FIFA 11 News Post

CVG has uncovered some new details on FIFA Soccer 11, which included 'Pro passing', improved AI, customizable audio and more.

"FIFA 11 adds swerve passes, driven lobs, fancy flicks and through-balls with backspin.

Player AI is said to have improved "massively" though perversely, responding to criticism over 10's super-human stoppers, goalkeepers are now less intelligent.

The coolest improvement though, says Zoo, is 'player personality', which means that the world's best footy players now play just as you'd expect them to.

Each player now has a defensive and attacking work rate setting, so Wayne Rooney for example runs around at 100mph hassling defenders, while Dani Alives will charge forward but might be a little slow getting back to defend.

Players are also now able to pull off their own moves depending on personality, so Carlos Tevez is full of little flicks, while Didier Drogba will use his strength to roll defenders."

Game: FIFA Soccer 11Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: NDS / PC / PS2 / PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 16 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 str8artist @ 06/08/10 09:18 AM
Player AI is said to have improved "massively" though perversely, responding to criticism over 10's super-human stoppers, goalkeepers are now less intelligent....... YES...... Lets make this happen.
# 2 KG @ 06/08/10 09:54 AM
"player personality"

It's about time.
# 3 TreyIM2 @ 06/08/10 09:57 AM
I wanted Fifa 10 - Didn't get it. I REALLY wanted World Cup - Didn't get. I think it's time to stop BSing and pull the trigger on this Fifa. I always enjoy the demos but don't buy the game. I last had Fifa for the Genesis. In the immortal words of Rakim, "It's been a long time...."
# 4 steeluk @ 06/08/10 11:57 AM
"though perversely, responding to criticism over 10's super-human stoppers, goalkeepers are now less intelligent"

I find this very worrying. Find it rather easy to score on FIFA, and this will NOT help.
# 5 Krebstar @ 06/08/10 12:31 PM
First image also released:

# 6 CeltBhoy33 @ 06/08/10 12:33 PM
Very good news indeed. I like the personality idea. I'm pretty ecstatic for 11.
# 7 Qb @ 06/08/10 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by Logic Doctor
I really hope they overhaul the manager mode. It has been the same since 08.

Great game, but needs to offer more customization to its user, and not in the form of costly downloadable content.
FIFA10's manager mode was said to be the first year of a multi-year process -- 3? Seems everything is on a 3-year plan -- to rebuild MM. There were some improvements, player growth for example, but overall it seemed to lack polish and there wasn't a big "wow" factor with the changes they made. Hopefully year two is a different story...

I'm with you on the customization aspect. From what I know about FIFA11, there could be some really cool editing opportunities if only the user was allowed to do so. I do not know if editing capabilities were expanded in any way.
# 8 EWRMETS @ 06/08/10 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by Qb
FIFA10's manager mode was said to be the first year of a multi-year process -- 3? Seems everything is on a 3-year plan -- to rebuild MM. There were some improvements, player growth for example, but overall it seemed to lack polish and there wasn't a big "wow" factor with the changes they made. Hopefully year two is a different story...

I'm with you on the customization aspect. From what I know about FIFA11, there could be some really cool editing opportunities if only the user was allowed to do so. I do not know if editing capabilities were expanded in any way.
They need to definitely lower the difficult in MM. I was in first place all season with AS Roma (a team not predicted to do well) and was fired after I dropped to third place. Getting fired killed my enthusiasm for the game and I essentially stopped playing.
# 9 Blaxican8504 @ 06/08/10 01:42 PM
I want Online Manager Mode.
# 10 KG @ 06/08/10 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by EWRMETS
They need to definitely lower the difficult in MM. I was in first place all season with AS Roma (a team not predicted to do well) and was fired after I dropped to third place. Getting fired killed my enthusiasm for the game and I essentially stopped playing.
Roma is one of the top clubs in Italy. They usually finish Top 4 and play CL football.

What's your board level at?

