NHL 11 News Post

LuGer33 has posted his thoughts on the new real time hitting physics, new faceoff system, broken sticks, and some of the new dekes available in NHL 11. He has answered a lot of questions in the thread as well.

"You guys saw a tiny clip of this in that recently released video, and that was really only a taste of what this year's hitting engine offers. It's definitely the best that I've ever seen in a hockey game, and even though big hits were tuned up in the version I got to play last May, I still didn't see anything alarming like in NHL 07 or NHL 09 where there were way too many big hits. When someone landed a big hit, it looked and felt very real and very satisfying. One of the aspects of this area that I'm most excited about is how glances have been implemented. In years past, players could bump into each other and nothing would happen, it would be like two solid blocks colliding and the game didn't recognize this as a collision; well, that has been changed this year as slight nudges and glances will actually impact your control of the puck and player movement. I had a guy glance off a defender in the offensize zone at one point during my playtest only to then be absolutely crushed by someone else who finished a big hit. It was really a thing of beauty, and I found myself watching it on the replay again and again. Safe to say that over 8 hours of play time, I didn't see the same hit twice.

One thing I have to caution people though is don't expect NHL 11 to be a hockey version of Backbreaker. The game is using a new real time physics engine for hitting, stick on stick / stick on puck collisions, but things like skating, goal celebrations, goaltending are improved but still similar to what they have been in year's past. This is understandable because it would be very hard to turn NHL 10 into Backbreaker in the short year long development cycle, however as Littman mentioned in an interview (and he told us too), it's a 3 year plan to get the game entirely physics based just like Backbreaker, and from what I've seen so far, NHL 11 is a very darn good start."

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Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 36 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Vikes1 @ 06/08/10 10:32 PM
Yep...understandable that true physic can't be just thrown together in one development cycle. I'm just glad it's underway. With it being a three year plan, you'd think it would give them a chance to do it well. Rather than halfheartedly doing the physics, and calling it a day. Great to hear their concentrating on doing something very worthwhile. And then at least supposedly sticking with it, to get it the best they can, after a three year investment of time.

Personally I'm glad their taking their time with this. Rather than risking screwing up an already excellent playing game.
# 2 TreyIM2 @ 06/08/10 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by Vikes1
Yep...understandable that true physic can't be just thrown together in one development cycle. I'm just glad it's underway. With it being a three year plan, you'd think it would give them a chance to do it well. Rather than halfheartedly doing the physics, and calling it a day. Great to hear their concentrating on doing something very worthwhile. And then at least supposedly sticking with it, to get it the best they can, after a three year investment of time.

Personally I'm glad their taking their time with this. Rather than risking screwing up an already excellent playing game.
Yea, a new engine that is the foundation of a game takes years to build, like I've been trying to express about other sports games in other forums but it's good to hear that they have started something that's good enough, at this point, that it's already impressive. I look forward to this game and NBA Elite 11 which will be using the same engine.
# 3 LuGer33 @ 06/08/10 11:38 PM
Thanks for posting, Steve. I urge you guys to check out the thread on the EA Boards because Shake and Baco (Nick) and myself have answered a lot of questions over there.
# 4 Flamesfan102 @ 06/08/10 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by Scottdau
can you give a link or PM me.
# 5 Flamesfan102 @ 06/08/10 11:53 PM
Littman said that this new physics engine is the first year of a 3 year plan to make the game feel realistic. They had a russian Ph.D guy working on the physics all year.

*NHL 11 cover* - I am thinking zdeno chara since this years game is all about the new physics (every hit is different) system and chara knows how to dish it out to opponents.
# 6 Qb @ 06/09/10 09:26 AM
I'll be getting my impressions on these items up as soon as I get some free time to do a proper feature for the front page. In the meantime, I'll gladly answer questions -- only pertaining to physics, faceoffs, broken sticks, and new dekes! -- in this thread. Fire away and please respect the fact that there are certain things about which I cannot speak.
# 7 ch46647 @ 06/09/10 09:38 AM
How many new dekes are there? Are there any player specific dekes? Or dekes that can only be performed be elite players?

