NHL 11 News Post

NHL 11 Videos
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I need vids, especially now that they are talking about this new physics engine they're implementing this year.
# 6
plaidchuck @ 05/24/10 12:50 PM
ok other than the hip check pic none of these are showing me anything except new jerseys and player faces... ahhh guess it's too early though. Hopefully Litty starts putting those video blogs up of actual gameplay the end of June or somethign.
kind of disappointing the graphics look identical, this is year 5 for the next-gen engine (07,08,09,10, and now 11)
I think 12 should have a substantial graphical update
I think 12 should have a substantial graphical update
# 8
SinisterAlex @ 05/24/10 02:05 PM
At least they have different ad's now lol xD
But from looking at this screenshot, the animations kind of look the same. The backwards skating especially, but like everyone else, I need to see some videos. I just really hoped they fixed the skating.
But from looking at this screenshot, the animations kind of look the same. The backwards skating especially, but like everyone else, I need to see some videos. I just really hoped they fixed the skating.
Imo...about every game this gen looks great in the screen shots. It's when the vids come out that separates the good from the ugly.
Seeing what real difference this new physic engine makes should be very interesting. Myself, I guess I'm not expecting it to be totally groundbreaking. But hoping it makes a real nice difference, we can actually see and feel.
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