We have recently released a Game update for MLB ’10 The Show (5-21-10). This patch resolves a handful of issues. In addition to correcting some items, which may or may not be noticeable. We’ve also taken the opportunity to include some enhancements to the in-game experience. Listed below are the fixes in the update.
- Addressed 3rd out run scoring issue introduced in patch 3
- Addressed lock in Tropicana Field when pressing Select to view Pitcher/Batter Status window.
- Fixed issue with trade offers not being saved properly and being lost when the saved file was loaded.
- Added batting stance animations for Ryan Braun, Carlos Gomez, Gabe Gross, Matt Joyce, Kevin Kouzmanoff
- Fixed issue on Make Trade screen with multiple user teams, preventing user from incrementing and decrementing the viewed organization making trades with other teams impossible at times.
- Fixed issue in Franchise when injuries are set to auto. MLB Injuries notifications were not being dispatched.
- Fixed issue with any user song over 244 warping around and play a different user song whether you save/restore or not.
- Fixed RTTS issue, where classic baserunning sometimes ran after arriving safely at a base, if held down the R1 button till slide started.
- Fixed issue with bounced pitch with 3-2 count, if fielded instantly off the bounce by the catcher, was calling an error on the catcher.
- Fixed Game Intro with incorrect records for teams in post-season.
- Fixed pitcher potentials in season and franchise modes.
- Don't allow a renewable or arbitration eligible player to accept a contract unless he's really interested in it.
- Fixed Newspaper information in Online League office. Correct scores, winner/loser, etc.
- Intentional walk Online gameplay issue addressed.
- Fixed issue with the auto-fix feature in rosters not working correctly all the time when a downloaded roster was used.
- Minnesota day and night, backstop changed to Limestone
- Fixed issue to accurately show the number of games in progress when looking at the game/lobby room list.
- Fixed issue causing players placed on trade waivers to not be withdrawn if claimed by a user controlled team (offline season).
- Fixed issues with attendance.
- Allow teams to send down a reliever and keep 2 closers on the roster.
- Unranked Online Games should not count towards points, win/loss nor stats.
- Fixed issue causing trades to be offered by the user's team even when set to MANUAL trades.
- Fix catcher throw decisions when AUTOTHROWING is on.
- Scout challenge from certain locations addressed.
- Sounds of the show fix, for overflow problem when storing more than 255 songs. This is referring to storing the songs in a playlist.
- Exiting chatroom fix after completing the game.
- Fixed issue causing position players to be in the bullpen leading to an issue in franchise and career mode.
- Fixed bug causing trades to not be accepted during spring training.
- Create a player using these stances/deliveries: Stances: Bay Jason, Barmes Clint, Barton Daric, Fukudome Kosuke, Kemp Matt, Longoria Evan Pitch Deliveries: Kuroda Hiroki, Lilly Ted
- Fixed Hard drive game data space and messages.
- Road to the Show Presentation Mode settings are now saved after rebooting the game.
- Fixed Road to the Show issue when on the Game Stats screen after skipping training then playing a game.
- Fixed issue in Franchise Mode and controlling of 30 teams and releasing a lot of players.
- Fixed issue when selecting "Movie Maker" with 10 replays for a movie when 11 are present.
- Fixed ball deflection sounds off players.
- Fixed issue with Pitcher batter status window.
- Fixed issues with injuries during online games.
- Fixed fielding issue with catcher overthrowing to first base on a dropped third strike.
- Fixed fielding issue with the ball in the dirt right at the feet of the user catcher.
- Fixed an issue when Playing a tiebreaker game.
- Fixed MOM bug where batter bunts every time you select hit-and-run
-Fixed HR not being called in Pologrounds when the ball is hit off the foul poll
-Fixed issue in Franchise mode where renewable or arbitration eligible player would accept any offer
-Fixed bug in online where mischief values would cause some users Sportsmanship rating to drop to 0
-Fixed Brandon Wood (Angels) having Nick Adenharts head and vice verse
-Fixed Clayton Mortensen's face
-Fixed the MLB.com ticker in-game.
- Online addition of Game History option in user list options. Can be found in Leaderboards, League Lobby, Buddy List and Schedule screens.
Online Leagues
-Games that diverge (drop, disconnect etc..) will now be thrown away. (This is a stop gap measure for MLB '10. In MLB '11 we will allow commissioners the ability to reset games that diverge.)
- Online League issues addressed: standings, injuries, free agents, schedule, lineup, pitcher rotation, team management.
As always, thank you for your support and patience. Enjoy the season!
- MLB The Show Dev Team
P.S. This is the last game update for MLB 10 as we turn our attention 100% towards development of MLB '11.