As far as the new physics goes how did collisions with the boards looks? And if you knock someone over and they slide into the boards does their body react to the collision with the boards, or do you actually have to hit the person into the boards for their to be interaction like in NHL 10?

# 8 Money99 @ 06/09/10 09:42 AM
In regards to the new physics, how differently does the puck react?
They mentioned subtle bumps and players getting knocked off stride. How does this feel? And is it realistic?
Is it like NHL2K10 (but hopefully not as slow)?

I'm also interested in ch46647's question regarding dekeing and whether or not everyone on the ice can perform them.

# 9 Ridgeberg @ 06/09/10 09:55 AM
Does the new physics system include shooting, specifically, wrist and snap shots? Will the puck still have a set trajectory (I think there was really only 8 places a puck could be shot in NHL 10, and you couldn't really score shooting at the goalies head or for the 5 hole, so really 6 places you could score) and fly on a rope to that point in the net? Do you have to do the wind-up motion in order to generate any power behind the shot, making it the only viable way to score cleanly?
# 10 Money99 @ 06/09/10 10:03 AM
QB, Alain's email stated you could speak about hands-on. Does that include gameplay?
If so, how was the CPU AI? It was mentioned someplace that Rammer wanted to make the AI smarter and the goalies more realistic. Did you notice that?
Will it be harder to break down the D but once you do, you'll have a more realistic chance of scoring on the tender?

# 11 06woz @ 06/09/10 10:47 AM
Qb, are the new dekes just the four that you can do by holding the left bumper and 'flicking' each direction?

Are the old 1 on 1 'set up' and 'pull' dekes gone?

Are there any new 'set up' and 'pull dekes'?

Can you comment on how the real time physics improves these dekes?

and lastly, with the new real time physics, does this mean we will have completely real deflections, so that a puck will bounce off of something according to the angle they hit the stick(object) at?

# 12 SinisterAlex @ 06/09/10 01:29 PM
So I'm guessing with the new faceoff system, we can FINALLY get waved out of the faceoff circle
# 13 Splitter77 @ 06/09/10 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by AtomicLegend
So I'm guessing with the new faceoff system, we can FINALLY get waved out of the faceoff circle
i read somewhere that you can't get tossed out of a faceoff.
# 14 TDKing @ 06/09/10 02:59 PM
Are the ability and the success rate of these new dekes heavly tied into a players ratings or can every player pull of these moves with the same or CLOSE to the same success rate? thanks.
# 15 TDKing @ 06/09/10 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by Splitter77
i read somewhere that you can't get tossed out of a faceoff.
I hate to be a basher I really do but if this is true it just another case of EA half azzing something again. Come on !! Get right the first time.
# 16 Money99 @ 06/09/10 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by Splitter77
i read somewhere that you can't get tossed out of a faceoff.
I'm pretty sure it was confirmed on the EA boards by someone (Luger33?) who attended the event.
Bummer. But not a game breaker.
# 17 06woz @ 06/09/10 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by TDKing
I hate to be a basher I really do but if this is true it just another case of EA half azzing something again. Come on !! Get right the first time.
Yeah screw all these new features!!! Just let me get thrown out of the faceoff circle.
# 18 Qb @ 06/09/10 04:01 PM
I'll do the best I can for right now, although I don't have my 10+ pages of notes with me...

Originally Posted by ch46647
How many new dekes are there? Are there any player specific dekes? Or dekes that can only be performed be elite players?
I don't know the number of new dekes and I'm not the best stick-jockey -- nor were the tutorials for the new controls finished yet -- so I only pulled off a few of them. I think Vicodin14 of the EASHL Forum spent quite a bit of time in practice mode fooling around with them. Maybe head over there to see what he can tell you. I do know the loose puck dekes were re-worked to be quicker, more efficient and effective.

My favorite was probably the toe-drag. Playing Windsor vs. Brandon, I was streaking down the off-wing with Taylor Hall in a 1v1 situation with a d-man. I did the toe-drag deke to fake inside and beat him wide. I got a stride on him, took it back to my forehand and ripped a short-side wrister. All in one very smooth & continuous, undeniably awesome motion... unfortunately, the goalie stopped it, or it would've been one hell of a highlight.

