Madden NFL 11 News Post

Check out the latest Madden NFL 11 blog, featuring game flow and game planning.

"Fixing play call was not an easy thing to do. It's easily one of the most used screens in the game and everyone wants something different from it. Changing such a major part of the game is a scary thing to do. Every football game since football games have been around has done pretty much the same thing. The play call screen pops up, you flip through the plays, pick a play, and then you run the play you picked. Calling plays like this is the standard. I was extremely nervous to mess with the formula, but the fact is, the way you have been calling plays in Madden NFL for 20+ years is actually not authentic to the way coaches do it."

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Member Comments
# 1 BezO @ 04/28/10 02:09 PM
Fixing play call was not an easy thing to do.
# 2 djordan @ 04/28/10 02:10 PM
Anyone else tired of these "GameFlow" & "Gameplanning" blogs and previews?
# 3 Bgamer90 @ 04/28/10 02:12 PM
While this topic may not be anything new and/or getting kind of annoying, this did answer some of the questions people were having.

You CAN use gameplanning and not have gameflow.
# 4 Tengo Juego @ 04/28/10 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by djordan
Anyone else tired of these "GameFlow" & "Gameplanning" blogs and previews?
I think it's good. It seems like almost everyone is misunderstanding what gameflow is, or needs to be reassured that the game isn't 'choosing the plays for you' if you don't want it to.

In fact, this is the only official blog released on the feature. We've just heard so much about it through the media week.
# 5 NYyankz225 @ 04/28/10 02:20 PM
Another key note about gameplans is that you can use them with or without GameFlow. Let's say you want to play with the old style play-calling screen. If you do, the "Ask Madden" option is actually totally replaced with "My Gameplan", which then gives you all your pre-planned plays right there for you in each game situation
I like this. This is probably how I'll use it. Will be AWESOME against your friends where you really know what plays they typically run so you can make a game plan before playing them with plays that you know work. Great idea.
# 6 lolfalconsbeatu @ 04/28/10 02:21 PM
Thanks for the post..nothing really new like you said, but I just wonder if we can take Plays from existing playbooks and incorporate them to our game plan.

For example, if I play with my Falcons and use the Falcons playbook, but I find a play I like in Cleveland Browns playbook, I wonder if I could put that into my game plan?
# 7 jkra0512 @ 04/28/10 02:26 PM
This feature sounds like something I will definitely use. I get so bored of calling my own plays, because I start only going with what works and never really trying anything else. It'll be nice having an OC and DC per se.
# 8 lgxjames @ 04/28/10 02:29 PM
"Another key note about gameplans is that you can use them with or without GameFlow. Let's say you want to play with the old style play-calling screen. If you do, the "Ask Madden" option is actually totally replaced with "My Gameplan", which then gives you all your pre-planned plays right there for you in each game situation."

All I needed..Success
# 9 dmick4324 @ 04/28/10 02:31 PM
Gotta laugh at how Gameflow was directly mentioned with "quicker" and the only mention of the game being quicker was in the last paragraph. This blog is really trying to show that Gameflow is authentic and for the hardcore. I don't care who Gameflow is for, arcade players, casual players, hardcore players, etc., I want to try it no matter what.
# 10 apps80 @ 04/28/10 02:34 PM
"Another key note about gameplans is that you can use them with or without GameFlow. Let's say you want to play with the old style play-calling screen. If you do, the "Ask Madden" option is actually totally replaced with "My Gameplan", which then gives you all your pre-planned plays right there for you in each game situation."

This is why it won't fix people only using a handful of plays. It will speed of gameplay, but won't do much calling different plays.
# 11 RGiles36 @ 04/28/10 02:34 PM
I anticipated a stale blog b/c this stuff has been talked about all week...but it was actually pretty informative and organized. I like all of the customization options (tweaking CPU gameplans to account for real life tendencies ).