One thing I definately agree with you on is that the game needs to take into account games-in-hand. If you play Euro action then you fall behind in the league (which needs to be fixed too) and the board doesn't realize this as you drop down the table. It happens at the group level to in the CL.
# 11 ScottGer76 @ 06/08/10 01:46 PM
Without an improved MM, I will pass on this title. EA continually fail to deliver a MM that has some feeling to it. They should hire some of the developers from Football Manager to help them. Also, how about injuries becoming a significant part of the game? What is the point of a 25 man squad when the same 11 are fit bar the odd 1 week injury.
# 12 BrianFifaFan @ 06/08/10 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by Qb
FIFA10's manager mode was said to be the first year of a multi-year process -- 3? Seems everything is on a 3-year plan -- to rebuild MM. There were some improvements, player growth for example, but overall it seemed to lack polish and there wasn't a big "wow" factor with the changes they made. Hopefully year two is a different story...

I'm with you on the customization aspect. From what I know about FIFA11, there could be some really cool editing opportunities if only the user was allowed to do so. I do not know if editing capabilities were expanded in any way.
I'm with you about MM. It's why Fifa has really lost it's shine for me. If they don't really wow me with MM details, I'm gonna pass. (no pun intended) We know that Fifa team has gotten a hold of the gameplay. But they don't have the single player experience anywhere near it needs to be. I feel like it's David Ortiz and Madden all over again. I really don't care to play online. They really have to get the offline game correct, or I'm going to try another game as my first choice, one which has really caught my fancy with ML. They're upping their game, too.....
# 13 Other Guy @ 06/08/10 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by ScottGer76
Without an improved MM, I will pass on this title. EA continually fail to deliver a MM that has some feeling to it. They should hire some of the developers from Football Manager to help them. Also, how about injuries becoming a significant part of the game? What is the point of a 25 man squad when the same 11 are fit bar the odd 1 week injury.
Originally Posted by BrianFifaFan
I'm with you about MM. It's why Fifa has really lost it's shine for me. If they don't really wow me with MM details, I'm gonna pass. (no pun intended) We know that Fifa team has gotten a hold of the gameplay. But they don't have the single player experience anywhere near it needs to be. I feel like it's David Ortiz and Madden all over again. I really don't care to play online. They really have to get the offline game correct, or I'm going to try another game as my first choice, one which has really caught my fancy with ML. They're upping their game, too.....

I agree 100% with these two. The gameplay tuning is nice, but for me the core of the game is the MM. Most people can adjust the tactics and settings to get the gameplay where they want it, but there's no changing MM
# 14 EWRMETS @ 06/08/10 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by kgx2thez
Roma is one of the top clubs in Italy. They usually finish Top 4 and play CL football.

What's your board level at?

One thing I definately agree with you on is that the game needs to take into account games-in-hand. If you play Euro action then you fall behind in the league (which needs to be fixed too) and the board doesn't realize this as you drop down the table. It happens at the group level to in the CL.
I guess it might have to do with me being an unproven manager, but would Roma (a team that finished below the top 4 last year) really fire their manager if they were in first place all year and then fell down a few spots because of two losses?
# 15 KG @ 06/08/10 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by EWRMETS
I guess it might have to do with me being an unproven manager, but would Roma (a team that finished below the top 4 last year) really fire their manager if they were in first place all year and then fell down a few spots because of two losses?
Oh no, I definitely agree with you. It's tied into the manager prestige which makes the leash ridiculously short. The board is a cool feature in concept but needs so some serious fine-tuning.
# 16 bigeastbumrush @ 06/08/10 07:22 PM
When is the release date?
# 17 Bruins @ 06/08/10 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by bigeastbumrush
When is the release date?
Usually, FIFA comes out at the beginning of October in Europe and Australia and about 2-3 weeks later in North America.
# 18 T3B0W @ 06/08/10 11:55 PM
Looking forward to it. Love FIFA 10, subtle improvements, player personality and some more depth to Manager Mode would be sensational!
# 19 rckabillyRaider @ 06/09/10 12:14 AM
Gotta improve MM. It's just too boring. Nothing about it makes come back for more.

I do like the custom chant option. That should add to the lackluster atmosphere.

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