many over the top hits.. looks like there's gonna be a hipcheck every 2 minutes in the game.. Still too easy to come into the offensive zone.. and even with the physics based hits there's still not enough "incidental" contact that happens so frequently especially in front of the net in the real game. About the dekes: He says "Richard Zednik scored a great goal where he jumped and put it in the net a couple of years ago" Key phrase: years ago!!! Yet you know it's gonna happen every game.

Don't get me wrong I'm still excited about all of the new features but I think most people are gonna be pretty dissappointed.. in summary, expect the worst hope for the best. I just think they get pressured to put new features in just to have new features and the core stuff in the game kind of suffers.
# 6 shanew21 @ 06/18/10 12:00 PM

I understand that they are trying to counter some of the things that the defense does, but come on, Duncan Keith should not be able to pull those moves against defenders. This better be on a very low difficulty.
# 7 Money99 @ 06/18/10 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by shanew21

I understand that they are trying to counter some of the things that the defense does, but come on, Duncan Keith should not be able to pull those moves against defenders. This better be on a very low difficulty.
I'm betting that's the case.
For all we know, the harder difficulties will make it more difficult for certain players to pull off every move.

But I do see your point. In my mind, instead of adding dekes (that everyone can pull off) to counter defensive moves like diving sweep-checks, they should have added more risk-reward for those kinds of plays.
And how you do that is in two ways:
1. More penalties when players are tripped by poke checks/sweeps.
2. Make goalie's human. So if a player decides to dive to sweep a puck away, he leaves his team wide-open for an odd man advantage. And I think we've all seen what the better players can do when given time and room.

Saying that, I want to play it myself before judgment is passed.
I have a feeling by the time the end of this 3-year physics cycle is complete, the game will be exactly what we've been waiting for. Especially in the skating department.
# 8 BoarWarrior27 @ 06/18/10 01:13 PM
Awesome video I can't wait for this game. NHL 11 is going to rock!!!!
# 9 The Visualizer @ 06/18/10 01:43 PM
Im still worried about the dekes, EA/Redshirt please come out and tell us that unskilled players will not be able to perform quick dekes, they should even be allowed to be attempted unless your (deking/stick handling?) rating is pretty high
# 10 UwantRadie @ 06/18/10 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by BooShay
Im pretty sure red_shirt said they had hitting amped up for E3 to show the physics engine
It is mentioned several times in practically every thread on this forum.. If you dont know this by now.. why visit this forum?
# 11 UwantRadie @ 06/18/10 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by shanew21

I understand that they are trying to counter some of the things that the defense does, but come on, Duncan Keith should not be able to pull those moves against defenders. This better be on a very low difficulty.
I am not concerned with that at all.. Even with NHL10, with the proper sliders, I am always seeing deke-less players lose the puck when they do that... Heck in my SM-Liiga, I just lost a shootout like that.. I broke the goalie down with my 3rd defenseman (LONG shootout), but as I was bringing the puck to the backhand (moving right to left), the puck simply was heading the other way... My moves simply shook the puck off my own stick...

That is how it should be handled.. You shouldnt take Duncan Keith's ability away to try that... He just shouldnt be successful with it...
# 12 UwantRadie @ 06/18/10 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by Money99
Saying that, I want to play it myself before judgment is passed.
I have a feeling by the time the end of this 3-year physics cycle is complete, the game will be exactly what we've been waiting for. Especially in the skating department.

Well I agree with EVERYTHING except the very last part... I have total faith in these guys but Skating has got me a tad nervous.. I mean.. Why wouldnt that be the first tier in the cycle.. I dont want to say that they are hiding from it, but I feel like they know it is going to be a BEAST to get under control, and they want to make sure everything else is in place first before setting out on it... I dont know.. Skating just has me the most worried that they will get right... though like I said. I have total faith.. these guys have given me COUNTLESS hours of joy over the last 4 years (was a NHL2K guy before NHL07).
# 13 Russo @ 06/18/10 03:08 PM
Hmm I really hope the hit engine is dumbed down a bit because AFTER showing THAT, how can the producer sit there and try to convince us hits are more realistic that ever. I've never seen a hit like that..What was that a 1080 flip in the air?
# 14 UwantRadie @ 06/18/10 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by Russo
Hmm I really hope the hit engine is dumbed down a bit because AFTER showing THAT, how can the producer sit there and try to convince us hits are more realistic that ever. I've never seen a hit like that..What was that a 1080 flip in the air?