I'm curious to see how these features are translated to franchise mode. IGN confirmed that gameplans are affected by hiring/firing coordinators and while I can believe that, I'd like to hear it from the horse's mouth.
# 12 sportyguyfl31 @ 04/28/10 02:34 PM
just an idle note...for the love of god..can the defensive playbooks be updated? We've been looking at the same zone blitz plays for over a decade.
# 13 RGiles36 @ 04/28/10 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by dmick4324
Gotta laugh at how Gameflow was directly mentioned with "quicker" and the only mention of the game being quicker was in the last paragraph.
That sir, is a good thing. Some people that want to use Gameflow don't necessarily want the game sped up; they just like the feature .
# 14 ch46647 @ 04/28/10 02:49 PM
I like it as well and honestly its hard to complain about it anyway because they have given us the OPTION to turn it off or use just gameplan etc. I wish this weeks blog would have been about the new OL run blocking though.

Also, would love to hear about WR/DB interaction, new passing mechanics (if any), franchise mode, and presentation.
# 15 cinders @ 04/28/10 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by granddogg
like it...cant complain at all
Yep. This is my favourite thing they're doing with '11.
# 16 jmik58 @ 04/28/10 03:15 PM
From a real life coach's perspective, this is awesome! The changes with gameplay in locomotion, making gameplay quicker, and now this... wow, to all the changes.

These are some big time upgrades to the Madden game on their own. Combined this might be one heck of a year for the game.

Now, to get them to incorporate the game planning and other features for NCAA at the same time, and not wait until the next year.
# 17 tef @ 04/28/10 03:26 PM
I wonder if "Game Planning" takes effect during simmed games. I doubt it will happen but it would be great if game plans could be exported and shared.
# 18 spfhelmiii @ 04/28/10 03:28 PM
It was touched on in the blog, but I think this could be a big benefit to FRANCHISE mode for 3 reasons: (1) the challenge, (2) significance of coaching personnel and (3) gameplanning for a particular opponent.

First, on the challenge. I think one of the things I always struggle with is being too comfortable with certain plays. Inevitably I have a few plays that I know how to run really well and while I don't abuse them, they are my "go to" plays in situations where I need to score. This is fairly unrealistic - in the NFL, the plays which you are most comfortable earlier in the season are largely taken away by defensive adjustments late in the season (just ask Peyton, that Pick 6 was a staple play that N.O. had heavily scouted). The Game Flow means that I have to go with whatever play fits the situation... so its more of a challenge for me to run a play that I may not be as familiar with, and its more realistic.

Second, it may (if executed correctly) finally matter who your head coach or OC is. The whole position players bonus thing was a bit silly. IF they tie in certain playbooks and playcalling with certain OCs, hiring someone like Mike Martz is a big deal - your whole offense just changed, without you having to really do anything. That's neat for Franchise mode - I'd prefer to have to find an OC with an offense I like than just simply use whatever playbook I am most comfortable with (though obviously that's still an option).

Finally, the one aspect of Madden that has always lacked is gameplanning. Normally your offense stays the same week to week - at most, I may run the ball more against a defense who is weak in the line. The Game Planning feature means that I can take the time to actually plan out how I want to attack a defense or offense, and with Game Flow, I better do a decent job since those are the plays that are called.

Obviously, none of this matters if its integrated sloppily, which it probably will be. But if by chance they get this right, and overhaul a few other areas of Franchise, we could have that happy medium between old Madden and Head Coach that I've always craved.
# 19 NoTiCe_O @ 04/28/10 03:28 PM
I think I've expessed enough around this forum how much I love the gameflow/gameplannig idea, but for the sake of this blog ..

I love the gameflow, once I get the game I'm gonna set up my gameplan to a Tee. The Bill Bellichick of ranked online is here.
# 20 Koolie G @ 04/28/10 03:35 PM
I'm pretty excited about this feature. I have no problem with the way plays were called before, but this sounds like it will add a whole new dimension to Madden. I thought 10 was a very good game & it looks like 11 may be a significant improvement. I'm looking forward to trying this out. If I don't like it I can just go back to the old way. No harm, no foul.

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