NHL 11 News Post

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Game: NHL 11Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 36 - View All
NHL 11 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 Flamesfan102 @ 06/14/10 06:01 PM
Looks amazing =D

Only like 9 weeks until the demo should release.
# 2 onlybygrace @ 06/14/10 06:06 PM
Hmm...maybe some Hawks fans can comment on whether the arena intro looks like the one done in Chicago.

Wonder if they took a page outta 2k's book and put in real arena intros.
# 3 BlackJack_Williams @ 06/14/10 06:14 PM
Might be my first hockey game bought since 95 lol looking good
# 4 jdr4693 @ 06/14/10 06:35 PM
Looks like presentation has gone untouched again...
# 5 crobert0247 @ 06/14/10 06:43 PM
A couple of things I liked from the trailer:

-Top view of player entry from the tunnel at :15.
-The new pre-face off camera pan at :17.
-Stammy slapping Zubrus's stick and sweeping the puck on the backhand in the face off at :29.
-The new curl drag animation by Pavel at :33.
-The new puck through skate deke by Kaner at :59 (even though this happens very, very rarely in games)
-Doughty kicking the puck up to Simmer and grabbing a new stick from the bench. I don't see the trainer give the stick though. They are grabbing at the twigs low on the bench.
-The checking does look dynamic but I know the slider is going down to 0 once again. *Still greatly anticipating the physics engine as a whole.

I really wanted to see the player controlled celebrations though! Maybe next video.
# 6 Facts @ 06/14/10 06:49 PM
EA Canada, SCEA, 2K FTW

EA Tiburon Failed
# 7 The Visualizer @ 06/14/10 06:51 PM
if only Patrick Kane needed that much skill to score on Leighton...

looks great, not sure about jumping dekes, I really hope they are limited to a few players on each team along with all other skill moves, as I don't want to see Hal Gill on a breakaway toe dragging, kicking the puck between his legs, jumping over a defender laying down and finishing while laying on the ice
# 8 shanew21 @ 06/14/10 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by The Visualizer
if only Patrick Kane needed that much skill to score on Leighton...

looks great, not sure about jumping dekes, I really hope they are limited to a few players on each team along with all other skill moves, as I don't want to see Hal Gill on a breakaway toe dragging, kicking the puck between his legs, jumping over a defender laying down and finishing while laying on the ice

I loved the trailer. Goal reviews are confirmed now (in that really fast part), the intro looked really cool, regardless of its accuracy, hits look pretty good, broken sticks are alright. Overall it looks to be a great improvement. I would assume that this is the tip of the iceberg on info.
# 9 crobert0247 @ 06/14/10 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by The Visualizer
I really hope they are limited to a few players on each team along with all other skill moves, as I don't want to see Hal Gill on a breakaway toe dragging, kicking the puck between his legs, jumping over a defender laying down and finishing while laying on the ice
It is rumored that some of the featured high skill dekes are limited to higher skilled players out of the box. I'd like to have confirmation through.
# 10 06woz @ 06/14/10 11:08 PM

Some high(ish) res screen caps, with a little bit of color correction to get rid of that red overtone in the video.
# 11 6194life @ 06/14/10 11:24 PM
seems like the arenas are more life-like. more detail. hard to tell with the lights out but it appears as if there is a new intro. I also noticed how Patrick sharp took to the ice without a helmet. warmups maybe? sounds like they also changes chicagos horn
# 12 B_rad13 @ 06/15/10 12:12 AM
Now I hope for the next video we can see some CHL action
# 13 SinisterAlex @ 06/15/10 12:46 AM
Holy s***. I cannot wait for the faceoffs C'mon demo come out now
# 14 Panther84 @ 06/15/10 01:55 AM
Looks like goal horns wont be changing
# 15 SCARFACE909 @ 06/15/10 03:42 AM
Originally Posted by Panther84
Looks like goal horns wont be changing

Have to try to look at bright side. Perhaps they added Custom Goal horns this year
# 16 JezFranco @ 06/15/10 07:42 AM
Is it only me, but I think most parts looks great except that I think that there is no weight in the players.
It looks physical and unscripted sure, but it doesnt feel like two 200-pound player smashing into each other. They just seem a bit light somehow.

I'm not bashing. Like mentioned it looks great, just that thing...
# 17 LuGer33 @ 06/15/10 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by Scottdau
I think the faceoffs looked better in this video. The hits my be a little over the top, but it still looks smooth.
I'd wager they were highlighting big hits for trailer purposes. You should only see a few like that during an actual game come September.
# 18 06woz @ 06/15/10 11:38 AM
So NHL 11 is officially on the floor at e3! Damn I wanna be there.
# 19 plaidchuck @ 06/15/10 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by JezFranco
Is it only me, but I think most parts looks great except that I think that there is no weight in the players.
It looks physical and unscripted sure, but it doesnt feel like two 200-pound player smashing into each other. They just seem a bit light somehow.

I'm not bashing. Like mentioned it looks great, just that thing...
Yeah that one hit where the guy looks like he is "kicked" sideways looks weird..
# 20 Dean3790 @ 06/15/10 12:58 PM
The trailers always highlight the highlight reel plays...the crazy shots, the massive hits, etc. The trailers for 10 did the same...and yet, I NEVER scored a on-my-knees goal in the hundreds of games that I played. They know how to balance out the special highlight reel moments and the real game.

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