FIFA 11 News Post

We recently had an opportunity to interview David Rutter, Producer of FIFA Soccer 11. Check it out, right here.

Game: FIFA Soccer 11Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: NDS / PC / PS2 / PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 16 - View All
FIFA Soccer 11 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 KG @ 06/16/10 09:32 PM
OS: Was the idea of Personality+ first kicked around in FIFA 10 Ultimate Team? To be more specific, is it built on the idea of chemistry that was introduced in that mode or is that just an element of it?

I think the concept of personality has been there for a long time. But I don’t think we achieved it as well as we wanted to. When you look at FIFA 09 and 10 you get the sense that speed, acceleration and strength were the only attributes that mattered. They weren’t – but because of the way the game played they were the most ‘useful’ ones to have….
You don't say??

Good to see the honesty and thanks for the interview. This is a step in the right direction. Hopefully signature styles/moves comes next. Doesn't sound good for sliders or the ability to mass-edit team tactics.
# 2 boritter @ 06/17/10 01:54 AM
"In World Cup 2010, some gamers were not crazy about the speed/pressure settings of the AI in terms of how ferociously they would come after you on defense. Is this something that will be looked at and changed more as FIFA 11 continues to be developed?"

The way that he avoided this question makes me think this issue was not addressed. Too bad, since this is my biggest gameplay concern with WC2010.
# 3 Lecrae @ 06/17/10 04:31 AM
Still no sliders I guess since he completely avoided the question and starting talking about chants for some reason.

All they have to do is add international coaching imo and MM would be complete for me, oh and making it so that the standings dont change before you play the game so that the points total is accurate.

I'm really excited to see how much personality+ affects gameplay now that there really is a noticeable difference between players.

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