Hits are amped up for this demo purpose.. also.. Sticks can be broken with a specific button press to demonstate that as well...
# 15 The Visualizer @ 06/18/10 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by tgalv
i think some of you guys are a bit paranoid with "certain players can't do that" stuff. first off, if george parros showed up at your local rec game he'd probably dangle your face off and look like a super gretzky.

2nd of all i agree that there probably isn't enough difference in player abilities but having it too far in the other direction is way worse. how many people do you see playing with the florida panthers online? no one and if you start taking away game functions that just makes it even more lopsided. it would be like getting in a time machine and playing your friend in nhl97 and he spends the whole game passing it to lindros and flattening everyone with his people's elbow "signature" move. meanwhile you've got ray bourque on your team who's got a useless 1 footed slapper move that does nothing.

i like realism but my main goal is to have fun playing, and that doesn't include my opponent doing a 720 spin move with crosby and scoring from his knees then later i get the puck with shawn thornton and he just fumbles the puck off his stick for no reason because he's a "toughguy".
I don't agree with any of what you got there except the bit about George Parros. The right and left quick deke moves from the video looks pretty much exactly like the ones that have been in the game for the past 2 years execpt now they are easier to fire off with the button changes.

In the NHL how often do you see players doing these type of moves...not very often at all. I had the privilege of watching almost every single NHL playoff game this year and maybe seen these type moves once a game and when they occurred it was a highly skilled player attempting them. Regarding the Florida Panthers, usually when I play online I just hit the random select and pick any team as long as they don't have a trash goalie, mainly because in NHL10 like it's predecessors every team and most players feel and ultimately play the same, there isn't enough difference in ratings and abilities. Only real difference besides speed is the goalie lets in softies against the top 10 shooters in the game and some of the bigger hitters don't get shrugged off when attempting body checks.

NHL10 plays a really good game of hockey but suffers from a lack of personality. Accentuating the abilities of superstars would help move the game in the right direction. My problem is the explanations given for adding these new deke moves are "we want to give players especially those new to the game a counter to getting hit or dealing with defenders laying on the ice". Your more organic physics checking system should take care of the hitting "problem" as it should be able to more realistically simulate body contact if it's doing its job correctly, allowing puckhandlers to recover from contact not lined up correctly. If defenders laying down on the ice is such a issue, how about forcing players to stand up after a second or two of laying down, again how often do you see players down blocking shots for more than the amount of time necessary.

I'm all for adding stuff but the message has been mixed from the E3 videos. What is the dev's goal, creating the best, most realistic game of hockey or focusing the the game on making highlight reel worthy plays every game. No need to break the game just to add bullet points to the back of the box...
# 16 plaidchuck @ 06/18/10 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by The Visualizer
I'm all for adding stuff but the message has been mixed from the E3 videos. What is the dev's goal, creating the best, most realistic game of hockey or focusing the the game on making highlight reel worthy plays every game. No need to break the game just to add bullet points to the back of the box...
My thoughts exactly. And the fact everyone is saying now "it's just a demo" is a bit hopeful since they said the same things last year yet what we saw is what we got until patches and "tuners"
# 17 akula @ 06/18/10 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by Bama83
While I am definitely more *sim* than not, I can understand the addition of this.

Too many goofs diving on the ice at ridiculous times, whereas in real life this would never happen. It's to combat this tactic.

Granted, I think they could have thought of other ways to combat this.
what will reduce guys laying on the ice in the defensive zone? answer: the ability to nullify its advantage, AKA jumping over them. You will see a drop in guys lying on the ice, and therefore little use of the jump-over after people realize it isn't nearly as effective!
# 18 onlybygrace @ 06/18/10 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by RealmK
Eh simple solution, pluggers are slower doing those side to side dekes, as it is now you still lose the puck 9 out of 10 times when trying to do some crazy *** fast crap with a non super star, I'm all for seeing more seperation between the stars and 3rd/4th liners, but I've said it a few times now, its not that hard to deke. Some of you guys make pulling a nice stick move off sound like its an act of god or something.
No doubt, people. As long as you set the sliders so the CPU can strip of the puck...you'll lose the puck more often than not.
# 19 Steve_OS @ 06/19/10 12:28 AM
Added part 1 to the original post, I didn't see it earlier.
# 20 SinisterAlex @ 06/19/10 03:14 PM
I hope this doesn't turn into NHL 09 in terms of hits.... I hate seeing every hit online a big massive hit.

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