I don't believe there are any player-specific dekes, but I do believe there are some dekes that require a high deking attribute. During one of the feedback sessions, we spent some time talking with Redshirt about the need to prevent lowly-rated guys from being able to execute the fancy stuff.

Originally Posted by ch46647
As far as the new physics goes how did collisions with the boards looks? And if you knock someone over and they slide into the boards does their body react to the collision with the boards, or do you actually have to hit the person into the boards for their to be interaction like in NHL 10?

Board interaction is part of the physics overhaul. During the opening presentation, Andy & Nate showed us many hits along the boards in which bodies were crunched in too many ways to describe -- all in accordance with real-world physics, course. I remember one particularly nasty hit from behind where we could clearly see the recipients face get mashed into the top of the bench.

I'm not sure about players sliding into the boards, as I don't recall that situation during my playing time, but it could very well be possible. I hate to say for sure since I didn't see it, but logic tells me it would be.

Originally Posted by Money99
In regards to the new physics, how differently does the puck react?
It's hard for me to say right now, as they weren't where Redshirt (by his own admission) wanted them to be in the build we were playing. Just some goofy things happening from time to time -- particularly with the goalie & rebounds --as a result of the changes not being 100% implemented and polished... in short, the nature of early builds. I can say that I don't remember a lot of the bouncing puck that you can't control on flip-dumps into the corner. I know that could be frustrating -- especially when the CPU swooped in and corralled it with no problem.

In short, I didn't see anything that particularly caught my eye one way or the other. Although I did get the feel that the puck had more weight to it, but I'd have a hard time describing why.

They mentioned subtle bumps and players getting knocked off stride. How does this feel? And is it realistic?
Is it like NHL2K10 (but hopefully not as slow)?
Didn't play 2K10, so I can't compare, but I can say that it felt very good and added a lot to the game. In fact, if I had to pick something about 11 that makes it hard to go back to 10, the player interaction/collision physics would be it.

Originally Posted by 06woz
Qb, are the new dekes just the four that you can do by holding the left bumper and 'flicking' each direction?

Are the old 1 on 1 'set up' and 'pull' dekes gone?

Are there any new 'set up' and 'pull dekes'?

Can you comment on how the real time physics improves these dekes?

and lastly, with the new real time physics, does this mean we will have completely real deflections, so that a puck will bounce off of something according to the angle they hit the stick(object) at?

More deke questions, eh? No, it's not just four directions. I think the controls are similar to the system in 10. If I'm interpreting your terminology correctly, yes, some of the dekes require a "set up & pull" movement, like the aforementioned toe drag.

Others, like chipping the puck in the air and jumping over a player laying on the ice -- yes, you read that correctly -- are only L1 plus a direction (up on the RS I think). Didn't execute that one over a defender myself, but they showed us some 1v1 practice action with Andy & Nate to demonstrate the deking & physics in tandem.

The defender would lay down and the puck carrier attempted to jump over him. Usually, he didn't clear the defender which resulted in the jumper hitting the ice -- all with realistic, believable interaction -- and the puck coming free. But it didn't stop there... while falling or laying on the ice, the offensive player could swing/swipe at the puck in an attempt shoot it. I think they only made contact with the puck one time in many tries and the puck went to the corner, not on the net. Nothing canned about it... real-time physics, baby.

Originally Posted by AtomicLegend
So I'm guessing with the new faceoff system, we can FINALLY get waved out of the faceoff circle
Actually, no. Nobody is getting kicked out of the faceoff circle this year. I brought this up myself after seeing that you can "false start" during the opening presentation. For right now, this falls under the "don't do it if we can't do it right" category. The team was particularly concerned with how it would play out online, particularly if someone wanted to be a jerk about it. A valid point, and one they said they'll seek to address moving forward.


OK, that's all for now and I hope I answered your questions a gave a little extra for good measure.
# 19 Qb @ 06/09/10 04:04 PM
PS - If you guys want to quote something I said to ask a follow-up question, please chop it down to only the necessary text. It'll make things a lot easier for everyone. Thanks.
# 20 SinisterAlex @ 06/09/10 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by Splitter77
i read somewhere that you can't get tossed out of a faceoff.
THAT IS STUPID!!!!!!!!!! Then I could just keep goig early.... c'mon EA

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