"It's the bottom of the fourth and that SOB Dallas Hodges is squeezing the zone low and away, again. Strike three went by like a freight train and Hodges just stared at it like a cow. This ump's a disgrace.
This ump also isn't even real. He's one of 10 in MLB 10: The Show, who can, thanks to a menu option, call personal strike zones that can definitely make you believe someone has it in for your pitcher. And when superstar hitters get to the plate, I swear they're both in collusion. I'll get nothing on the corners and then I'm forced to groove a two- or three-ball pitch and Ryan Braun hits it into the 25th century."
Vey nice article, I always play with the variable strike zone and all that jazz and yeah the way he puts it about the difference in opinion between reality and video games is a good topic to cover.
The missed calls are frustrating when you're trying to compete. But I wouldn't even consider turning the variable calls off. It just adds so much realism. So I get ticked and just live with it. Maybe the next bad call goes MY way?