NHL 11 News Post

Game: NHL 11Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 36 - View All
NHL 11 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 plaidchuck @ 06/12/10 01:04 PM
Looks like WAAAAY too many hipchecks.. I can see everyone on EASHL now rolling around like a bowling ball
# 2 CS10029 @ 06/12/10 01:26 PM
Wish they would of just shown 30 seconds of continuous gameplay. Looks cool though.
# 3 Money99 @ 06/12/10 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by RealmK
Its a sizzle trailer highlighting the new engine, I wouldn't get all worried about 100 hipchecks a game.
Excellent point. They're simply pointing out a single aspect that they want to show off.
I doubt this will be the case in the real game.
# 4 ComaFaction @ 06/12/10 03:36 PM
It's not like they are going to show 20 seconds of cycling on a powerplay for a trailer. of course it has big checks.
# 5 Vikes1 @ 06/12/10 04:27 PM
Thanks for posting this NBA.

Oh man...the face-offs look so much better. Quite a bit better than the puck simply sliding to one player or the other, as in '10'.

Even the linesman moving outta the way looks way better. Great to see some videos starting to come in.
# 6 Flyermania @ 06/12/10 04:40 PM
Definite improvements over NHL 10. Looks good.
# 7 green94 @ 06/12/10 05:59 PM
I can't wait until September.
# 8 sarmo @ 06/12/10 06:09 PM
that was pretty decent, i love the new hits
# 9 NBAttacKeR @ 06/12/10 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by Vikes1
Thanks for posting this NBA.

Oh man...the face-offs look so much better. Quite a bit better than the puck simply sliding to one player or the other, as in '10'.

Even the linesman moving outta the way looks way better. Great to see some videos starting to come in.
No prob man, I checked this out today and it wasn't on the site so yeaah.
# 10 ianlast @ 06/12/10 07:00 PM
This is just a personal opinion and nothing more, but I don't understand why checking is the first 'real-time physics based' aspect that is being introduced into the NHL series. Yes, the splattering hits and ***-over-teakettle hip checks look cool, but really, how often do you see hits like this in real life? Once every other game?

For the life of me, I can't figure out why they haven't chosen to work on a physics-based approach to the bread-and-butter of real hockey, that being the skating. From what I can tell based on these early vids, it still looks like the same goofy skating system. No momentum, no weight, unrealistic agility, etc.

Not to jump on this game so early, I know these fluff trailers are hardly indicative of the final product. I'm just beginning to get concerned that this game might be starting to plateau a bit from a realism standpoint.
# 11 plaidchuck @ 06/12/10 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by ianlast
This is just a personal opinion and nothing more, but I don't understand why checking is the first 'real-time physics based' aspect that is being introduced into the NHL series. Yes, the splattering hits and ***-over-teakettle hip checks look cool, but really, how often do you see hits like this in real life? Once every other game?
Exactly my beef, fix the skating FIRST then everything else should fall into place.
# 12 mkharsh33 @ 06/12/10 08:08 PM
I hope I'm wrong in saying this, but why do I feel like they're going to plug a few holes in this game only to open up a few others... As has been noted here above, I hope the hip-checks are not played up so much in the release. But something tells me a patch on that will be forthcoming...
# 13 jscrub3 @ 06/12/10 09:57 PM
Nice, can't wait to see more
# 14 jaiman @ 06/12/10 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by Scottdau
I don't like the way that faceoff looked. Don't know why either, I just don't, but everything else looked real smooth!
Same here. I think its more going to be along the lines of a "rock,paper,scissors" where stick tie up may beat a regular draw back to the point, etc etc.

I don't think we will have full control of our stick, like we are used to in the 2K series...
# 15 jaiman @ 06/12/10 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by Scottdau
It looks kinda slow. I don't know, I still like 2k faceoff better, but the physics looked really good and the player models even looked better than last years. I still pumped for this game!
We have no choice but to be pumped for this. It is our only choice.
# 16 B_rad13 @ 06/12/10 10:34 PM
I hope the next videos have some CHL teams in it.
# 17 onlybygrace @ 06/13/10 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by Scottdau
But you control how far you swing. Oh well, I agree about the option part, that was a huge pet peeve of mine. The physics look really good. It will be here before you know it. Days and months for that matter go so fast for me.
Me too...my life is a mad dash for the grave.
# 18 onlybygrace @ 06/13/10 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by Scottdau
Yep, that is why I think I need to find a new job. My weeks go faster than my weekends. I am not joking either. This game will be very good and I will enjoy it a lot.
Your weeks go faster than your weekends???

You sure about that?
# 19 SCARFACE909 @ 06/13/10 02:51 AM
Remember this is year 1 of a 3 year plan to get the game on FULL Physics I think Skating will be a big thing for NHL12
# 20 sroz39 @ 06/13/10 11:21 AM
I think collisions HAD to be the first thing they applied physics to because I don't think it would work the other way around. I'm no dev by any means, but it just seems like physical contact physics would have to be the first thing applied because if it was the skating and the collisions were animation driven, the transition animations between skating and contact would look way off.

If you look back at the Backbreaker vids, the contact was the first things they were touting. Even now, the running in Backbreaker in the finished, full-physics product don't always look perfect. I think if NHL had full physics skating before contact, it would be really difficult to tell the engine to stop the skating physics and transition to the animation-driven contact without it looking terrible.

I may be way off here though.

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