NHL Slapshot News Post

Joe Nickolls, Sr. Producer of NHL Slapshot has just posted a blog, bringing in a new era of hockey.

"This has to be the most fun I’ve ever had making a game! The stick really is a game changer. Don’t get me wrong, there were plenty of skeptics - me included! But once you get that stick in your hand and start taking shots and body checks it’s almost impossible to wipe the smile off your face. We’ve had so many focus groups come in and test the game from hard-core hockey fans to ****** gamers, and they all seemed to have a great time.

NHL Slapshot is far more than just ****** hockey too. The career mode is one of the longest and deepest one’s we’ve made! I’m particularly proud of how the game looks too! The game details, the graphics, the player faces and animations are all amazing. One of the most common comments we get is “That’s a Wii game?!?”

It all comes down to a great heritage of hockey games at EA and everyone’s enthusiasm for NHL Slapshot. All our friends on NHL 11 have been awesome supporting us and helping us make a great game and I’ve been lucky to have an amazing development team."

Game: NHL SlapshotReader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: WiiVotes for game: 1 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Money99 @ 06/04/10 10:59 AM
Great little blog entry.
I'll definitely be checking this game out. I'm also very intrigued about this deep career mode.
# 2 Qb @ 06/04/10 11:16 AM
I had a fair amount of hands-on playing time with Slapshot at the community event. I had a lot of fun with it, even if I was quite bad at it. Matt and I lost to Kim and Mandy in an epic 2v2 battle... yes, we lost to the girls.

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