MotoGP 09/10 News Post

MotoGP 09/10 is a game which tries to straddle the line between arcade racing and true simulation. The game not only does an admirable job of mixing the two the styles of play, but it can be tweaked to be either/or, so MotoGP 09/10 might just appeal to a broader sect of racing fans than the average racing game.

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Game: MotoGP 09/10Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 3 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Bash @ 05/06/10 11:23 AM
Is there a demo?
# 2 Kruza @ 05/06/10 01:20 PM
This is a well-written review. Thanks for posting.

Originally Posted by Bash
Is there a demo?
The MotoGP 09/10 demo has been out for several weeks.

# 3 Bornindamecca @ 05/08/10 06:03 PM
Hey guys, I'm TERRIBLE at this game. Any tips? I searched for tutorial vids but came up empty.
# 4 BIG CAROLINA @ 05/08/10 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by Bornindamecca
Hey guys, I'm TERRIBLE at this game. Any tips? I searched for tutorial vids but came up empty.

Check out this site Born. You may have to register though. Best site on the net for 2 wheel racing IMO.
# 5 Bornindamecca @ 05/08/10 07:11 PM
Thanks a bunch, man. I hate being this bad at a game. Hopefully I can get some technique from here. Much appreciated.
# 6 BIG CAROLINA @ 05/10/10 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by Bornindamecca
Thanks a bunch, man. I hate being this bad at a game. Hopefully I can get some technique from here. Much appreciated.
No problem. I just picked this up for something different until my copy of SBK X arrives.
# 7 texbuk84 @ 05/11/10 05:35 PM
I was thinking about getting this game and this review will definitely help with my decision. Thanks
# 8 Ronin05 @ 05/12/10 10:47 AM
Ok guess I'm going to be the only one who says it but I can't believe we played the same game. MotoGP 09/10 is terrible. plain and simple. It's not hard and it's not a matter of techinque, point blank the game is bad. It controls bad and it plays bad. It is designed badly and executed even worse. I guess that is if you are actually looking for a motorcycle game that plays like a motorcycle (this isn't a question of sim vs arcade either). I really tired of people making excuses for bad motorcycle games, because if it were Madden or NBA live you'd nail EA to the cross if they dropped anything like this on the public.

Great graphics? The only thing great about the graphics is the frame rate. The bikes are designed wrong, the bikes/riders/tracks are out of scale. Tracks lack elevation changes. you don't really need to use the brakes. The sounds aren't bad....they are HORRIBLE. Non mappable controllers, 3 lap only races..... the list just goes on and on.

If there were Capcom's Super Streetfighter MiniMotoBike GP then the game still would be bad. But at what is supposed to be a game based of the MotoGP series this is truly pathetic. I am not a hard core sim guy either. I loved Namaco's MotoGP series which was as Arcade as you can get. Huge fan of Sega's Super Hang On & Manx TT, as well as the Motoracer PC game. MotoGP 09/10 is an insult to any fan of motorcycling, motorcycle gaming and MotoGP. The sales of this title have proven that
# 9 BIG CAROLINA @ 05/13/10 02:27 PM
Ronin my man you are correct. The only thing I will disagree with is the fact that there are elevation changes but other than that Monumental needs to stay away from Moto GP.
# 10 Ronin05 @ 05/15/10 08:40 PM
Big Carolina, when I said no elevation changes what I meant was this....At Mugello for example, it has lots of elevation changes. In the game when you are going up or down a hill, you see the changes, but never "feel" the changes. The bike never reacts to the changes. Uphill the motor doesn't work harder, downhill you don't gain speed, suspension never reacts, etc........ and this is the same for track surface in regards to bumps or surface types, so for the most part the game feels like you are riding on flat pool tables. You take MotoGP 08 for example you the bikes react to the different surface types and elevation changes.
# 11 BIG CAROLINA @ 05/16/10 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by Ronin05
Big Carolina, when I said no elevation changes what I meant was this....At Mugello for example, it has lots of elevation changes. In the game when you are going up or down a hill, you see the changes, but never "feel" the changes. The bike never reacts to the changes. Uphill the motor doesn't work harder, downhill you don't gain speed, suspension never reacts, etc........ and this is the same for track surface in regards to bumps or surface types, so for the most part the game feels like you are riding on flat pool tables. You take MotoGP 08 for example you the bikes react to the different surface types and elevation changes.
Ohhh ok I see what you are saying. Yeah I dumped this game quick and went back to GP 08 and SBk.

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