NHL 11 News Post

IGN has posted their preview of NHL 11.

"With all these bodies flying around, you might be wondering what happens to the sticks in people's hands. These are no longer glued to the player and can be knocked out of hands or broken. If you lose your stick, you aren't toast. You can still skate around and try and clear space for your team. Or your teammate might pick up your stick and bring it to you and if your buddy has his broken, you can come from the bench with a replacement for him.

And you will want a stick in your hand. Let's say you are near the goal, get hit as you are scrambling for a rebound, fall to the ice and see the puck just out of reach. You can now flick your stick, to smack the puck in desperation. Who knows, you may just poke it in."

Game: NHL 11Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 36 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Vikes1 @ 06/08/10 11:02 PM
Great read. Thanks Money!

I know games are rarely ever as good as they sound. Especially coming from the gaming sites. But dang...if NHL'11' turns out to be half as good as it sounds, we'll be in for one helluva game this year.

To at long last, actually have size and weight truly matter, should make for a much improved way the game plays. And as mentioned in the writeup...who you have out there, matched up against who, will really make a difference now. Hopefully no more having to pretend this stuff matters.
# 2 Money99 @ 06/09/10 06:23 AM
Originally Posted by Vikes1
Great read. Thanks Money!

I know games are rarely ever as good as they sound. Especially coming from the gaming sites. But dang...if NHL'11' turns out to be half as good as it sounds, we'll be in for one helluva game this year.

To at long last, actually have size and weight truly matter, should make for a much improved way the game plays. And as mentioned in the writeup...who you have out there, matched up against who, will really make a difference now. Hopefully no more having to pretend this stuff matters.
Well said. That's what I'm hoping for too.

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